Updated at 1011 on July 25, 2011
Continuing the festive season in Prasanthi Nilayam, 121 devotees from California arrived on a pilgrimage from 21st to 30th July. They got an opportunity to present a song medley, "From Many To One". The programme was presented by the Glendale-Arcadia Sadhana Group and the Glendale Balvikas of Southern California.
The programme had 2 parts. The first part was entitled "Many Voices" and it contained Devotional songs from the Religious and Cultural Traditions of the United States of America. It started with a song of surrender, "Humble Thyself" and continued with the songs "Go Out With Joy", "Shema Yisrael" (Listen, oh Israel), "Oseh Shalom" (He who makes peace), "Demos Gracias"( We give you thanks) and finally the first part concluded with the Cherokee Morning Song sung with a lagged echo effect.

The second part of the programme "One in Adoration" had the participants singing with the an unsullied adoration emerging from the hearts of all. "There is No Birth, There is No Death" was the first song, followed by the Bhajan, "Brahmanda Nayaka" to be continued with some well composed swaras to lead into the song, "You are my Mother, You are my Father", and concluding with the Bhajans, "Allah Eswar Tu", "Saakshaat Parabrahma Sai" and finally "Yuga Yuga ke avataara".

Arati was offered at 1800hrs.