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Then & Now
A day in Ashram


Educare helps us to obtain knowledge of the creation of the universe, the five elements that exist in all creations, their properties, the holistic relationship between different objects in creation and the manner of usage of our five senses in enjoying creation which is but a Divine rainbow created for our pleasure. There is, however, a caveat: while God has given enough avenues of joy in creation, they have to be shared and enjoyed; one is entitled to just one's share of it. The five elements are: space, air, fire, water and the earth. Each of these has one or more attributes but earth alone has all five attributes: shabda, sparsha, roopa, rasa and gandha (sound, touch, form, taste and smell) which are to be grasped by our five senses.

Bhagawan also tells us that nature, which exhibits qualities such as beauty, harmony, balance, peace, unity in diversity, self-regulation and sacrifice, has many lessons for humankind. Dharma is described as the one factor which governs conduct of all objects in nature, animate or inanimate.

All objects of ceeation require to be treated with reverence (and the environment should be protected) as each object has a distinct role to play in nature's cycle.

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