Updated at 1455 on Aug 06, 2011
Children from Germany who participated in the Summer Course 2010 along with other youth, parents and teachers have arrived on a pilgrimage to Prasanthi Nilayam on the first of August. The group about 200 strong had come with a musical offering to their Beloved Bhagawan to express their deepest gratitude for His unconditional love, blessings and guidance in their work all through the year,
The German Summer Course has an over 20-years’ tradition in Germany. Originally it was only for children between 6 to 12 and later it grew into a Sai Family event (including little Sai Stars, age 0-5, children, youth, parents, teachers and grandparents – doing Seva and Study-circles). The different age-groups are led by specially trained Sai Teachers.
Every year in the vacation-time in August, about 100 participants (half of them children) come together for one week in a Youth Hostel, where they arrange morning and evening devotional programs, Bal Vikas lessons and other suitable activities in- and outside the hostel. The songs and prayers which are sung during the summercourse are mainly from the world-religions and Sai-songs.
The Motto of the Summer Course 2010 was: The Ideal Family in Sai (Love all – Serve all) following the topic of the World Conference.
The focus was on the sacredness of devotional and disciplined Morning and Evening Worship, particularly concerning the childrens’ devotional singing; supporting their musical talent and their instrumental, vocal and artistic contributions.
The programme titled "Religions are Many. God is one." started at 1700hrs. A few representatives offered roses to Bhagawan. The German devotees then astounded the assembly with clear vedic recitation of Sikshavalli. They concluded the recitation with Sahana Vavatu...
They continued the programme with sacred verses from Zoroastrianism: 'Armaiti anahita, Ahura Mazda Tame Kare'.. This was followed by verses and songs from Buddhism: 'Budham sharanam gajami' and 'Om Mani Padme Hum'. Judaism was glorified with the piece 'Hevenu Shalom -Shabbat Shalom' and Christianity by the songs 'Dass Du mich einstimmen' and 'Agnus Die'. 'Bismillah' was their song on the glory of Islam.

These songs were followed by songs of gratitude to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, namely, 'He's got the whole world', 'We are the world', 'Gespriesen sei der Herr', 'Laudato si' and 'Du bist die Liebe'. Bhajans by students commenced at the end of this programme at 1750hrs and Prasadam was distributed to the entire gathering.

Arati was offered at 1800hrs.