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Then & Now
A day in Ashram

Excerpts from Divine Discourse

  1. This is your deservedness...
  2. Sing His Glory in Perfection...
  3. Sing His Divine Glory wholeheartedly...
  4. Nothing Belongs to me...Everything is Yours...
  5. Krishna's time...Blissful time for devotees...
  6. Krishna is after sweet, pure heart...
  7. Everything is preordained...
  8. Chitta Chora Yasoda Ke Bal...

Excerpts from Divine Discourse II

  1. It is Enought if You Practise one
  2. Do Namasmarana Incessantly
  3. Krishna... the Great Teacher
  4. Practise Sathya and Dharma
  5. Safeguard Sathya and Dharma
  6. Sathya and Dharma will protect everyone
  7. See that women is well taken care of
  8. Women are Responsible...