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Product Code: 8902
Price: Rs. 200/- (not inclusive of Shipping)
Product Code: 9563
Price: Rs. 250/- (not inclusive of Shipping)
Excerpt from the Foreword to the Book:What determines professional success? Is it primarily your academic qualifications, technical competence in your chosen field, or personality characteristics, or ability to manage efficiently the resources of the organisation, or a combination of all aforementioned factors? Many of us now and many in the past must have pondered over this question for long time without arriving at a convincing answer.
All those who are genuinely seeking answers for the aforesaid questions would find proper answers in this book provided they go through the material in a diligent manner. Baba explains in a convincing way that it is ‘Man-Management’ that enables executives to achieve professional success, which in turn depends on ‘Self-Management’. The content of this book is based on the discourses delivered by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the founder and the Chancellor of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning to the students and faculty of the School of Business Management, Accounting and Finance, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam, on various occasions at different points of time over the last two and half decades.
The matter for some of the chapters such as- 2.3. Role of Educare in Management Education - Insights from the Business School at Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, 4.4. Watch Method of Transformational Leadership, and 5.1.4. Manager and Mind Control is gathered from different discourses of Baba and put together in one place in this book with the intention that readers should get the benefit of such crucial aspects, so critical for managerial excellence, regarding which Baba has offered very stimulating and inspiring insights.
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