Abode of Supreme Peace
Prasanthi Nilayam, the Highest Abode of Peace
is the crest jewel of the now internationally famous village
of Puttaparthi in Andhra Pradesh. With the construction of
this monument of Love and Peace in 1950 by the dedicated and
loving devotees of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba a new Movement
itself for the regeneration of human society has started.
It soon became the cynosure of all eyes of the world as it
housed the Ultimate in human form. People belonging to all
creed and all walks of life cluster here for the coveted Darshan
(sight) of the most beautiful human form on earth descended
to confer Grace, Peace and Love on one and all, black or white,
east or west, young or old. Over a period of years, this structure
gathered a rare beauty and grandeur making it now an architectural
jewel. Its serene atmosphere that proclaims its alchemic influence
on the visiting multitudes is atonce unique and elevating.
Here silence is more eloquent than speech. Service is more
rewarding than chanting or meditation. Absorbing the atmosphere
is a treat to all human faculties. Senses get controlled and
groomed, and mind silenced and attentive. Originally a small
temple in 1950 when it was first dedicated to the Lord, it
has now grown into a much bigger size, covered with a beautiful
roof, covering a Darshan area of some 10,000 square yards.
The expanse of the sitting space on both sides and in the
centre can accommodate 30-40 thousand people, the crowd milling
around and squeezing in to another half of it during celebrations. The irresistible and most powerful Love-Waves emanating from
this Abode of Highest Peace will not spare any spot on the
world map from its care whether it be hard rock or dry sand.
The subtle influence of the Avatar is so
compelling that the impact of a visit to Puttaparthi is great.
Absorbing the spiritual atmosphere here, one feels refreshed
and recouped. It is atonce enchanting and entrancing. People
of different nationalities and cultures realise the Brotherhood
of man and the Fatherhood of God here. Devotees from abroad
are attuned to the atmosphere without much of an effort. After
all who in this world is not related to Prasanthi Nilayam?
It is everybody's home. The pathways leading to the Abode
may look new, but the destination cannot be unfamiliar.
Those who have distanced themselves from
Home, of their own volition, are again initiated into a purposeful,
spiritual life of calm and quiet with no reprimand whatsoever.
In short, a visit to Prasanthi Nilayam is a homecoming from
far and near. The talkative, the extravagant, the egocentric,
the arrogant, the ill-tempered and the short tempered are
cut to size and proper shapes with no additional and visible
labour. It is like a vehicle entering the workshop in a battered
condition, but coming out in good running condition, the duration
depending on the number and depth of dents. But reconstruction
and reconditioning are sure to be. On return hard headed administrators
become soft and friendly, hard hearted industrialists become
kindly and accommodative, conscienceless politicians become
honest and upright, headstrong mothers-in-law become loving
and considerate, irresponsible husbands become sympathetic
and co-operative, wayward children become obedient and disciplined,
unhealthy family relations become healthy and strong, and
so on. All for a sea change. All begin to realise that none
can escape the eyes and hands of Sai. The realisation of the
omnipresence of Sai effects the transformation. Decades ago
Bhagawan Baba had declared that 'every step in the career
of an Avatar is calculated'. This Divine workshop of Prasanthi
Nilayam, the Highest Abode of Peace, is perhaps the first
and foremost in this direction.