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Cultural Program by Devotees from West Bengal

"Love in Action", a skit

August 16, 2008

On the evening of the 16th of August the youth from West Bengal captivated the hearts of all assembled with a skit which tested the core of the values of a proud Sevadal Youth.

This presentation is a depiction of how the Divine energy of Love, when translated into action at an individual level in the form of selfless service to humanity can bring about transformation in the society. It also demonstrates that if one adheres to human values and the principles of ethics, morality and spirituality in every situation without any compromise whatsoever, nothing detrimental can befall upon his life – for whatever happens then is but His Will and His Will would not take us to a situation where His Grace would not protect us.

Most importantly, the presentation aims to highlight the significance of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations in the fulfilment of the Divine Mission and tries to promote fundamental understanding about the organisation, its objectives and purpose.

The presentation, in essence, is a continuation of the presentation made by the Sai Youth of West Bengal during the previous year on the occasion of Independence Day. The last year’s presentation was aimed at creating a general awareness amongst the youth about their role, responsibilities and duties in the Golden Sai Era, wherein the youth had resolved to march ahead ceaselessly on the Divine path shown by Bhagawan. This year’s presentation tried to illustrate the impact and outcome of the fulfilment of such a resolution.

“Love in Action”, is a story of a Sai Youth named Vinay who is strongly committed to values and adheres to them even in trying situations. In order to safeguard the ideals and values, he sacrifices personal gains and benefits. He strongly believes that only individual transformation can bring about transformation in the society. He demonstrates through his life that self transformation can only be achieved by putting into practice the eternal values and engaging oneself in good deeds. His ideology finds its roots in his profound association with the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations which he considers as the most effective platform for transforming oneself and hence the world.

At the grand finale, Vinay’s associates are transformed by seeing his dedication, actions and life. Vinay expresses his gratitude for everything to Bhagawan who has gifted the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations to the humanity for redeeming their lives.