The Satya Sai Central Council of Italy with the participation of Argentinian Devotees presented "Cultura Sai Italiana" at the Divine Lotus Feet of Bhagawan in Prasanthi Nilayam on November 25th, 2006.
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba by His teachings is leading us to meet our Self, The Divine Spark, and to guide us to the Union (Yoga) with God. The encounter with God is the Ultimate Goal Dante Alighieri's inner journey; the Poet wrote the most famous Italian Poem, "The Divine Comedy". The Journey that Dante offers us in his Divine Comedy stretches before us beginning in the Dark Forest, down through the Chasm of Hell, up the Terraces of Purgatory, and into the Spheres of Heaven, as a record of a living experience.