For ten long days,
Her gaze,
Was fixed on the wide blue sky,
Heaving many a sigh,
Looking through the summer sun light,
When will the Divine Chariot be within sight???
She was pleased for her sister cities,
Their joy, their love and their peace,
Delhi and Shimla chosen,
For the Lord’s northern sojourn,
Many a happy tale,
From the gentle wind she did learn…
So many did benefit,
From Bhagawan’s visit,
His enchanting smile, His all knowing gaze,
Ceaseless grace that continued to amaze,
The touch of His lotus feet,
Sorrow and grief did defeat,
His Abhaya Hasta a sweet blessing,
His voice a melody incredibly enchanting,
His elegant orange robe when one did sight,
All hearts were filled with sheer delight…
For those towns she was ever so glad,
But for herself she was some what sad,
She did feel pangs of separation,
Beloved Bhagawan’s return would be her exhilaration…
So she looked up at the sky,
Hoping time would fly,
From dusk to dawn,
From night to morn,
Through harsh sunlight,
Through twinkling starlight,
And then a gust of wind,
Did exciting news bring,
Just what she had been waiting for,
Along with her joy, her heartbeats did soar…
I8th April, a sunny Sunday afternoon,
The Lord was returning, He would be here soon,
Her soul did smile,
Myriad flowers blossomed for over a mile,
She scanned the skies for the chariot divine,
Feeling she had stumbled upon a gold mine…
And so pangs of grief were submerged in joy supreme,
Reality fulfilled her dream,
The tarmac rose up to meet the aircraft, it did seem,
With tears of bliss her eyes did gleam,
So eager was Parthi for this reunion,
She had fretted much for this divine communion…
She learnt from the Lord how to live,
To selflessly give, give and give,
She wanted her life to be a sacrifice too,
For the Lord had given her more than her due,
So she chanted with vigor, so must we do,
It immensely pleases the Lord too,
A lesson for me and you,
‘Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu…’