I saw A Man...
His Voice was sweet, like Nectar, (When it flows!)
And, when He spoke, the words fell, soft,
Like dew drops on a Rose;
His step was firm where'er He walked...
His Foot prints... shining bright,
And, tho' gentle was His Touch,
He was A Man of Might!
And, like A Halo round His Head,
He wore His coal black hair;
And Love, just like a sweet Bouquet,
Was offered everywhere!
He brought a new un clouded
View Unto my human eyes,
And, tho' I knew not whence He came,
I knew The Man was Wise!
The graceful Robe, around His Form,
Caressed Him...
Like a Flame,
And then, I learned from a passer by,
`Sai Baba' was His Name!
I sat among the growing throng...
And, eagerly, I sought to understand
His Mystery...
That filled my every thought;
I saw Him heal an ailing child...
And, soon...
The Name of 'Sathya Sai' was chanted,
And, silent, as a passing breeze,
And bare of foot... He trod,
And 'something' whispered in my soul
"This is not Man… BUT GOD!"
The years have passed on restless wings,
And, strong; the Bond remains...
And, when I cannot understand,
He silently explains!
There is no ‘goal’ I can't achieve...
No Load I cannot bear
As long as (in my human way!)
I see His Footsteps there!
His Smile is Something
I recall with tenderness .... And awe!
For me... He spreads a Shining Path,
And opens every door...
I kneel in gratitude,
As tear drops fill my eye,
And, whisper soft, I speak the words
"I love You, Sathya Sai..." |