Horsley Hills in Chittoor district provide a summer resort with a salubrious climate, for, they take us to an elevation of 4000 feet above sea level; they are also easily accessible, being on the highroad between Kadiri and Madanapalle.
At the request of the devotees in the Madanapalle and Voyalpad Taluks in Chittoor District, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba spent ten days on these hills, between the 5th and 15th June - days which were filled with experiences that would never be wiped from their memory. Hundreds from the villages and towns around travelled by car and bus to the quiet Bungalow where Baba stayed and received from His Hand the Divine Prasad which they craved for.
They had the rare privilege of joining in the Bhajan Sessions, which Baba held every day, and they could hear Baba Himself teaching inspiring Namavalis to the earnest participants. Baba was kind enough to address the staff and students of the School at the Hills, at the request of the Educational Officer, of the Tirupati Tirumalai Devasthanams who have established it under their auspices.
Devotees who were with Baba had the unique opportunity of learning from Him during the long discussions He had with them, solutions for all their spiritual problems and the steps they had to take in Spiritual Sadhana. Howard Murphet of the Theosophical Society, and Mrs. Murphet were among the group and they had many opportunities of witnessing Bhagawan's Divine Powers, His Grace and His Omniscience. The poem from Howard Murphet's pen has emanated from the heart of the poet, a heart filled with thanksgiving for all the awe reverence and wisdom that were provided by Baba during those days of intimate association—gifts that supplemented the experiences of previous months and that were continued later, at Prasanthi Nilayam itself.
There were others too at Horsley Hills from all the States of India, who used the opportunity for the elucidation and solution of the manifold problems, in spiritual practice, that were harassing them.
Bhagawan moved in the company of the devotees among the hills and dales of this delightful place, and during these hours, He gave them glimpses of His Omnipotence and Omnipresence. Plucking a jasmine flower from a creeper, He breathed on it and made it into a diamond,of exceeding brilliance. Picking up a piece of granite, He gave it to a member of the party, but, it was not the stone that he received, it was the stone turned sugar-candy! Those among the group of devotees who had not received from His Hand the Amrita on Vaikuntha Ekadasi Day in previous years had the satisfaction of getting it from His Hand at Horsley Hills, when He materialised a silver vessel full of the precious nectar and gave each one the coveted sign of Grace. This incident must be the basis for the lines in the poem of Murphet:
But, we shall drink Amrita
And eat the Moksha fruit
for the Amrita is but a reminder of man and his inner reality, his ever-present destiny. The fruit that Baba creates and gives to us for eating is just a reminder of the Moksha fruit which the Tree of Life should yield to every man and bird and beast.
Another day, He created Japamalas, for those who deserved that Gift; others got other sacred articles, created by that Divine Hand, which will be treasured as inspirations and instructions.
While exhorting the devotees seated around Him one day to
Reach beyond the portals
To where the Part is whole
Beyond all thought, all feeling,
Beyond the stars and sun,
Beyond the cosmic zero
To where all things are One
Bhagawan created a picture of the Cosmic Purusha, the Personified Universe, the Viraat Swarupa, and, the person to whom it was given as well as others were overwhelmed with joy, when they found in the picture, representations of Bhagawan in His Present Incarnated Form as Sathya Sai Baba and also, in His Previous Form, as the Sai Baba of Shirdi.
The fortnight on the Hills provided precious chances for thousands of people, from high government officers to the simple farmers and woodcutters to receive His Blessings and to listen to His voice—the voice that teaches so lovingly, that wards so endearingly, that thrills so sweetly. When He left for the Plains, even the forest trees were sad for, He has come for all beings that breathe, the vital airs He has prescribed for life. |