"Vid... Jnane". "Veda" means "Jnana" the knowledge which makes you `know thyself'. It is `apourusheya', unconnected with any person as author, because It emanated in the purified consciousness of sages and was by them communicated to seekers. The Rishis are therefore called "manthra drashtaarah", for they had a vision of the illuminating formulae which gave them the key to spiritual ascent. The Veda is "Shruti", that which was ' heard ' in the silence of the soul and later, taught by the Guru to the Shishya, orally, in the hermitage. Bhagawan has often declared that the Veda is the very root of Sanathana Dharma, the moral and spiritual discipline for all mankind. "Aloukikam purushaartha upaayam vetthi anena, ithi Veda sabda nirvachanam", says Sayanacharya. "The meaning of the word Veda is that which teaches how to achieve the supra-worldly aim of man." He says, "Prathyakshena anumithyaa vaa" (By direct observation or by inference) "yasthu upaayo na buddhyathe" (that which is un-understandable by such means) "enam vidantbi Vedena" (that is understood by the Veda) "thasmaad Vedasya Vedathaa" (that is the Vedahood of the Veda.) No wonder, Bhagawan is blessing all efforts to revive the study of the Vedas and to promote the Vedic Way of life!
The Veda teaches the most universal and the most comprehensive concept of the "Will behind the Universe". In the famous Prajapati Suktha, the Lord of all created beings is extolled: "He was before the beginning; He sustains Earth and Sky; He has the four directions as His Four Arms; He rules by Right and Rectitude." In the equally famous Purusha Suktha, the universe is described as but an emanation of a single quarter of His Majesty. From the descriptions given in other Sukthas, the inference is irresistible that the Supreme Being created the Universe out of His own Moola Prakriti or what the scientists may call the `Ethereal Expanse.' In the Naasadiya Suktha, the highest Reality is sung in the sweetest poetry. "Before and beyond, there was then neither now or after, neither Is or Is-not; there was no ether, either. Who was hidden where? Which had hidden what and where? There was then just that One, `Thadekam'. Who can dive into the mystery, how the One burst into Many, what the cause, how the process? Perhaps, He too is unaware!" If man, but understands intellectually the philosophy of the Veda and is, but moved emotionally by the poetry of the Veda, his life is bound to be transformed into a pilgrimage to the God within him.
The Veda helps man to lead a pure purposeful life, to transform the Age from Kaliyuga to Sathya Yuga. It is Bhagawan's Sankalpa that this Transformation should happen; that is the meaning of the great enthusiasm, with which persons, devoted to the Vedas, turn to Bhagawan for His Blessings! |
Go! Scatter good news everywhere!
‘is feeding time for roots!
The world grows sick with hate and greed
Will soon get fresh and green!
‘Twill now be full of fragrant smiles
And sweetest fruits of Peace.
The Vedic Sage, he sang in joy,
“Vedaham ethad Purusham Mahantham”
He is here in human form!
Go, tell every living sage the news
And heal his deep-felt pain!
Do you thrill to Vedic song?
Are you skilled in Vedic rite?
Are you hurt when good men weep?
Take heart! For, He has come!
Ye Pundits, ancient pillars!!
Stand firm! And, do not totter!
Sages, scholars, sadhakas,—all,
Haste to the Vedapurusha, here;
Sit around the sacred fire, and see
Serene, secure, the Dawn Divine.
Baba bless all who march
With faith along the Vedic Path!