Everyone who visits Prasanthi Nilayam encounters some wonderful experiences. But most of these experiences are `heartfelt' and subtle and hence difficult to express, difficult to put in words, because they are at a level deep within. However, many people give vent to their experiences and feelings by spasmodic utterance, or spurts of expression, which would be considered as illogical in the normal run of life. But such `tangential' expressions and exclamations are sometimes very interesting and, in a way, they express much more than our long drawn descriptions! Read on for some such expressions as compiled by Dat Pethe, published in SS, May 1976.
Many a visitor has expressed that, qualities such as Logic, Relevance, Conformity and Consistency which are musts in our normal social relations are at their dead end at Prasanthi Nilayam. Visitors transcend these things quite effortlessly. Most of the people are not even conscious of this achievement!
During our recent trip to Prasanthi Nilayam, there were two men and a couple who were going to Prasanthi Nilayam for the first time, while two of us had visited the place before. I propose to relate some expressions and impressions that poured out, or rather were spurted out of these people, and other visitors. They would be found to be full of pure sentiment and deep meaning.
When we were nearing Prasanthi Nilayam, one of us exclaimed `I feel I am sucked in; I am pulled towards the hill by some huge gigantic magnet, I do not feel I am in the car at all'.
At Prasanthi Nilayam, I have heard it said that `On each and every grain of sand is engraved the name and figure of Baba! The photos in the shops are superfluous.'
One of the friends who had come for the first time, remarked after having the Darshan of Baba, "Baba does not walk at all. He only glides; He keeps on gliding on an arc of a circle, like an angel. He appears from nowhere and disappears into nowhere.”
A friend said that Baba looks at everyone, simultaneously, all at a time—very deeply and intensely, much more keenly than when a common man looks at a single object at close quarters. "Yes, Sir, He is THE THOUSAND EYED Purusha, of the Purusha Sukta."
I have enquired of people whether they also happen to give up their normal spiritual practices and sadhana like me when at Prasanthi Nilayam and most of them say that they do discard such routines of theirs without any hesitation or feeling of guilt though there is no such direction from any source. KULARNAVA Tantra emphatically declares that when in close proximity of the Divine GURU, no Tapas, no fasting, no observance, no purificatory bath need be performed.
In spite of Baba's advice I often foolishly delve into the mysteries: Who is Baba? What is Baba? Who am I? When I grapple thus, I sometimes reach to the expression of Gurustotra—Sarva Sruti Sirorathna Virajitha Padambuja: (The Lotus Feet adorned with the highest ranking Gem of all Shrutis). But then the MYSTERY becomes only greater. But let me say that while the normal mysteries of our life confuse and annoy us, THIS one is sweet in itself; it elevates my spirit, every time I dwell on it.
Now, I shall enumerate a few interesting utterances that have fallen on my ears while in the Presence:
"Why should Baba give anybody anything at all? How and why does everyone feel that he is entitled to receive something?"
"Who is Baba? Who am I? I do not know; the answers are two blanks; but these two blanks are intimately connected; that is my direct feeling and conception; it gives me great solace within.”
"People come to Prasanthi Nilayam because they think that their real life centres and spiritual content is at Prasanthi Nilayam. People know that they are nearer to themselves, when at Prasanthi Nilayam than anywhere else.”
"Baba is dark like Sri Krishna at first sight, but He becomes fairer and fairer as you see him more and more.”
"Baba looks small in stature, but when he comes near us he appears majestic and mighty and gives cool shade in which we feel pleasurably obliterated.”
"After talking with Baba we have to seek our own arms and face and trunk to make sure that we are intact and exist as before.”
I must now relate the story of the young man who was engaged and was in our company. His fiancée is a Baba devotee and had asked the young man to go with her to Puttaparthi. For the first two days at Prasanthi Nilayam, he was asserting that Baba was only a Siddha Purusha. But, on the third day, without the benefit of any interview, but in a flash and with a gush of tears in a dazed state, he came to the conviction that he was grossly mistaken.
We reached Bangalore the next day late in the evening. Next morning the lady who had accompanied us, told every one, "How nice to think that on this very earth, there is Paradise, and we were there yesterday! I can always remember the Paradise and visit it again when the call comes.