Popularly known as the ‘First Lady of Yoga’, Ms. Indra Devi had been the recipient of immense blessings from Bhagawan and many of her miraculous experiences were published in the early editions of Sanathana Sarathi. Read on yet another scintillating experience heralding the omnipresence of Bhagawan.

We were returning form TIJUANA, a town on the Mexican border, 42 miles away from Tecate, my husband and I, when we saw big clouds of smoke in the distance. Alfonso, our headman, who was at the wheel, said, "Fire, on Rancho Cuchuma!"

When we drove into the gates of our ranch, we saw the wall of fire and smoke rapidly approaching the STUDENTS' HOUSE. A strong wind was blowing in the direction of the House. Firemen and people from the nearby village were there; but, they were watching the vast area of burning brush land, without being able to do anything. For, there was no water outlet, anywhere around.

"Did you talk to Sai Baba?" asked my husband.

"Not yet. i'm going to, now," i answered, running towards the main house.

"Ask Him to change the direction of the wind," shouted Renia, who was living on the top floor of the STUDENTS' HOUSE, "Nothing else," she added, "Change the direction."

I went downstairs into the meditation room; (We also have another meditation room with a light perpetually burning in it). I lit all the candles, about 30 of them; and, while lighting them I decided not to ask him for anything. Just let him know that the fire is within a few minutes of the house. If he thinks it should burn down, let it go. If he thinks it should stay, he'll protect it somehow. Then, I sent for my husband and Renia, deciding that I should not be the only one involved.

When the three of us came upstairs we all stood still in amazement! The wind was chasing the `fire wall' into exactly the opposite direction!

"There goes Sai Nilayam," i though to myself.

I learned later that the firemen on the American side prevented the flames from leaping across the border, although everyone at the Nilayam had packed their things and sat ready to leave by car.

The Mexican workers watched the wind turn round, and exclaimed, "Milagro! Senora" (Miracle! Madam!).

Rosita (our Instructor and my adopted daughter) and Lynn (one of the participants and the only one who had remained reserved about Bhagawan; every one else became his devotee) in the Teachers' Course were standing behind the STUDENTS HOUSE, watching the approaching flames. Of a sudden, Rosita felt something happening within her. "SAI BABA" was her first thought. She turned to Lynn; Lynn gave her a strange look, saying, "SAI BABA IS HERE", and tears tolled down her cheeks.


Lynn said, grabbing Rosita's arm. Both saw a most unbelievable thing happen. The ‘running fire' stood still for a moment! And, then as if swept by the movement of an invisible hand, turned around, and `dashed' into the opposite (!) direction!

“Do you have photo of Sai Baba you could give me? ' asked Lynn in a hurry.

"Mataji", concluded Rosita, I've "never seen such a quick change iany one, as I saw in her.”

Wearing Bhagawan's ring, Japamala, and a new sari, I took the movie camera, and went to take a picture of the fire.

Later, towards, the evening, as we sit in the kitchen, with all our workers to have some tea, Matias, our cook said, "I shall have to start believing in Sai Baba, after what I've seen today, with my own eyes". The phone rang and the telegraph office clerk said that nobody came to pick up a telegram that had been lying there for a whole week, since we had totally forgotten to send for it.

When Rosita brought it in, it was a wire from Baba(!) inviting me to come to the opening of the Anantapur College on July 8th.

"He wants you to come", said my husband, "so, why don't you go?" Three days later, i was on my way to India Oh! Bhagawan!

While leaving Prasanthi Nilayam for Tecate, Bhagawan gave a beautiful medallion of Laxmi.

"That is for the house", He explained, "for protection..." "NO MORE FIRES".
(source: Sanathana Sarathi, Sept 1971)

The 108 devotees from Assam, who had come to Prasanthi Nilayam for the Birthday Festival, were asked by Bhagawan to assemble in the Prayer Hall, at 8 pm on the 24th, so that He might meet them all together. He spoke to them for over an hour on Sadhana and spiritual progress. He gave them His Blessings for a happy return journey, and spoke affectionately of the hardships they underwent on their 'way by train, linguistic disturbances in Assam and Bengal whose brunt they bear, the Cyclone in Orissa, Bandhs and Strikes in Andhra, downpour of rain due to the depression in the Bay near Chennai (formerly Madras) etc.

Then, He moved along the lines of men and women, sitting face to face, distributing the precious Vibhuti Prasad to each one.

He gave a handful of packets to one woman and passed on. A few steps later, He halted and returned to where that woman sat. Picking a couple of packets from the basket He had in His left hand, He gave them again to her, saying, "Ye billy ke liye"! She looked up, puzzled! Bhagawan repeated, "Ye billy ke liye" "These, for the cat"!

She was thrilled; she remembered her pet cat, at her home, in far off Gauhati.

O, How Baba loved it! Yes! Eight months ago, Baba had given proof of that. That night, she had some friends for dinner; her sister, the matron of the Government Hospital was there too. The cat was in the corner of the kitchen eyeing what was going on; suddenly, it snatched a piece of fish and ran. She was enraged; she took a stick and gave it a nice good beating.

But, even while she was doing it, all the pictures of Baba on the walls of her home, in the shrine, and on the table began, swaying, swinging and even falling! Two fell on the table from the wall but were luckily unhurt! Her sister and the friends ran out of the house suspecting an earthquake! The woman was plunged in fear.

Recovering gradually, she suspected that it must be Baba's way of teaching her the Lesson of Love. She took the crouching, shivering, cat in her lap; while stroking its back, she found that its fur was full of fragrant Vibhuti which Baba had already showered to alleviate its pain! Tears of repentance filled her eyes; thinking of Baba's presence in the house filled her with joy.

That was the Cat for which Baba gave her the two packets, at Prasanthi Nilayam, eight months later.

Infinite Compassion of Baba!
(source: Sanathana Sarathi, January 1972)