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Several noble souls have worshipped God in
different ways – some by doing penance, some by charity,
some even by sacrificing their lives. Some others dedicated
their lives for teaching and propagating the sacred scriptures
by touring the entire world. Nevertheless, they could not
win God’s grace and love. Why? Samsara
Sagaroththara Sajjana Sevanam Vina (one cannot cross
the formidable ocean of Samsara,
except by serving the noble souls). It is only by serving
noble souls and great men that one can attain the power of
penance. No sadhana other than
selfless service will enable one to attain Divinity. The punya
(merit) of our students is indeed great. They have
been able to have the darshan,
sparshan and sambashan
of several noble souls and obtain their grace. In fact, several
people in Bharat sanctified their
lives by such darshan, sparshan
and sambashan. (Referring to
Sant Asaram Bapu, Swami said) He has taken a lot of trouble
to come over here, all the way from Gujarat, to address our
students. It is their good fortune. He has a kind and loving
heart. His teachings are very essential for our students.
In an age when faith and devotion have eroded and atheism
has become the order of the day due to the effect of Kali,
such teachings are very much necessary, especially for the
students to keep them on the right track.
Dear Students!
You cannot get fulfilment in life by merely having darshan
or sparshan or Sambashan
of noble souls. You will attain peace and tranquility only
when you have all the three. In order to sanctify human life,
the Navavidha Bhakti (nine forms
of devotion) are very essential. They are Sravanam
(listening), Kirtanam (singing),
Vishnusmaranam (contemplating
on Vishnu), Padasevanam (serving
His Lotus Feet), Vandanam (salutation),
Archanam (worship), Dasyam
(servitude), Sneham (friendship)
and Atmanivedanam (self-surrender).
Man can sanctify his life by sravanam,
mananam and nidhidhyasanam
(listening, recapitulation and contemplation). Today’s
children are very intelligent. But, it is only when they put
their intelligence to proper use, can they make their lives
sanctified. And, spirituality is the only path that can make
one’s life sanctified! Today’s students are, however,
putting their intelligence to wrong use and are wasting their
time engaging themselves in vain argumentation. God’s
grace can be obtained only through love and by no other means.
It is the only Raja Marga (royal path). Students should develop
the faith that their lives will be sanctified by treading
that royal path.
Dear Students!
Education is not mere reading of books. By reading books,
we can only acquire bookish knowledge. Whatever knowledge
has been acquired must be put into practice. If you want to
earn God’s grace, love is the royal path. Man has been
able to acquire several powers by love. It is by love alone
can one win the minds of others. He can even gain control
over nature. Spiritual sadhana can also become fruitful by
love alone. The mind can never be controlled by bad qualities,
bad thoughts and bad company. Human nature can be sanctified
only by divine and selfless love. The only property and power
that will never diminish in every human being is love. You
may share it with any number of people, yet it does not diminish,
but will continue to grow. The reference in this context is
not to worldly love, but to transcendental love. We must love
God in the same way as we love our own father and mother.
It should be so natural and spontaneous. You cannot find a
parallel to such love. Therefore, every individual, from the
time he gets up from bed till he goes back to bed, must strive
to make his life sanctified by love. You must love your fellow
human beings, treating them as your friends. By cultivating
such universal love, the whole world can be united as a single
family. It is not possible by any other means. Therefore,
develop such universal love.
Dear Students!
You are struggling a lot to acquire education. By this education,
you may perhaps read some textbooks, appear for examinations,
pass them and secure a degree. But, all this education is
negative in character. You must acquire positive education
which would bring out the latent qualities in you like divine
love, peace, compassion, forbearance, etc. You must cultivate
those qualities assiduously by constant practice. Several
people of the older generation sanctified their lives by fostering
such noble qualities. If human mind is to be transformed,
it could be done only by love, nothing else. Mind…mind…mind.
You know how it works. It is always changing and very powerful.
It cannot be controlled by any power, except love.
Dear Students!
Dedicate your love only to God. There are people in the world
who dedicated their love for different purposes, for example,
for acquiring education, for acquiring proficiency in various
arts, sports and games, for the sake of certain individuals,
etc. Could they attain Divinity? No, No. You must realise
the truth that it is only by constant contemplation of God
with single-minded devotion that one can attain Divinity.
Therefore, dear students! You realise the truth that God cannot
be attained by any other science, except the science of love.
God gives Himself to love easily. Hence, attain Divinity through
love. There is no force greater than love in this world.
Everything in this world is a worry.
To be born is a worry, to be
on the earth is a worry; world is a cause of worry and death
too; entire childhood is a worry and so is the old age; life
is a worry, failure is a worry; all actions and difficulties
cause worry; even happiness too is a mysterious worry.
If you are able to win the grace of God, all your worries
will be removed. You may pursue worldly education; nothing
wrong in that. But, you must be prepared to sacrifice your
life even, for attaining Divine love, which is permanent,
changeless and eternal. Several great and noble souls have
travelled throughout the world and strove to uplift the world
by their sacred teachings. What would have been the fate of
the country of Bharat, if such great souls were not born!
Every individual shall, therefore, strive to emulate the ideals
of such great souls and elders. Whatever they say, must be
taken as an authority of the scriptures. You may perhaps think
that you are able to speak eloquently in English and therefore
feel proud that you know everything. Pride and arrogance are
most reprehensible qualities. They land you in abysmal depths.
It is only by the quality of love does a human being becomes
Dear Students!
You should therefore, cultivate love and strive to attain
the grace of God and sanctify your lives by humility, devotion
and faith in God. Love is the sole refuge for a human being,
which will take him to God. Several elders have reached their
goal only through love. You follow their example. Never lose
your wealth of love. Make love as your primary objective in
your life. Love may appear to be very simple thing to you.
But there is no force greater than love. Love is God, God
is Love and therefore live in Love. That is what you have
to learn.
- Bhagawan concluded His Divine Discourse by singing the Bhajan,
“Prema Muditha Manase