Bhagawan returns to Prasanthi Nilayam for a joyous welcome…

18thMay 2007: Prasanthi wore a big smile on her face and the lives around turned sanguine adorning exuberant charm…the News was all about the Return of the Lord…Bhagawan’s return to Prasanthi Nilayam after His Kodai Sojourn, Summer 2007.
Joy of expectation…expecting nothing less, but the Lord in physical, this spiritual town was bustling with bubbling enthusiasm ever since the news of His Return broke couple of days ago and finally got a seal of confirmation. Overlooking simmering summer with sun god blazing down mercilessly, the lives in Prasanthi got into action and one could see up and erect banners welcoming the Lord, colour splashed artistically down on the road with Rangoli adorning the floors, band troupes beating the drums out in open daring the blazing sun heralding the joy of the imminent good fortune, and prayerful hearts waiting baited with silent devotion. The long waiting of the devoted hearts seated in the Sai Kulwant Hall came to an end when Bhagawan reached the hall at 16:00 hrs. IST to a ceremonial welcome by a group of students and devotees. Bhagawan straight away drove into the Sai Kulwant Hall, accepted Mangala Arathi before retiring to His Dvine Abode, Yajur Mandiram after spending around five minutes inside the interview room.
Earlier Bhagawan left Sai Shruthi, His ashram in Kodaikanal at around 7:30 a.m. to reach Palani, popular for the famous Subramania Temple at around 9:30 a.m. After a half an hour halt He set off to Coimbatore to reach at around 12:30 in the afternoon. He visited the Kalyana Mantapam in between where hundreds of devotees gathered to catch of a glimpse of the Lord and the entire troupe following Bhagawan had a sumptuous lunch at Coimbatore. The final lap of journey started at 2:35 p.m. and the 'Flight with Divinity' touched Prasanthi Nilayam Airport at 3:20 p.m.
It was indeed a special boon for Puttaparthi this time, as the Lord most magnanimously chose to return to this most privileged village turned township and an exuberant Prasanthi Nilayam was ever ready to dare the blazing Sun, but never wanted to miss her Beloved Lord…and hearing her prayers, returned The Lord!