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My Dear Students - Volume 3

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Product Code: 9959


Price: Rs. 75/- (not inclusive of Shipping)

The ‘My Dear Students’ series of books is a humble attempt of compiling 108 Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Baba to His students. These Discourses are from a collection given by Bhagawan over the last 3 decades, on various occasions in the Hostels, Institute and Mandir – at Prashanti Nilayam, Brindavan and Kodaikanal. Many of these Discourses are very rare and have not been released hitherto. Across the 5 Volumes of this series, the Discourses have been divided into numerous themes which are of great relevance to the student community and on which Bhagawan has delved in great depth. Some of the major themes include: Advice to Students, True Education, Sanatana Dharma, Education and Culture, Love, Devotion, Ideal Living, Human Life, Message from Avataric Lives, Divine Personages, Sai on Himself, Sports and Games, Sadhana and Non-Dualism.

In these Discourses, Bhagawan has covered practically all aspects of students’ lives. He highlights in no uncertain terms what He expects from students, what is good for students and what they should be doing in order to fulfill their role as ideal Sai students. He has very lucidly, through stories, anecdotes and examples from the scriptures and from the lives of various saints, sages of India and of heroes of various Indian epics communicated His message to the students. The Discourses reveal His love and concern as a mother, the discipline and authority as a father, the proximity and frankness as a friend and the supreme benediction and grace as God Himself.

Baba released this Volume on June 28, 2010 in the Prashanti Nilayam Mandir, just before the beginning of the auspicious Guru Pournima Festival season.

In this Volume 3 of My Dear Students, 18 Divine Discourses are covered through four major themes – Advice to Students, Sports and Games, Sai on Himself and Divine Personages.

For Ordering Information, please send your emails mentioning the product code, product name, number of copies and shipping address to orders@sssbpt.org