
Archival - Mar 2010
Archival - Apr 2010
Archival - May 2010
Last updated @ 2000 hrs. IST, June 30
Thu, July 1, 2010: Auspicious Thursday arrived heralding an early evening darshan! Emerging at 1715 hrs. to the chants of Vedam that got enhanced with the primary children joining full throat, Bhagawan went for two full rounds of Sai Kulwant Hall before ascending the portico at 1740 hrs., after 25 minutes of Darshan rounds!
Moving into the bhjan hall Bhagawan blessed three students who were set to make their debute in Burrakatha, in the evening in His divine presence. Exiting through the main door, Bhagawan glided through the lower portico to come onstage at 1750 hrs., round of Ganesha, to the holy chants of Rudram.
It's to be mentioned that the three new boys, Amit Chandra and Janakiram of 2nd MSc. and Manikant of 2nd BA have been practising for quite sometime gearing up for their maiden show. As had been blessed by Bhagawan, the trio were ready and the stage was set for a Burrakatha on the sublime story of the 'Holy Twins' of Treta.
It was past 1800 hrs. and the fresh faces were ushered into the Divine presence to a round of applause from fellow students and loud cheers from the tiny tots from Primary School, who seemed amused at the arrival of the new 'heroes'.
Full throated Vedam continued till 1805 hrs. when Bhagawan sent His green signal for the commencement of the programme.
Weaving through the epic Ramayana, next 45 minutes witnessed the illustrious life of Lord Rama and Mother Sita and the holy twins under depiction, often bringing inserts, referring to the present day Avatar. The forty-five minute programme concluded at 1900 hrs., highlighting Bhagawan's message in essence, My Life is My Message, urging one and all to sing Sai's glory..
Next fifteen minutes saw Bhagawan, flanked by the artistes and accompanists, interacting and imparting blessings in abundance. Singer artiste in the Burrakatha troupe was blessed with a golden ring while the others were blessed with Vibhuti Prasadam followed by group photo sessions.
Mangala Arathi was offered at 1915 hrs. Upon accepting Arathi, off He retired from the dais, enroute blessing prasadam for primary children before having a series of interactions with some seniors. It was 1925 hrs. and Bhagawan slowly glided past the western aisle leading to the ladies' side, retiring to Yajur Mandiram.
Wed, June 30, 2010: There was a soothing poetic prayer set to rhythm and melody, sung in fervent devotion, rendering the air in Prasanthi as Bhagawan passed by the singers' block in the morning after emerging at 0942 hrs. granting Divine Darshan. Mera Jeevan Tere Hawale Prabhu Ise Pag Pag Tu Hi Samhale ...a true prayer of surrender set the trend for a series of fast bhajans as Bhagawan sat through a session that lasted at 1035 hrs.
Earlier, emerging at 0941 hrs., Bhagawan went for a full round, pausing for a while at the US gents' block interacting with Alejandrou Grana, the conductor for the last evening's US presentation, before completing the round. Coming onto the portico, Bhagawan spoke to some seniors before getting into the interview room to exit soon, coming onstage at 0955 hrs. through the doctors' block.
A crescendo marked His entry onstage as bhajans got into a higher gear ensuring a lively session. Half-an-hour into the session, calling a music college passout, Bhagawan blessed him with a golden chain after 'reading' and interacting with the boy. Couple of bhajans followed before Bhagawan indicated for Mangala Arathi at 1035 hrs. As a pause of silence engulfed the hall, Bhagawan sat through for sometime before moving off the dais, interacting with one of the doctors, before gliding into the ladies' side retiring for the session.
In the evening, Bhagawan was ushered into the hall 'quite early', early when compared to the prevailing timings, at 1728 hrs. Coming for a full round, Bhagawan came onstage in ten minutes, well received with full-throated singing. Sitting onstage for a while, Bhagawan moved off the dais getting into the interview room, at 1750 hrs. Emerging shortly, in ten minutes, Bhagawan moved into the bhajan hall before exiting to come onstage at 1805 hrs.
The session prolonged with soulful renderings as Bhagawan sat through adorning the dias, watching over, lighting up many hearts and souls. It was 1845 hrs. and as if sensing The Lord's departure, rain god came in full force lashing out at Prasantbhi pushed by heavy wind wafting cool breeze across the township. Simultaneously Bhagawan indicated for Mangala Arathi. Upon accepting Arathi, blessing the beneficiaries, Bhagawan sat through as some boys made it to the dais with some presentations. Sitting for some more time glancing over "His Property", Bhagawan moved off the dais at 1900 hrs. Rain God seemed to be happy at his last minute entry and darshan, as he calmed down. The car was ready for the Lord and Bhagawan got into the same retiring to Yajur Mandiram, a scene, Prasanthi witnessed, The Lord retiring in His car in the evening, after a long interval. ...And it was still drizzling in the township.
Tue, June 29, 2010: On a pleasant tuesday morning that had an extra touch of freshness, thanks to overnight drizzle, Bhagawan emerged at 0825 hrs. coming for a full round of Sai Kulwant Hall. Accepting letters, interacting with some in between and more often casting His benedictory glance upon the assembly, Bhagawan moved through coming onto the portico to glide through further to come onstage in ten minutes, round of Ganesha.
Heightened tempo in Veda chanting marked His entry onstage as finer strains of the chanting hijacked the air in Prasanthi reverberating with powerful vibrations.
As He sat on, as is His wont these days, Bhagawan called one of the bhajan boys unto Him blessing him with an emerald ring followed by a Vibhuti packet, that flung unto the him as Bhagawan delivered the same in His inimitable style. As the chanting continued beyond the scheduled hour, yet another boy was called, granting him the experience of bliss of a close personal interaction.
At 0905 hrs. and Bhagawan indicated for bhajans to commence. Hailing "auspiciousness in Divine form", Lord Shiva in human frame, came the bhajan "Hara Hara Gange..." sung in high pitch, joined in chorus by the assembly, that served as a thrilling and elevating experience, with The Form adorning the centre stage of the dais.
The session continued till 0945 hrs. when Bhagawan indicated for Mangala Arathi. Upon accepting Arathi, Bhagawan moved off the dais towards the interview room where He had an extensive ten minute session with the Registrar and Controller of Examinations of Sri Sathya Sai University. At 0955 hrs. Bhagawan turned towards the ladies' end, retiring for the session to Yajur Mandiram.
Blue scarved men and women from the US, quite distinctly seated, have been praying for the past almost a week ever since their arrival for their turn to sing in His immediate Divine presence. Bhagawan has been interacting with some of the senior representatives ever since their arrival.
The US contingent that has been awating its turn to sing unto Him in His immediate Divine presence finally got its prayer heard as Bhagawan sat through a session that lasted for more than an hour watching the USA Unison Singing Programme held in Sai Kulwant Hall, this evening.
The pause of silence for more than an hour after the regular Vedam chanting was broken with another bout of Vedam chanting heralding the Divine entry into the Sai Kulwant Hall. Emerging at 1834 hrs. Bhagawan went for a full round of blessing, casting His Divine benedictory glance upon the deep blue scarved US group that was seated in front at the 3rd block, before coming onstage at 1840 hrs.

Upon taking the dais, Bhagawan called the US men awaiting with initial set of offerings for blessings as a prelude to the programme, with Veda chanting continuing in the backdrop. Commencing the programme with introduction followed by hymns in praise of The Lord, continued with a series of thematic songs with fine music accompaniment, in various languages, namely, spanish, english, latin etc., the programme had its final song, a famous devotional number across the US in praise of Bhagawan, before Bhagawan asked the troupe to sing bhajans.
Bhajans continued till 1950 hrs. when Bhagawan called for Mangala Arathi. Blessing the beneficiaries, blessing the US group officials, blessing the concourse with abhayahastha, Bhagawan moved off the dais moving into the bhajan hall. Exiting the hall in five minutes, Bhagawan moved towards the ladies' side, at 2005 hrs., retiring for the day.
It was simple and disciplined devotion that was on display with many a hundred across the seven seas pouring their hearts out singing in unison HIS glory, in typical western style, marking their journey back to Him.
Mon, June 28, 2010: After the previous evening's glorious tale of "darshan beyond the nightfall", this morning, the fresh week began with yet another glorious darshan!
Emerging just after 0900 hrs., with the commencement of bhajans, Bhagawan went for a full round granting darshan before coming onto the portico. Interacting with some boys, Bhagawan glided through the lower portico to come onstage at 0910 hrs., round of Ganesha.
Lively session ensued with some fast paced bhajans as Bhagawan continued to sit, at times giving finger beats in His inimitable style. The session contined till 0945 hrs. when Bhagawan accepted Mangala Arathi. After Arathi, the Universal Prayer and three Jaikars a pause of silence followed. Glancing at the bhajan group Bhagawan nodded for a 'singing duo', calling them unto the dais. After a short interaction and blessings, Bhagawan moved off the dais, interacting with some on His way, heading into the interview room. Exiting soon, Bhagawan interacted with some seniors followed by some students before gliding through the aisle leading to the ladies' side, retiring for the session, marking the end of an hourlong session on this first morning of the week.
Even as the fleeting dusk was busy painting her natural spread of reddish orange tinged panoramic canvas across the western horizon, back in God's Own Prasanthi, the glowing reddish orange tinge of The Lord's enchanting form was busy spreading a Divine panoramic canvas permeating bliss all around in the beautiful twilight on monday, 28 June 2010.
Emerging at 1832 hrs., Bhagawan went for a full round of the hall blessing the concourse, conferring birthday benedictions on students before arriving at the portico. Gliding past the lower portico, acceeding to many a prayer with His benign benedictory glance, Bhagawan came onstage to the alluring Shiva bhajan, "Aum Namah Shivaya...Aum Namah Shivaya....Aum Namah Shivaya....Namah Om...Namah Om..."
As bhajans continued with raised tempo, prasadam was blessed by Bhagawan that was subsequently distributed to the entire assemblage, with Bhagawan watching over the proceedings. Blissful singing continued till 1925 hrs. when Bhagawan nodded for Mangala Arathi. Accepting Arathi, blessing the beneficiaries, Bhagawan moved off the dais retiring to Yajur Mandiram.
Sun, June 27, 2010: Weekend sunday arrived presenting an early Divine Darshan! On this sunday morning, emerging at 0740 hrs., Bhagawan went for a full round of the hall granting Darshan before ascending the portico, moving towards the interview room. Blessing the visiting Tripura Governor, Dr. DY Patil, Bhagawan moved into the bhajan hall soon to return getting into the interview room, calling the Governor and family for an audience.
A half-filled Sai Kulwant Hall slowly started swelling up with students from the primary and higher secondary schools with university boys joining the assembly along with other latecomers. After an hour-long interview that lasted at 0855 hrs., Bhagawan emerged just after 0900 hrs. to come onstage through the doctors' block at the left of Ganesha.
As bhajans continued, Bhagawan sat through till 0935 hrs. when He indicated for Managla Arathi. Upon accepting Arathi, Bhagawan asked for an encore of the Universal Prayer, "Samastha Lokaaha...", before leaving the dais, gliding into the ladies'side, retiring for the session to Yajur Mandiram.
Even after the night fall at Prasanthi, bhajans were still on with a fervent prayer from thousands of hearts, prayer for His emergence. ...And Prasanthi was to witness the longest bhajans session, on an other than festive day, that lasted for exactly three hours and five minutes!
Weekend sunday evening had a lengthy waiting, anticipating the emergence of The Divine! The session that began at 1630 hrs. with the scheduled one hour Veda chanting continued with full-throated bhajans even after the fading of the red glowing dusk at the western horizon. Finally the night fell and Prasanthi's devoted assembly was still engaged in devotional singing, invoking her Master Beloved!
Emerging after the nightfall at 1945 hrs., blessing the weekend assembly with a full round of darshan, Bhagawan came onto the portico before gliding through going for a full round of the portico, through lower portico to upper portico through the aisle at the rear end, to glide through further, before coming onstage at 1955 hrs. through the doctors' block, at the left of Ganesha.
A crescendo in bhajans marked His arrival onstage and a series of fast bhajans enlivened the rest of the session before Bhagawan indicated for Mangala Arathi, at 2035 hrs. Upon accepting Arathi, blessing the beneficiaries, Bhagawan moved off the dais, on the way interacting and blessing some seniors, before gliding into the ladies' side at 2045 hrs., retiring to Yajur Mandiram, bringing the curtain down on a most blessed and wonderful evening in Prasanthi.
Yes, time spent in His presence is too precious a treasure that would enhance our omnipresent experience of the Divine! Prasanthi bestows the highest of benedictions unto humanity!
Sat, June 26, 2010: Today, this evening, emerging 'quite early' at 1750 hrs., as compared to the prevailing darshan timings, Bhagawan went for a 10 min. full round before coming onto the portico. Moving towards the interview room Bhagawan blessed the Hon'ble Governor of Tripura, Dr. DY Patil, who was seated just ouside the interview room. Conversing with the governor and then moving into the bhajan hall, Bhagawan spent sometime over there before coming onto the dais at 1810 hrs., round of Ganesha. Bhajans continued at full throat till Bhagawan indicated for Mangala Arathi at 1830 hrs. Upon accepting Arathi, blessing the beneficiaries, off HE left the dais retiring for the day.

Fri, June 25, 2010: Invoking and welcoming The Lord, yet another glorious morning dawned in Prasanthi bringing "auspiciousness" - the attributeless divine in physical frame unto a devoted assembly in Sai Kulwant Hall. Emerging at 0830 hrs. to the holy chants of the Vedam, Bhagawan went for a full round before coming onto the dais in ten minutes, round of Ganesha.
Calling a student who is awaiting further guidance after his post graduation, conversing with him, Bhagawan materialised a golden chain, blessing the boy profusely. Bhajans commenced just after 0900 hrs. and continued with an array of fast renderings diligently followed in chorus by a sizeable chunk of devotees including the blue scarved ones from the US seated on either side of the 4th block at the centre pathway.
As has been the trend over the past 2-3 days, as bhajan session continued Bhagawan called a few more boys, in turns, unto the dais. Reading a prayer letter from one of the music college pass outs, conversing 'in detail', He moved His sacred palm in circular motion materialising yet another golden chain, adorning the same on the boy's neck.
It was 0945 hrs., time for Mangala Arathi as indicated by Bhagawan. Leaving the dais after accepting Arathi, blessing a few more devotees on His way, Bhagawan moved on, retiring for the session to Yajur Mandiram.
Thu, June 24, 2010: Rewarding auspicious Thursday's greater expectations, this morning, Bhagawan emerged at 0817 hrs. coming for a full round of Sai Kulwant Hall. Coming onstage in fifteen minutes, round of Ganesha, Bhagawan chose to occupy the right half of the dais as Veda chanting continued. Bringing a crescendo, primary school children joined the chanting en masse, full throat, inducing greater spirit, reverberating the spacious Sai Kulwant Hall. As is His wont these days, Bhagawan was interacting with a few boys in turns, resulting in a sudden dip in chanting, on and off. Calling a student, currently awaiting His Divine instructions after completing his studies, Bhagawan spoke to him 'in detail', before blessing the student with a chain. The chanting continued beyond the scheduled hour, till 0904, when Bhagawan indicated for the bhajans to commence. Continuing to sit through the session, Bhagawan accepted Mangala Arathi at 0925 hrs. before retiring to Yajur Mandiram at 0930 hrs.
In the evening, emerging at 1830 hrs., as Bhagawan glided through the hall on this beautiful twilight, the throng of devotees sat in silent prayer feasting their eyes on the beautiful form of the enchanting Divine! Upon completing a full round, Bhagawan moved past the lower verandah interacting with some and accepting a prayer from the representative of the US contingent currently camping in Prasanthi before coming onto the dais at 1840 hrs., round of Ganesha.
Presiding over the session, as Bhagawan sat through granting a veritable feast of the sight of the Divine, bhajans continued till 1930 hrs. before Bhagawan indicating for Mangala Arathi. Earlier, before the Arathi offering, Bhagawan blessed the birthday boys, materialising a chain for one of them. Subsequently, Bhagawan called Ashram senior administrator onstage communicating with Him for a while.
Upon accepting Arathi, blessing the beneficiaries, Bhagawan left the dais moving into interview room calling some seniors in. Emerging at 1950 hrs., as He was moving towards the aisle, Bhagawan listened to the former minister, Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi who sought His blessings, before gliding towards the ladies's end, enroute Yajur Mandiram.
Wed, June 23, 2010: This morning, Bhagawan emerged at 0820 hrs. to come for a full round of darshan. Moving at a slow pace, blessing a veteran on his birthday, listening to some others on His way, Bhagawan moved onto the dais at 0832 hrs., round of Ganesha, to the chants of Vedam. As the chanting continued with a crescendo, Bhagawan, occupying the right half of the dais against His normal practice, continued to sit even beyond the scheduled Vedam hour at 0900. Vedam continued and soon Bhagawan called a waiting boy onstage to converse with him 'in detail' for quite sometime before materialising a chain for the blessed student. As Bhagawan was untying the hook of the chain, of His own creation, He chose to play around with the same for some time before adorning the boys' neck with the golden and there were silent laughters around, witnessing the "Divine Sport", that is most inimitable! Soon it was Arathi time, 0921 hrs.; and He turned His head to the priest indicating Arathi. Accepting Arathi, giving a meaningful look at the Vedam Block, as if indicating "only vedam", Bhagawan moved off the dais advancing to Yajur Mandiram, not before blessing some seniors on His way.
On this cloudy yet pleasant evening, when cool breeze was wafting across Prasanthi, emerging at 1805 hrs. for a full round of darshan, Bhagawan came onstage at 1820 hrs., round of Ganesha. With Bhagawan adorning the centre stage, bhajans continued till 1850 hrs. when Mangala Arathi was offered. Upon accepting Arathi, blessing the beneficiaries for the evening, Bhagawan moved off the dais, enroute, blessing Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi, veteran BJP leader and former Union Minister for Human Resources Development before gliding past the aisle at the ladies' end retiring to Yajur Mandiram at 1900 hrs.
A big contingent of devotees from the US, a group of Youth from Gujarath and a tiny group from Indonesia are camping in Prasanthi during the week, expecting turn to present their offering in His Divine Presence.
Tue, June 22, 2010: This morning, emerging just before the commencement of bhajans, at 0858 hrs., Bhagawan went for a full round before coming onstage at 0905 hrs., round of Ganesha. As bhajans continued, Bhagawan sat through the session until Mangala Arathi was offered at 0937 hrs. As Arathi was on, Bhagawan called two of the bhajan boys onstage, one after one, blessing them with Vibhuti prasadam. Leaving the dais shortly, enroute conversing 'in detail' with a student, Bhagawan moved into the interview room, calling some seniors in. Emerging at 1005 hrs., after blessing a senior devotee, Bhagawan glided into the ladies' side retiring for the session.
Prema Muditha Manase Kaho Rama Rama Ram, one of the popular bhajan that Bhagawan would often sing after His many a discourse delivered during yester years, rendered the air in Prasanthi as Bhagawan passed by the singers' block in a glittering Sai Kulwant Hall that was almost filled to capacity in the twilight at 1900 hrs. Ascending the portico, blessing Mr. Issac Tigrett, Bhagawan glided past the lower portico before coming onstage at 1910 hrs. As bhajans continued, Bhagawan sat through the session till 1921 hrs. when Mangala Arathi was offered. Blessing the beneficiaries for the session, Bhagawan moved off the dais into the interview room before emerging yet again to retire to Yajur Mandiram at 1930 hrs.
Earlier, ending a long wait, Bhagawan emerged at the waning twilight at 1855 hrs. coming for a full round of darshan.
Lores of yore tell us about penance that ran into thousands of years. In this modern age, we are blessed to taste the spirit of this great sadhana called 'penance' in shorter versions, lasting for a maximum of two to three hours. The Almighty Lord, that He is, has to be invoked with heartfelt prayers suffused with pristine selfless emotion. That one step is sure to ensure His presence amidst us, granting the bliss of darshan.
Sun, June 20, 2010: Today, emerging at the waning twilight at 1835 hrs. and coming for a full round, Bhagawan went bit further into the ladies' side, soon to return coming onto the portico.
Ascending the portico, Bhagawan moved through the lower portico, spending quite sometime listening and conversing with many, before going for a full round of the portico, moving onto the upper portico from the rear end. Gliding through the upper portico, blessing many, Bhagawan came down to the lower portico, going for a full round before coming onstage at 1905 hrs., round of Ganesha.
Crescendo in bhajan marked His arrival on stage and the tempo continued as Bhagawan sat through crowning the dais feasting the weekend's assembly, shining in His Divine Magical Aura.
Mangala Arathi was offered at 1910 hrs. Blessing the beneficiaries for the evening, blessing prasadam for Primary School children, Bhagawan moved off the dais at 1920 hrs. retiring for the day, marking the end of a glorious week that was blessed by dazzling twilight darshans on all seven days.
A special mention on the tiny tots from the Primary School, as they won His special attention yet again! Upon completing the round, Bhagawan chose to spent sometime at the primary block, especially amusing the first standard children who were distinguished in their light blue uniform, seated at the vantage block facing the interview room. As Bhagawan moved past them, there were many a little one, craning their necks, vying for a glimpse of their Swami.
Prasanthi seems to be catching up with the metamorphosis in Darshan schedule. In view of this recent change in darshan schedule, the shopping centre and the book centre will be going for change in their operational hours for the evening session. While the shopping centre will be opened from 1500 hrs. to 1730 hrs., the book stall will be operational between 1500 hrs. to 1800 hrs. The shopping centre will have a revised timing for the morning session as well, from 0830 hrs. to 1100 hrs.
Sat, June 19, 2010: Today, emerging at 1825 hrs., on an evening when a cultural programme was scheduled, Bhagawan, gliding through the pathway went for a full round before proceeding for a second round, this time to take a detour from half way through at the ladies' end, coming on to the portico. Moving through the lower portico, casting His benedictory glance upon many, Bhagawan came onstage at 1840 hrs., well received with a crescendo in Veda chanting.
The stage was set for a musical ballet "Dorakunaa Ithuvanti Seva", meaning, "there is no greater worship than selfless service to humanity", by Balvikas and Youth from Saroornagar Samithi of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
Veda chanting continued till 1852 hrs. till Bhagawan nodded for the commencement of the programme.
Barrage of blessings followed with men and women followed by participating children made a beeline to Bhagawan seeking initial blessings before the commencement of the programme. Beginning with an announcement in English and Telugu making a mention of various service activities done by the Samithi, especially in the field of Vocational Training and Human Values, the participants made a collective prayer to Bhagawan to be with them in all their endeavours as the guiding light.
The music dance ballet, thematic as the title suggests, talks about the unemployed youth of the village who climb the ladder of success, finding right employment, thanks to the untiring efforts youth wing of Sathya Sai Sai Organisations, whose intitiative, Sri Sathya Sai Seva Sudha, brings light unto many a heart.
The fifty minute programme that was dominated by meaningful dialogues and depiction of service activities was interspersed with thematic musical dance presenations by the Balvikas and Youth.
The programme was followed by chanting of Holy Aditya Hridayam. As the chanting continued. Bhagawan moved down the dais to bless the participants with a photo session.
Mangala Arathi was offered at 2000 hrs. and blessing the beneficiaries for the evening, blessing the concourse with abhayahastha benediction, Bhagawan moved off the dais at 2010 hrs., round of Ganesha, retiring to Yajur Mandiram.
Laddu Prasadam was distributed to the entire assemblage. Over 450 devotees including sizeable number of Balvikas children participated in this three day Parthi Yathra.
This international centre privileged to house the Lord in physical, that attracts multitudes of different faith, does exhibit specimen programmes that serves as a pointer to humanity at large to help emulate such service activities in the spirit of "Love All Serve All...Help Ever Hurt Never", building a better tomorrow!
Fri, June 18, 2010: Today, emerging just after 0830 hrs. and coming for a full round granting Darshan, Bhagawan came on to the verandah to move further through the lower portico, showering blessings, before coming onstage at 0846 hrs. round of Ganesha, to the chants of Vedas.
As Bhagawan continued to sit onstage presiding over the session, in between engaging Himself in 'detailed' conversations with many a student, calling them to front, the Veda chanting continued beyond the scheduled hour at nine.
Moving off the dais at 0920 hrs., blessing a group of three prospective medical students, Bhagawan moved into the interview room for a brief pause. Veda chanting that had been on from 0800 hrs. came to a close as soon as Bhagawan moved off the dais, commencing bhajans.
Emerging from the interview room in ten minutes, Bhagawan glided past the upper portico, showering His blessings on many, coming onstage at 0935 hrs., round of Ganesha. As He came onstage there was a sudden crescendo in the bhajan singing that continued till 0940 hrs. when Arathi was offered. Upon accepting Arathi, Bhagawan moved off the dais at 0945 hrs. retiring to Yajur Mandiram.
It was heartening to note that, this morning, Bhagawan picked up as many as six boys, that included bhajans boys, vedam boys, working boys and waiting boys, engaging in 'detailed' conversations, seperately, while onstage, blessing them profusely. Indeed, He takes 'every extra step' reaching out to us responding to our inner call, call for The Divine! Prasanthi is indeed blessed to witness this Divine Drama!
In the evening, emerging at 1835 hrs., Bhagawan went for a full round before coming onstage at 1846 hrs., round of Ganesha.
As bhajans continued with heightened tempo, Bhagawan sat through, presiding over the session until 1910 hrs. when He moved off the dais calling a student and family for a private audience inside the interview room.
Emerging yet again in fifty minutes, Bhagawan glided through the upper portico to come onstage at 2005 hrs., well received with a crescendo in bhajan. Accepting Mangala Arathi in another five minutes, blessing the beneficiaries for the evening, Bhagawan moved off the dais at 2015 hrs. , retiring to Yajur Mandiram.
With the Creator's earthly sojourn in physical, an interim pose in His eternal sojourn that happens in this blessed land on planet earth, Prasanthi becomes the most happening place, where with His most subtle moves, incomprehensible for man's blurred vision, the Lord wields His power for the benefit of the world, as chanted at the end of each session, Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu! Prasanthi is indeed blessed and so are those souls whose hearts are tuned to this blessed land!
Thu, June 17, 2010: Today, on this auspicious Thursday morning, emerging from His Divine Abode at around 1050 hrs., Bhagawan went for a ride driving towards the Super Speciality hospital end. Taking a detour from the petrol bunk on the way to the hospital, Bhagawan returned to the ashram via western gate. Driving past the the work-in-progress construction site at the western end of Prasanthi, blessing many onlookers on the road side who were vying to steal a glance of The Divine, Bhagawan returned to Yajur Mandiram via Book Trust - Shopping Centre Road at 1130 hrs.
Later on a cloudy yet pleasant evening, emerging at seventy five minutes into the bhajan that began at 1730 hrs., Bhagawan went for a full round feasting thousands of hearts, minds and souls granting Divine Darshan! After the usual round, Bhagawan moved bit further into the ladies' side to return taking a "u-turn" coming on to the portico.
Spending sometime, conversing with three prospective students in detail, who are entitled for sponsored medical education at Bangalore, Bhagawan moved further through the lower portico coming onstage at 1905 hrs., round of Ganesha.
Sitting onstage for the next half an hour, adorning the centrestage, blessing birthday boys in between, Bhagawan accepted Mangala Arathi at 1935 hrs. Continuing to sit onstage for some more time, blessing the beneficiaries for the evening, reading letters and conversing with them, Bhagawan moved off the dais at 1945 hrs. retiring to Yajur Mandiram. Conch whistling that goes simultaneously while Mangala Arathi is performed to The Lord in physical deserves a special mention as it evokes a nostalgic festive feeling adding up to the charged up devotional fervour.
Longer waiting, resulting in heartfelt yearning, pining for His immediate Divine Presence, brings greater joy and satisfaction unto thousands, when He glides past them and later sets Himself onstage as the Crowning Glory! And when Prasanthi is living up to her name presenting the Lord in physical, arranging a 'grand divine feast", it is Nithyakalyanam Pachcha Thoranam meaning perpetual festivity in Prasanthi Nilayam!
Wed, June 16, 2010: Today, emerging at 1822 hrs. in a cool, pleasant evening, Bhagawan went for a full round of Darshan, at the end of which He blessed the tiny tots from the Easwaramma School English Medium section. Moving further into the ladies' side, Bhagawan went for another round before taking a detour from half way, at the ladies' end, to come onto the portico.
Blessing a group of faculty and students from the Dept. of Economics of SSSU, Bhagawan moved along the lower portico at a reduced pace, blessing many on His way, before coming onstage at 1850 hrs., round of Ganesha.
As bhajans continued with added rush of devotional ecstasy, with the blessed twilight slowly giving in, Bhagawan sat through the session as the presiding deity in physical. Mangala Arathi was offered at 1915 hrs. upon which, blessing the beneficiaries for the evening, blessing the concourse with abhayahastha benediction, Bhagawan moved off the dais, gliding into the ladies' side at 1925 hrs. retiring for the day.
The spiritual township is having a good populace of devotees with three additional groups, a Parthi Yathra contingent from Chhattisgarh, a special group - "Sai Anandam" from Orissa and another group, a Parthi Yathra contingent from Hyderabad, are camping additing up to the the normal inflow of devotees. With the first International contingent of over thousand american devotees due for arrival shortly as the first batch of the scheduled International Parthi Yathra involving nine International zones, the spiritual township is all set to embrace more lively sessions in the coming days.
Tue, June 15, 2010: Today, emerging at 1845 hrs., on a cloudy evening turned twilight, Bhagawan went for a full round before coming onstage at 1852 hrs., round of Ganesha. As Bhagawan continued to sit onstage, 'bhajans' that has been on got into a higher gear, raising the tempo. With Bhagawan onstage, crowning the dais that shone in brilliance under the light of the Lord, experiencing the Divine students continued to sing 'face to face' unto Him, lifting Prasanthi spirit to heavenly heights! ...And He sat on showering His subtle benediction unto the assembly and unto the entire cosmos, in His own inimitable style, casting 'Glance Divine'! Mangala Arathi was offered at 1935 hrs. and blessing the beneficiaries for the evening, Bhagawan moved off the dais, slowly gliding into the ladies' side, retiring to Yajur Mandiram at 1940 hrs.
Mon, June 14, 2010: Today, emerging on a pleasant evening at 1740 hrs., Bhagawan came for a full round granting Divine Darshan to thousands who were waiting with unquenching thirst to steal a glance of His beauteous Divine form. Satiating the thirst, upon completing His round, Bhagawan moved onto the upper portico raising His hands in Abhayahastha blessing the visiting Governor of Andhra Pradesh, Sri ESL Narasimhan. The honorable guest was seated just outside the interview room. Moving into the bhajan hall for a while, Bhagawan, upon emerging, glided through the upper portico blessing many with His Glance Divine, proceeding onstage round of Ganesha at 1800 hrs.
With soothing, soul stirring heart renderings, bhajans, rendered the air spreading powerful vibrations all over, Bhagawan sat through the session for the next 45 minutes, before moving off the dais after receiving Mangala Arathi at 1845 hrs., not before asking for an encore of the Universal Prayer, "Samastha Lokaaha..."
Moving off the dais, Bhagawan moved into the interview room blessing the visiting Governor and his entourage with a 20 minute interview. After the interview, emerging at 1910 hrs., Bhagawan spent sometime outside blessing some devotees, before proceeding towards His Divine Abode, Yajur Mandiram!

Earlier, former Intelligence Bureau Chief and the Governor of Andhra Pradesh, Sri ESL Narasimhan, who was on his maiden visit to Prasanthi Nilayam paid a visit to the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Prasanthigram, going round various departments. After Bhagawan's Darshan and Interview, the Governor along with his entourage left Prasanthi Nilayam.
Sun, June 13, 2010: Today, on this week-end sunday, Bhagawan emerged in the evening at 1835 hrs. entering the hall satiating a pining assembly's hunger with His immediate Divine presence. Completing a full round moving along the pathway, Bhagawan gave special attention to the tiny tots from Primary School, many of whom were seen craning their necks to have a glimpse of their "Swami". Upon completing the round, Bhagawan moved further into the ladies' side going for another round, this time to take a detour from half way, at the ladies' end before returning to the primary block, to pause for a while amusing the chirpy, innocent, little ones. Bhagawan even materialised a chain for a tiny tot while blessing the "tender ones".
Coming onto the portico, conversing with many seniors, including the Union Minister of State for Railways Sri KH Muniyappa, Bhagawan glided past the lower portico to come onstage, round of Ganesha at 1905 hrs. As bhajans continued with greater tempo, Bhagawan sat for next five minutes before accepting Mangala Arathi. Blessing the beneficiaries for the evening, conversing with the the priest, Bhagawan sat for a while before moving off the dais at 1920 hrs., heading into the interview room.
Emerging in fifteen minutes, Bhagawan slowly glided into the ladies' side retiring to His Divine Abode, Yajur Mandiram.
Fresh batch of students, tiny tots, from the newly commenced English Medium batch at Easwaramma School also joined the children from Primary School feasting maiden Darshan of their "Swami". Gliding past this bunch of students, Bhagawan accepted Roses from them offered as a token of Gratitude.
Shining in resplendence with His Divine aura engulfing the vast Sai Kulwant assemblage, the week-end sunday throng of devotees including the student fraternity thoroughly enjoyed The Presence of The One on this waning twilight, in this Land that did Penance, the Valley of Peace, Prasanthi Nilayam!
Sat, June 12, 2010: Today, this evening, emerging at 1810 hrs. with bhajans on, following the previous day's pattern, Bhagawan, upon completing a full round of Darshan moved bit further into the ladies' side before taking a "u-turn" to come onto the portico at 1825 hrs. Moving through the upper portico, listening, conversing and blessing many, Bhagawan slowly glided into the bhajan hall through the rear entrance to exit through the prime entrance. Gliding through the lower portico Bhagawan came onstage at 1835 hrs. ,round of Ganesha, lighting up an already glittering twilight with His immaculate Divine presence. Sitting through feasting the eyes with His Divine Darshan, Bhagawan accepted Mangala Arathi at 1845 hrs. Blessing the beneficiaries for the day, blessing a bhajan boy with Vibhuti prasadam, conversing with another student, finally blessing the Brindavan representatives conversing in detail, Bhagawan moved off the dais at 1900 hrs., not before blessing the assembly with abhayahasta, proceeding to Yajur Mandiram.
Being the maiden week-end of the new academic year, fresh batch of students from Brindavan Campus and the entire batch from Anantapur Campus have come to Prasanthi seeking Divine Blessings.
Fri, June 11, 2010: Today, this evening, emerging at the waning twilight at 1850 hrs., Bhagawan glided through the devotees granting a full round of Darshan before moving bit further into the ladies' side to take a "u-turn" coming onto the portico in 15 minutes. Moving through the portico, conversing and blessing many, including a 'lengthy' stint with Sri Rituraj Ji Maharaj, the young scholar who conducted Bhagavatha Saptaaha Yajna some months ago, Bhagawan came onstage at 1916 hrs. to accept Mangala Arathi. Blessing the Rose Beneficiary for the evening with materialised Vibhuti Prasadam, blessing two student beneficiaries, blessing a videographer from Prasanthi Digital Studio, Bhagawan moved off the dais at 1925 hrs. round of Ganesha, enroute blessings many, retiring for the day at 1935 hrs.
Thu, June 10, 2010: This morning, Bhagawan, upon emerging at 0940 hrs. came for a full round of Darshan before coming onstage just after 1000 hrs. Enroute, Bhagawan interacted with many, including Vice Chancellor designate, Sri Sathya Sai University, Prof. J. Sashidhara Prasad who is set to take over the mantle in a function scheduled for the evening at the University Auditorium. Coming onstage, Bhagawan called for Arathi in three minutes and while returning, He interacted with Mr. Kornelis M. Keur, Hon'ble Consul General, US Consulate, Hyderabad who was seated seeking Divine Blessings. Being Thursday, tiny tots from Primary School were also present and for some of them, the first standard children, this was their maiden Darshan. Before retiring at 1010 hrs., Bhagawan blessed Prasadam for the Primary children.
In the evening, Bhagawan, emerging from His Divine Abode at 1730 hrs. drove down straight to the University Auditorium where stage was set for the new incumbent of the Vice Chancellorship of Sri Sathya Sai University, Prof. J. Sashidhara Prasad to take over.
In the auditorium, bhajans began at 1655 hrs. and the hall was filled to capacity with Faculty, Staff and Students of the Univerisity along with senior administrators from various other sister institutions made it to the occasion.
Bhagawan arrived at 1740 hrs., ceremonially received with Poornakhumbham and Vedic chanting along with senior functionaries of the University. Arriving onstage flanked by the outgoing and incoming Vice Chancellors followed by their consorts, Bhagawan officially lit the lamp commencing the proceedings. As Bhagawan sat onstage, bhajans continued for some more time before Bhagawan nodded for the proceedings to begin.
Both the outgoing and incoming VCs were garlanded by Dr, Naren Ramji, Registrar of the University, Sri GS Rangarajan, Controller of Examinations respectively followed by their consorts Mrs. Pandit and Mrs. Prasad by Prof. Ms. Dwaraka Rani Rao, Principal, Anantapur Campus and Dr. Ms. Indrani Chakraborthy, Principal, Sri Sathya Sai Mirpuri College of Music respectively.
Compeering the function, introducing the occasion, research scholar from Dept. of Physics, Sri Jagdish Chandra spoke about the evolution of the University tagging and crediting the same to Mother Easwaramma's selfless ambition. Prof. US Rao, Principal, Prasanthi Nilayam Campus who spoke next while officially welcoming both the Vice Chancellors to the changing over ceremony, expressed grateful thanks to Bhagawan while invoking HIm with a prayer to continue His shower of Blessings to the University.
Sri Sashank Shah, a research scholar from the Dept. of Business Administration spoke at the credentials of the outgoing Vice Chancellor, Prof. Vishwanath Pandit. Speaking on the veteran, Sri Shah highlighted the illustrious academic career of Prof. Pandit, who with a rare blend of humility, devotion and academic brilliance guided the University to greater heights. The speaker highlighted Prof. Pandit's tireless efforts that resulted in organising a high profile Business Meet in Prasanthi Nilayam last october, attended by luminaries from India Inc. led by the highest banking official from the country, Dr. Duvvuri Subba Rao, Governor, Reserve Bank of India who delivered the key-note address.
Prof. Vishwanath Pandit, who spoke next, who was his usual simple self, spoke on his self evolution from a man simply knowing Sathya Sai Baba into a devotee who came over seeking His blessings. Lucidly narrating phase wise evolution of his becoming a devotee and later, a visiting faculty on sabbatical from Delhi University Prof. Pandit thanked Bhagawan profusely for making him a worthy instrument in HIs mission leaving Bhagawan to rate his performance at the helm of affairs of the University for the past almost two years.
Prof. G Venkataraman speaking next, formally introducing the new Vice Chancellor, hailed Prof. Prasad to be a core research oriented person who has over 300 publicatiions to his credit in various journals of national and international repute. Specialising in 'liquid crystals' the Professor equally developed his research interest in other physics related areas, said the former Vice Chancellor. He also highlighted on Prof. Prasad's rare achievement of winning a grant worth Rs. 100 crores for his erstwhile University as its Vice Chancellor, which according to the veteran professor is a commendable achievement considering the prevailing bureaucratic hurdles. The Former Vice Chancellor, ending his speech on a positive note, commenting on Prof. Prasad's earlier stint as VC of Mysore University, said the new VC would enjoy the coordination and co-operation of the entire University; he further advised the new Vice Chancellor to put all problems before the Chancellor who would take care of everything so that he would be having lesser problems and higher challenges.
Prof. Sashidhara Prasad, the new incumbent, the 9th Vice Chancellor of the University, in his brief speech highlighted on his personal growth as a Sai devotee who had a rare connection with late Prof. Kasturi. Being the son of a former Vice Chancellor of Mysore University, Prof. D. Javare Gowda , the new Vice Chancellor highlighted his ninety three year old father's words of appreciation at his selection by Bhagawan, quotion him, "You are chosen by the Living God, best thing that could happen".
Former Vice Chancellor, SV Giri who was the last one to address, who spoke on the uniqueness of the institution and the educational system imparted at the hallowed portals.
This was followed by felicitation of the outgoing Vice Chancellor and his consort. Bhagawan presented a golden bracelet to the new incumbent, Prof. Sashidhar Prasad. Arathi was offered after two aalaap bhajans and Bhagawan left the dais for Mandir at 1925 hrs. Laddu Prasadam was distributed to the entire assemblage.
Back in the mandir, bhajan was on and Bhagawan arrived at 1730 hrs. Ascending the portico Bhagawan called for Arathi and as Arathi was being offered Bhagawan alighted to come onstage for a brief darshan before moving off the dais to retire to Yajur Mandiram at 1940 hrs. Prasadam was distributed to the entire assemblage.
Wed, June 09, 2010: On this morning, there was no Divine Darshan and Arathi was offered at 0940 hrs.
This evening, one hour Vedam was continued by forty-five minutes bhajans before Arathi was offered at 1815 hrs.
Tue, June 08, 2010: This morning, emerging at 0908 hrs., Bhagawan came into the hall to take a detour from the ladies' end, coming onstage round of Ganesha. Enroute, He interacted with a few students singing Bhajans.. Officiating the bhajans, Bhagawan sat throuh till 0920 hrs. when Arathi was offered. Upon accepting Arathi, Bhagawan moved off the dais to drive down to Super Speciality Hospital at Prasanthigram, spending almost half an hour over there before returning to Yajur Mandiram at 1020 hrs., via the western gate of the Ashram.
In the evening, Arathi was offered at 1855 hrs. as there was no Divine Darshan.
Mon, June 07, 2010: Today, in the evening, lighting up an 'anticipatory' twilight with His resplendent Divine Presence, Bhagawan emerged at 1845 hrs. while bhajans were on. Craning necks with eager and expected eyes vying to steal a glance of the beauteous form, Bhagawan glided through the pathway completing a full round, blessing many on His way.
Ascending the portico, Bhagawan moved through, patiently listening to many, coming onstage at 1900 hrs. Presiding over the bhajan session, giving it a fillip with His immediate Divine Presence, Bhagawan sat through the next fifteen minutes, dawning joy in many a heart at the natural dusk bejewelling the Sai Kulwant with HIM, the Crowning Glory.
Arathi was offered at 1915 hrs. and as Bhagawan sat through donning the role of a "Silent Witness", blessing the assembly at the waning twilight, boys got prasadam blessed which was subsequently distributed to the students and staves. Sitting onstage till 1730 hrs., watching the distribution proceedings, Bhagawan moved off the dais, patiently listening to many, slowly gliding into the ladies' side enroute Yajur Mandiram.
Sun, June 06, 2010: On this Sunday, In the evening, Bhagawan, upon entering in at 1735 hrs. took a detour from the ladies' end to come onstage at 1745 hrs. Sitting through the next forty-five minutes Bhagawan accepted Arathi at 1830 hrs. Moving off the stage Bhagawan spent sometime with some of the doctors from the Super Speciality Hospital, Prasanthigram after which He interacted with some of the doctors from the Super Speciality Hospital, Whitefield who have come leading a group comprising of staves and relatives, before proceeding to Yajur Mandiram at 1840 hrs.
Sat, June 05, 2010: On this cool, pleasant Saturday morning, emerging from His Divine Abode just after nine, Bhagawan came into the hall in His car to move out, driving down to Super Speciality Hospital. Back in the mandir, as bhajans continued, Bhagawan returned just after 0950 hrs. Moving in His car through the gents’ side, Bhagawan came on to the portico to move in to the bhajan hall for a brief 'more than a minute', before coming onstage at 1000 hrs receiving Arathi. Upon accepting Arathi, Bhagawan retired to Yajur Mandiram at 1005 hrs.
In the evening, there was no Divine Darshan and Arathi was offered at 1830 hrs.
Fri, June 04, 2010: Today, this evening, emerging at 1740 hrs., Bhagawan went for a full round of darshan before ascending the portico, gliding past the same to come onstage at 1752 hrs. through the right of Ganesha. Presiding over the bhajan session for the next more than forty-five minutes, Bhagawan accepted Arathi at 1838 hrs. Blessing the rose beneficiary, student beneficiary, Bhagawan sat for some more time before coming off the dais at 1843 hrs. through the right of Ganesha, enroute blessing some devotees, retiring to Yajur Mandiram.
Earlier in the morning, Bhagawan emerged at 1120 hrs. to move out, driving down to Super Speciality Hospital at Prasanthigram. After having a round of inspection, Bhagawan returned to the Ashram in an hour at 1220 hrs. through the culvert gate at the rear west end of Prasanthi.
Thu, June 03, 2010: Today, Bhagawan emerged in the forenoon at 1140 hrs., moving out of the Ashram to drive down to Super Speciality Hospital for a round of inspection. Blessing the hospital with His presence, Bhagawan later returned to Yajur Mandiram at 1240 hrs. via culvert gate at the rear west end of Prasanthi.
This evening, upon emerging at 1755 hrs. coming for a full round of Darshan, Bhagawan spent quite sometime on the portico conversing with some senior devotees before moving onstage at 1820 hrs. through the right of Ganesha. Sitting onstage for ten minutes presiding over the bhajan session, Bhagawan moved off the dais at 1830 hrs., getting into the interview room. Spending the next forty minutes in, Bhagawan again emerged at 1920 hrs. to come onstage. One more bhajan followed before Arathi was called for at 1915 hrs. Spending some more time blessing some boys, Bhagawan moved off the dais at 1920 hrs. retiring to Yajur Mandiram, not before blessing the concourse with an abhayahasta. Being Thursday and having 'missed' morning darshan, tiny tots from the Primary School also attended in full force for the evening darshan, their maiden one for the academic year.
Wed, June 02, 2010: Today, this evening, there was heightened enthusiasm among the devotees after having missed Divine Darshan on the previous evening, when Bhagawan chose to stay indoors. On this eagerly awaited wednesday evening, Bhagawan arrived at 1800 hrs. granting a full round of Darshan. Upon completing His first round, Bhagawan went for another round through the ladies' side before taking a detour skipping the gents' side. Upon coming on to the portico, Bhagawan moved through the upper portico, blessing many on His way, to come onstage through the right of Ganesha.
The evening was indeed special, as this is the maiden darshan for the students in the new academic year that commenced yesterday. Granting sumptuous darshan to the students and devotees, sitting onstage for sometime, Bhagawan called for Arathi just before 1900 hrs. before retiring to Yajur Mandiram. Sweet Prasadam was distributed to the entire assembly.
Tue, June 01, 2010: Today, there was no Divine Darshan and Arathi was offered at 0940 hrs and 1800hrs.