Kodai Darshan
April 23 , 2009
LORDLY BLESSINGS - Bhagawan’s chopper arrives in Kodaikanal

Unto the blessed land – Bhagawan upon arrival stepping out of the car

Privileged Folk – Bhagawan with students

Mangala Arathi – Arathi being offered to Bhagawan

Mangala Arathi to Bhagawan

It was summer time in Parthi and in Bhagawan’s physical presence none felt the intensity of the otherwise scorching summer in Puttaparthi. After staying on for almost three weeks after the institutions closed down, Bhagawan left Prasanthi Nilayam on the morning of 23.04.09 by a special aircraft to Madurai. From Madurai He was airlifted the cool heights of Kodaikanal by a helicopter to reach after 10 a.m.
As the Lord drove down to Sai Shruthi, the Divine Abode, a large number of devotees thronged to welcome Him on either side of the road, despite the state-wide bandh. Mangaladhwani of Nadaswaram provided the Sonic backdrop as He entered Sai Shruthi. Privileged students from Bhagawan’s University, who arrived a day in advanced sang the song welcoming the Lord. Bhagawan was received at the entrance by the Convener, Sri Sathya Sai Trust, Tamil Nadu. Upon receiving Mangala Arathi, Bhagawan retired to His residence.
In the evening Bhagawan came to the bhajan hall and even went down the aisle graciously receiving letters and blessing the devotees. He received Aarathi after an hour-long bhajan sung with fervent devotion by one and all. Bhagawan blessed the prasadam distributed to the devotees.