Kodai Darshan
April 24 , 2009

Arrival of the Lord – Bhagawan arrives for granting darshan

Gracious Benediction

Onstage – Darshan from the dais
Bhagawan came to the portico around 10 as His students were singing bhajans. A large member devotees had been yearning for His darshan and Bhagawan responded by going down the aisle moving among them blessing the devotees granting His coveted darshan. After moving up the aisle He stationed Himself near the portico and stayed there for quite some time with the sunny rays warming the Lord and His devotees alike and devotees had the best of their chances to gaze at the Lord to their heart’s content. After receiving flowers and arathi offered by two members of the Sri Sathya Sai Trust, He blessed Prasadam that was distributed to everyone.
In the evening, the bhajans started at 5.40 p.m and Bhagawan arrived soon afterwards. Moving down the aisle Bhagawan collected letters from the devotees, spending considerably long time reading the letters. After half an hour of bhajans, Bhagawan asked the students to start Meera Bhajans followed by a song on Lord Rama. The audience was enthralled with music of high quality. Bhagawan showered His special grace asking students about their mother tongue allowing them to sing in their vernacular, a rarity.
It was an occasion showcasing the talent and devotion of these students whose multifaceted personalities were moulded and chiseled by none other The Master Himself. Bhagwan in His mercy had an extended session of almost one and half an hour protecting the gathering from the rain outside. The wonderful session came to a close with Mangala Aarathi.