Updated at 1303 hrs., on July 28, 2010
Monday, 26th July, a day after Guru Purnima, devotees were as yet fondly reminiscing about the celebrations in the presence of their beloved Lord…During morning darshan, the Malladi brothers had been favoured by the Lord with an encore for their recital in the previous evening, that had enthralled Bhagawan and captivated every soul. There are those that sing for the audience and those that lay their heart bare for the Lord alone…it was a divine serenade and the Lord was charmed…
Soon it was time for evening darshan.
Veda chants were echoing through Sai Kulwant Hall and the clock was inching its way forward. Time along with the devoted assembly was keenly awaiting the Lord’s arrival.
Ten minutes to 1700 hrs. …there was a sudden hustle and a bustle in the Sai Kulwant Hall. Everyone straightened up and all eyes turned towards Yajur Mandiram. It seemed as though Beloved Bhagawan too was as eager to grant darshan...something extra special was in store. There was a kind of expectancy in the air.
A full round ensued and while gliding past He chose to interact with the lucky ones…and then reaching the dais, He sat on, facing the gathered multitude. Everyone basked in the joy of His presence.
Music was to continue...this time it was music with a difference, through whistling. Whistling can be musical; it is art of careful controlling of a stream of air flowing through a small opening between the lips, air control made possible mainly with the help of lips and tongue.
As soon as Bhagawan came onstage, the musician along with his accompanists moved up to Him as do rivers upon meeting the ocean. They were ‘Whistle Wizard’ of fame Siva Prasad of Andhra Pradesh and his troupe. He is neither a vocalist not an instrumentalist, but a whistler, a gifted prodigy of Carnatic and Hindustani Music on whistles.
And what followed was an exhibition of rare talent of whistling prowess, with the gifted artiste producing amazing tonal variations, striking awe and wonderment. What a vocalist would do with his gifted voice, same was achieved by this blessed artiste of rare talent with the use of his lip and tongue movement, with elan.
What initially sounded somewhat like a flute or a wind instrument turned out to be a melodious whistle in the wind…even the birds stopped their chirping to listen and twilight too silently crept in to witness this moment out of time. The environment reverberated with this joyful serenade.
From Thyagaraja to Beloved Bhagawan’s own compositions, and the musician delighted and touched everyone’s heart. The audience clapped and sang along as he so soulfully whistled - ‘Hari Bhajana Bina Sukh Shanti Nahi’, Prema Mudita Mana Sey Kaho Rama Rama Ram’ and ‘Govinda Krishna Jai’… Some other numbers he whistled into Divine Assembly were Mahaganapthim..., Entharo Mahanu Bhavulu..., Ramanannu Brovara..., Raghuvamsha Sudha..., Nagumo..., Pibare Rama Rasam...
It was the gift of rare talent, of His own creation, that the versatile artiste 'whistled back' unto Him, into the Lord’s Heart, the bestower of all talents!
An hour into the concert, Bhagawan called the artiste to bless him with a golden chain followed by blessings to all the accompanists giving away gifts. This was followed by the final session singing the last two songs...namely, Nagumo, Pibare Rama Rasam.
Time clock ticked to 1845 hrs. and Bhagawan indicated for Mangala Arathi. After Arathi, all the artistes including Malladi Brothers, who were also present listening to the concert, huddled around Bhagawan receiving bounty of blessings.
The troupe posed for photographs with the Lord as a memory of this divine momentous moment that celestial beings crave for and they were fortunate enough to receive…!!!