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Updated Friday, October 20, 2011 - 2130 Hrs. IST
This day, 71 years ago, in a small and unknown town called Uravakonda in the erstwhile Madras Presidency of South India, a 14 year old boy named Rathnakaram Sathya Narayana Raju returned from school in the afternoon, cast away his books in front of his sister-in-law, Smt. Susheela, and declared most emphatically - “I am no longer your Sathya. I am Sai Baba! My devotees beckon me. I have my work to attend to. I am leaving!” He moved into the garden of a neighborhood house, and to the people gathered there , he sang his epoch making Bhajan – Maanasa Bhajare Guru Charanam, Dustara Bhava Sagara Taranam (Oh Mind! Worship the Feet of the Guru and cross the turbulent ocean of this worldly existence).
The day was spent in prayer and quiet contemplation by the devotees in Puttaparthi. They spent the day in remembering the often repeated statement by Bhagawan Baba, “I am Divine, but you too are Divine. The only difference is that I know about my Divinity and you are unaware of it". There was an hour long Vedam session from 1630 to 1730hrs in the evening. This was followed by short talk by Sri Anil Kumar on the significance of this day.
On this auspicious day, the learned speaker choose to recollect some of the declarations, vows and assurances made by the Lord a few of which are listed below,
- Prasanthi Nilayam is My Abode, My Heaven. It is from here that I operate, bless My devotees and protect them.
- When a person comes here, all his burdens are lifted and Joy pervades his being.
- The awareness of being in His presence guarantees success in one's endeavors.
- I love your Bhajans and Dance to their tunes in the shrine of your hearts.
- I behave like a Human so that you can experience proximity to me.
- I will never forget those who have taken refuge in me.
The translator of Bhagawan's discourses further elaborated that the holy concept of "Vasudeva Kutumbakam" or One World Family finds fruition only at the lotus feet of Beloved Bhagawan. He said that if one where to ask the speaker what was it that Bhagawan did, his reply would be that He spread Bliss and Peace.
The talk was followed by an Excerpt from Bhagawan's discourse given on the Avatar Declaration Day of 2002. The entire discourse titled 'Reminiscence Of The Divine' can be read here. The discourse was followed by the Epochal Bhajan of Bhagawan, ' Maanasa Bhajare Guru Charanam, Dustara Bhava Sagara Taranam'. The Bhajan can be downloaded here.
The programme concluded with Aalap Bhajans with students singing 'Antaranga Sai', 'Tum Ho Anaatha Nath Bhagawan', 'Sai Pita aur Mata Sai' and 'Sai Humaara Hum Sai Ke' with stirring aalaps. Prasadam was distributed to the gathering. Arati was offered at 1820hrs.

Updated Friday, October 15, 2011 - 1856 Hrs. IST
400 Youth from the state of Kerala reached Prasanthi Nilayam yesterday on a 3 day pilgrimage. Apart from listening to talks and sharing of experiences with Ashram elders, the youth also visited the various places of interest in the Global Township of Prasanthi Nilayam.
This evening there was a music concert by Sri O. S. Arun who began his music lessons under the careful ear of his father Vidwan O.V. Subramaniam. He is known for his sonorous voice that he wields with much confidence and musical personality and which he employs in tandem with his superior stagemanship. Sri Arun was blessed with the opportunity of performing in front of Bhagawan earlier during the Ati Rudra Maha Yajnam.

He started the concert with a classical Carnatic piece 'Prabho Ganapathe...' and 'Narayana Narayana' continuing with the Meera Bhajan, "Govinda...", following it up with Vittala Bhajans "Ye O Vittalae' and 'Vittala Vittala' interspersed with the beautiful Bhajan, 'Antaranga Sai'. He concluded his recital with the Bhajan "Govinda Madhava". Sri O.S. Arun was accompanied by Sri Hari on the Harmonium, Sri S. Ganapathi and Sri Nishikanth on the Tabla with Sri Kalai Selvan and Sri Freddie providing other side percussions. The Programme was followed by Bhajans and Arati. The artistes were honoured and Prasadam was distributed to all.

Updated Friday, October 08, 2011 - 2208 Hrs. IST
Odisha has had a long and loving relationship with Prasanthi Nilayam with Bhagawan having a special soft corner for Sevadal from the state. The youth and Balvikas from the state have come on a special pilgrimage in which they have volunteered to be of additional service in the way of ashram cleaning and other chores.
This morning they held a rath yatra for Bhagawan from Shivalayam (His birthplace) to the Vidyagiri Arch. The Rath was accompanied by 108 women carrying Poorna Kumbams (sacred pots), a group of conch blowers and Mridangam (percussion) artists among other devotees representing the folk culture of the state.

In the evening the students of Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar, Baripada, Odisha presented a Dance Drama entitled Konark. The state president Sri P. Jagannath Prasad Rao introduced the days programme. The dance drama started with adorable little athletic kids dressed in yellow dhotis, pink vests and orange turbans with feathers sticking out from their heads playing conches and making pyramid formations with great dexterity.

This was followed by a choreography of little girls dressed in red and white who after a few steps freeze into stone even as a few tourists arrive to the Konark temple.

These stones came back to life and explain to the tourists their history, the story of King Narasinghadev who conceived a temple shaped as a gigantic chariot to the Sun God, Surya, with twelve pairs of exquisitely ornamental wheels pulled by seven horses, the story of the 1200 highly skilled sculptors who took 12 years to complete it but were at their wits end to install the Kalasam atop the temple, the story of Dharma, the brave 12 year old son of the chief sculptor who accomplishes the task and jumps to his death to save the reputation of the clan.

The skit was succeeded by a devotional music programme by the Sai Youth of Odisha entitled, "Sai Symphony". Starting with a Stotram, "Pathri grama samudbhootam", they continued with "Ram Bhajan Kar Mann", "Sai Teri Yaad Mahasukhdayee", "Sai Divya Roopam" and "Aditya Deva" before concluding with "Allah Tu".

The programme was followed by Bhajans. Sarees and clothes were offered to the participants. Prasadam was distributed to all.

Updated Friday, October 07, 2011 - 1952 Hrs. IST
This calm morning after the pleasantly hectic days of Dasara witnessed a soothing performance by youth from United Kingdom who have been part of the Annual Grama Seva ever since its inception. The programme entitled Sai Harmony started at 0800hrs with Vedic recital. At 0815, the youth sang the stotram, "Brahmanandam Parama Sukatam...". This was followed by a melodius song by Ms. Charlotte who then went on to play a Bhajan Medley in the Accordion and a Sitar rendition by Ms. Rupinder accompanied by Sri Manjeet on the Tabla.

The instrumentals was followed by group songs. Starting with "Aum Gam Ganapathaye", the group went on to sing "Krishnam Vande...", "Sathya Sai Janani", "Chitananda Roopam", "Sathya Swaroopa", "Lingashtakam" and "Nacho". Sri Kapil on the Harmonium and Sri. Rooshi on the Keyboard provided able backdrop to the vocals.

The songs were followed by Bhajans and Prasadam was distributed to all. Arati was offered at 0930hrs.

In the evening, there was a Drama by the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation, Tamilnadu entitled, "Rama Raajyam Sai Samraajyam" (The kingdom of Rama, The empire of Sai). The drama was preceded by a dance performance by children dressed colourfully in yellow and pink with the backdrop of a song encouraging us to listen to the sacred story of Ramayana.

The drama begins with the interaction of two alumni of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning with two students of Indian origin from the United Kingdom who are ignorant about the Indian Culture. Encouraged by the interest shown by their brothers from a distant land, the alumni narrate select episodes from the glorious legend of Lord Rama drawn from public discourses of Bhagawan and personal interviews granted to devotees. The alumni further stressed their indisputable link to the illustrious life of our beloved Bhagawan.

The drama ends with the alumni bringing their UK brothers to Prasanthi Nilayam which was shown interestingly through a video presentation on screen of Darshan granted by Bhagawan. The programme was followed by Bhajans. Safari clothes were offered to the participants. Prasadam was distributed to all.

Updated Thursday, October 06, 2011 - 2145 Hrs. IST
"The Yajna that we are performing now is meant for Loka Kalyanam (good of the world). Do not think that we are performing the Yajna just because people are performing Yajnas elsewhere. This Yajna is being performed with total spirit of sacrifice. We have no desires or expectations. Our only desire is that everyone should be happy. People perform Yajnas and Yagas to overcome famine and drought situations. But I don't take such things into consideration. I do not give scope for such constricted vision. Famine, drought, etc., come and go. Whatever you do should confer everlasting happiness on all. It should help you to attain Divine grace." - Dasara Discourse, 11 Oct, 2002.

The Veda Purusha Saptah Jnana Yajnam reached its grand culmination today. The ritwiks started their worship very early in the morning and completed their tasks including the study of various scriptures, the allotted number of Surya Namaskars and the chanting of various Vedic Mantras. At 0900hrs they entered the Bhajan Mandir where they accepted the Poornahuti Samagri from Bhagawan. With the chief priest carrying the Dhaarini (a large silver spoon used for feeding ghee to the fire) and his wife carrying the Samagri, the priests went on a procession with Nadaswaram leading the group.

Reaching the Poornachandra Hall which was filled to capacity and some, the priests completed the proceedings of the Yajnam with Bhagawan presiding over the same in a special Peetam installed in front of the Yajna Kundam. The priests encouraged the gathering to participate in the chanting and mentioned a few prayers for them to repeat to offer our prayers to the Yajna Purusha, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Sri Kandukoori Kondavadhani from Rajahmundry who has been a part of innumerable Dasara Celebrations in Prasanthi Nilayam, spoke a few words describing the auspiciousness of the occasion. Holy water was sprinkled on all those who attended the function and Prasadam was distributed while Bhajans were being sung by the students. Maha Mangala Arati was offered at 0945hrs. The Tripura Governor Sri. D.Y. Patil participated in the programme.

Meanwhile a new quarters for the milkmen of the Sri Sathya Sai Gokulam was inaugurated this morning.

Vijaya Dasami also marks the concluding ceremony of the Prasanthi Vidwan Mahasabha. The calming tunes of Mantra Puspam was rendered by the senior Research Scholars of the institute to begin proceedings at 1630hrs. Sri Shashank Shah speaking on the significance of Vijay Dashami enumerated the reasons for its celebration, namely the vanquishing of Ravana by Rama, the Great by the Good, the defeat of Mahishasura by Goddess Durga or the evil by the righteous and the end of the Agnyatvasa of the Pandavas.
Sri Ratheesh Kumbalath, final year student of MA Economics spoke on the topic, "Gratitude to Mother, Motherland and Divine Mother". He quoted the instance of Sankara who even as a renunciant ran to his mother's side at her death bed. He went on to speak of the sacrifices of the freedom fighters. It was Ruskin Bond who said, "A man who does not when to die does not know how to live." He concluded his talk speaking on the unique relationship shared between the students and Bhagawan.

Sri Sanjay Sahni is the Director of the Brindavan Campus of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, an inspiring speaker and a role model teacher who enjoyed immense proximity with the physical presence of Bhagawan. Starting with the Kabir Doha, " Saat Samundra Masi Karun, Lekhani Sab Banraye| Dharati Sab Kagad Karun, Sai Gun Likha Na Jaye||", he said that the glory of the Lord can never be completely comprehended. He recounted a conversation between Prof. Bhagavantam and Bhagawan where Prof asked Bhagawan how come after the many years of association he still did not understand Him. Bhagawan replies, you have lived with yourself for even more years, the day you understand yourself, you can get closer to understanding Me.

Speaking of many instances of Love between Bhagawan and His students, the learned speaker mentioned several instances of students in the campus still experiencing His Divine Presence and Love. He concluded his talk speaking on the Vedic dictum, He is smaller than the smallest and larger than the largest and quoted fitting examples for both.
The speeches were followed by the what has become the most awaited part of the programme, the recording of Bhagawan's discourse. Today Bhagawan spoke on viragya and how only God can provide Selfless Love. He then narrated a "Chinna Katha" to illustrate this. A student listens to His Guru chanting, "I have no parents, no wives, no relatives, no friends" and chastises him saying that it is untruth since he does have very loving parents, wife and son. The guru then instructs him to fall unconscious at his house and pretend to be dead. He does as instructed and finds every member of the family lamenting his death much to his satisfaction. Then the guru enters as giving a glass of water says that if anyone partakes this water, they will die and restore the life of the corpse. Hearing this everyone gives excuses and ask the guru himself to drink it. Listening to this the student develops complete detachment and follows his master out of his house.

The final programme for the day was a rendition of Banaras Gharana, a form of classical music with a 350 year old tradition, by Padma Bhushans, Pandit Rajan and Pandit Sajan Mishra from Varanasi. They were accompanied in the Harmonium by Sri Vyas Murthy Katti while the students and staff of the Sri Sathya Sai Mirpuri of Music, Sri Kaustubh Pare, Sri Vivek Karmahe and Sri Nishikant Barodekar played two tamburas and tabla respectively. They started their concert with the song, "Shankar Bhole Maheswar", followed by the Tulasidas Bhajan, "Mein Na Jeyum Bin Ram", "Jai Jai Durge Ma" in raag Durga and concluded with "Sadho Aisa hi Guru Bhawein". Bhajans by students followed while Prasadam was being distributed. The artistes were honoured with Shawls.
Prof Anil Kumar hailing the successful completion of this grand festival, announced that there will be a programme by the youth from United Kingdom who participated in the Grama Seva on 07th Morning and a skit by Tamil Nadu in the evening.

Updated Tuesday, October 05, 2011 - 2300 Hrs. IST
Today, the penultimate day of Dasara Celebrations and the last night of Navaratri, is celebrated as Saraswati Puja. The day saw the auspicious proceedings of the 6th day of Veda Purusha Saptaha Jnana Yajna and the successful conclusion of the Sri Sathya Sai Grama Seva for the year. Students of Anantapur Campus will distribute Prasadam and Clothes to Prasanthi Nilayam inmates on the 10th day. Poornahuti

The programme for the evening was speech by a student of Anantapur Campus and another eloquent exposition by a faculty member of Anantapur Campus. The first speech by Kum. Lalitha currently pursuing her M.Sc. programme in the Biosciences department was on the topic “The Divine Shakti”.
Kum. Lalitha in the course of her speech said that the ultimate aim of Navaratri festival is coming out of the darkness of ignorance and realising the Divine Consciousness, the awareness of the Divine. The Divine is worshipped in the form of Sri Devi. Sri means light, auspiciousness and Devi means Prakriti (nature). It means the effulgence of Divinity pervades the entire cosmos.
Speaking on the concept of Ichcha Shakti (creative impulse), Kum. Lalitha said she had the opportunity to play the role of Parvatamma (Bhagawan’s elder sister) in the serial “Shirdi Sai Parthi Sai” in the year 1997 when she was only six years old. They were given an opportunity to sit separately for Darshan. Her parents always insisted on her to ask Bhagawan to give an opportunity to study in His institution. She was apprehensive whether Bhagawan would notice her, being small in stature. But Bhagawan came near her and noticed her. That gave her a great sense of fulfillment.
Speaking on Jnana Shakti (impulse of true wisdom), the student said that she had applied for getting admission in the 11th class of Sri Sathya Sai Primary School. She was the ninth person to be called for interview. The first question asked by the headmistress was as to why she wanted to join in Bhagawan’s college when there were so many educational institutions in Chennai. She replied that she would be transported from Tamas (the darkness of ignorance) to Jyoti (light) in Bhagawan’s institution. The student concluded her speech with the prayer, “Anyatha Saranam Nasti Twameva Saranam Mama, Tasmath Karunya Bhavena Raksha Raksha Sayeeswara” (I cannot take refuge in any other than at your Lotus Feet. We bow to Sai, our protector, the form of love and compassion).

The second speaker, Ms. Suma Rao, a faculty member of Anantapur Campus, currently doing her Ph.D. on the topic “Women Executives of India” spoke on the theme “The Love of God.” Madam said there is a difference between how we love God which is prefixed with materialistic ambitions and how God loves us selflessly.
Speaking on an incident which happened when she was doing security duty in Sai Kulwant Hall, a lady from a Russian group approached her and told her in broken English that they were coming for the first time and wanted an interview with Bhagawan. She told the lady that Bhagawan picks people for interview on His own volition. She gave a short training by saying that when Bhagawan asks them “Where do you come from, they should reply Russia and when He asks, “How many? They should reply that they were 37 in number. When Bhagawan came for Darshan, He asked the group, “How many?” They replied, “Russia”. Bhagawan at once looked at her though she was sitting a little further. Then after some time, Bhagawan again asked the group, “Where are you from?” They replied, “37”. The erudite speaker said that we often take Bhagawan for granted and attempt predicting His actions.
Narrating another experience, Ms. Suma Rao said during an interview, Bhagawan said to her mother, “your daughter gets too much angry and then she mopes the prayer hall in Anantapur Hostel from this end to the other to overcome her anger.” She said, but that was a positive attitude to get rid of anger. Bhagawan replied, “Why get angry at all.” When her parents had a major accident, Bhagawan helped her to get over the trauma and pain with His deluge of love.
The teacher concluded her speech by speaking about Rabindranath Tagore: When the child is in the comforting care of the mother, the child feel the mother’s security and love. But when the mother withdraws, the child feels the pain of separation. The speaker compared this with the present situation where Bhagawan, the Mother of the universe has physically left us. We should see His beautiful countenance in the entire world and march on in our life, said the learned speaker.

This was followed by a melodious music programme by the students of Prasanthi Nilayam Campus which was accompanied by brilliant visuals of Bhagawan’s inaugurating various institutions in Prasanthi Nilayam. Another visual treat followed, this time it was the 2002 Dasara Celebrations in Prasanthi Nilayam and a Discourse of Bhagawan. The last programme for the evening was Bhajans, followed by distribution of Prasadam, clothes to the students and staff of Bhagawan’s educational institutions.

At the end, there was an announcement by Prof. Anil Kumar, a faculty member of Prasanthi Nilayam campus. The professor announced that the Grama Seva programme was a thumping success, which got wide acclaim in the villages surrounding Prasanthi Nilayam. The villagers welcomed the students with open arms and received the Prasadam and clothes from the students and staff of Bhagawan’s educational institutions. The Prasadam was packed every night by the students of Anantapur Campus from 7 pm to 3 am. and the male students of Bhagawan’s educational institutions went into lanes and by lanes of villages distributing Bhagawan’s Prasadam. Another announcement was the Poornahuti, the concluding ritual of Veda Purusha Saptaha Jnana Yajna would be conducted at 9.30 am on 6th October 2011. The programme for the evening is a concert by Padma Bhushan Pandit Rajan & Sajan Misra from Varanasi.

Updated Tuesday, October 04, 2011 - 2252 Hrs. IST
Durga Ashtami is the day earmarked in Prasanthi Nilayam for Aayudha Puja or the worship of instruments. Bhagawan has often reminded us that "Expression of Gratitude" is one of the most important virtues of man. This value which is ingrained in the culture of Bharat finds expression today when man thanks the tools which have helped him in his profession and his life.

As per tradition, at 0800hrs, the vehicles which had the privilege of being used by Bhagawan were brought to the Sai Kulwant Hall where it was worshipped. Ashram Elders broke coconuts even as chocolates were distributed. On this auspicious day we can but only pray that God makes us too his ideal instrument scooping out all our shortcomings so that we became a hollow flute which our Sai Krishna will play.

The Veda Purusha Sapthaha Jnana Yajnam reached its antepenultimate day as the Ritwiks doing Parayanam reach engrossing parts of the grand epics they study. At 0930hrs Arati was offered in Poorna Chandra Hall after which the devotees line up for a close Darshan of the Sanctum Sanctorum of Bhagawan. Meanwhile students covered 13 villages of Puttaparthi and Bukkapatnam Mandals including Amagondapalyam and Janakampalli among others.
The proceedings of the 5th day of Prasanthi Vidwan Maha Sabha started with Veda chanting by the students of Anantapur Campus. The master of ceremonies, Sri Shashank Shah, a faculty member of Prasanthi Nilayam campus introduced the two speakers for the evening session.

The first speaker was Sri Shivam Chopra, who is pursuing his III B.Sc in Mathematics from the Brindavan Campus. He spoke on the topic of gratitude illustrating his experiences. An interesting experience of his first day at the hostel of Sri Sathya Sai Primary School riveted the audience. Being from North India, he was not used to South Indian food habits. The first breakfast he had at the hostel was Idli, Vada, Sambar and Chutney. He detested tasting the Chutney. After the breakfast, since it was Thursday, they had gone to the Mandir for Darshan. Swami glided past them without noticing him. Since he was a new entrant, he was allowed to sit in the first row. After a while, Bhagawan went outside in the car. On His return, He came near this student, lowered the wind shield and asked the boys as to what was for breakfast. They promptly replied. Then Bhagawan looking at this student, said, “Papam, no Chutney.” Sri Chopra said, how can I express my gratitude for all that Bhagawan had done for him. The body as leaf and the tears of joy as water would be a fitting gratitude to Bhagawan. He concluded His speech by what Bhagawan had said about gratitude: “Offer all your deeds to Me. That is the gratitude, I want from you.”
Sri Shivam Chopra was followed by Sri Amey Deshpande, who is currently doing his doctoral research in Performance Management Systems. He shared his cherished experiences at the Lotus Feet, having had a long association with Bhagawan in His physical proximity. In the month of May, this year, a few of his batchmates and Amey had gone to the Himalayas. They had trekked even to Mount Neelakant. At a farthest point, they visited an Ashram of a Yogi. The Yogi seeing them questioned, “Where do you come from?” When the Yogi heard the word Puttaparthi, he was overjoyed. He at once asked, “Duk Lag Raha Hai?” (Do you feel sad?) Don’t feel sad. Bhagawan has gone from embodied form to disembodied form. The Yogi said that he has Darshan of Bhagawan frequently in his Ashram.

Narrating another experience, Sri Deshpande said that in 1995 in the interview Bhagawan was describing the details of the mammoth water project. He mentioned that He would sell everything to complete the project, even Himself. Then Bhagawan asked them, “Do you know My price?” Stretching his palm, Bhagawan said, “All I want is this much of love.” Continuing in this vein, Sri Deshpande narrated another beautiful experience.
A student was asked to prompt the next line thrice by Bhagawan when He was singing Bhajan. When the student was sitting in the Bhajan Hall, Bhagawan asked him as to what Bhajan he was going to sing. The student replied, “Seshashaila Vasa Narayana…” The student was unable to recollect the tune. Bhagawan put another question as to what he sang the previous day. Again the student went blank and clueless. It was then that Bhagawan made a profound statement: “You thought I forgot those three Bhajans. I cannot forget, if I forget the entire universe will come to a standstill. In 1991 during a Trayee Brindavan session to MBA students, Bhagawan lovingly asked snacks to be served. Bhagawan continued to stand in spite of entreaties from the students. Suddenly the students noticed a wasp building its nest behind the cushion where Bhagawan was supposed to sit. If Bhagawan would have sat, the wasp and its young ones would have got crushed.

An excerpt from Bhagawan’s Discourse followed where Bhagawan instructed on what a good devotee should pray for. Bhagawan concluded with the Bhajan, "Rama Patabi Rama" in His melodious voice reminding us of His beautiful form.

Today is the 56th Anniversary of Sri Sathya Sai General Hospital. There was a special performance from the doctors and staff of Sri Sathya Sai General Hospital, Prasanthi Nilayam the foundation of which Bhagawan laid way back in 1954 when He was just 28 years old. The General Hospital had the unique privilege of Bhagawan being one of its doctors as He would visit and even dispense medicines, and give guidance to the patients in the first few years of its establishment when Dr. Seetharamaiah was the first medical superintendent of the hospital.

A brief drama “Gamyam Neevuga… Payanam Nee Thoduga (Journey to Sai… With Sai…) was staged on this occasion by the doctors and staff of the hospital. The story of the drama revolved around Dr. B. Seetharamaiah and Dr. Narotham Alreja. The theme of the drama was doctors only treat but it is Swami who cures. Miraculous cures of patients were narrated during the course of the drama. A music programme with visuals of Bhagawan’s visits to the General Hospital was the next programme. The day’s proceedings ended with Bhajans, distribution of Prasadam and Arati.

Updated Monday, October 03, 2011 - 2153 Hrs. IST
Eighteen villages of Puttaparthi mandal were covered by students today even as more and more devotees throng Prasanthi Nilayam to witness the daily Veda Purusha Saptaha Jnana Yajnam as it entered its fourth day.
This evening the programme started at 1630hrs with Vedam chanting by the students of the Brindavan Campus of the University. Sri Aman Jhaveri introduced the speakers of the day, Sri Rishabh Sachdeva, a final year MBA student and Prof. Anantaraman, faculty of the university and media coordinator of the trust.

Sri Rishabh said that man has a fundamental desire to grow, to expand, to explore and to improve or in other words not to stagnate. Quoting Bhagawan's famous phrase, "LIfe is a Challenge - Meet it", the student said that the only way to do that is through surrender. To emphasise the point he narrated the experience of his own mother and the various travails she went through only to pulled out by Bhagawan every time.

Prof. Anantaraman speaking on the theme, "Our Lives, His message", listed the two main characteristics of the Avatar of the age in his 40 years of association with Him. The first, His Vajra Sankalpa or Cosmic Will and second His Absolute Detachment. Way back in 1947 in a letter to His brother, Bhagawan outlined His Mission and it had to come true. Every deed of His was perfect. The unconvetional university system of Bhagawan was rated as the Crest Jewel of University Education by the National Accreditation Bodies. His Hospitals provide tertiary level care absolutely free of cost and the list goes on. Now, the learned professer, said is the time for us to carry His living legacy as the world will remember Bhagawan based on what his devotees do by His Divine Inspiration.

The speeches was followed by excerpts from Divine Discourses of Bhagawan. Bhagawan through many analogies and parables, conveyed the importance of good company. The Discourse concluded with the Bhajan, "Subramanium Subramanium..." in the sweet voice of Bhagawan.

A classical Carnatic and Hindustani concert by the staff and students of Sri Sathya Sai Mirpuri College of Music titled, "Sai Naada Narayani" followed. The students started with the carnatic recitals, "Vara Valabha Ramana" and "Devi Neeya Thunai", followed by an instrumental piece with the Veena being the central instrument. Next it was the turn of the students of Hindustani music to display their skills through a Tarana and a song, "Jai Jai Jai Jaga Janani Devi". The programme concluded with a stupendous carnatic performance by a faculty member of the college.
The students continued with Bhajans while Prasadam was distributed to all. Arati was offered at 1840hrs.

Updated Sunday, October 02, 2011 - 2007 Hrs. IST
The Veda Purusha Sapthaha Jnana Yajnam graced the Poornachandra Hall for the third day from 0700hrs to 1200hrs. 15 villages of the Bukkapatnam Mandal were covered by students today. The villagers welcomed the students with thoranams and banners of Bhagawan. Chairs with Bhagawan's photographs graced many streets and presided over the distribution. Children of the villages had a great time as this was a day of festivity for them. Shouts of "Sai Ram" from the sweet voices of the kids, inspired the students with vigor.

The Grama Seva started with Nagarasankirtan in which the tiny tots joined the students with all enthusiasm. With great humility and grace the villagers accepted Prasadam and clothes with the complete understanding that it has come from their Own Mother. The students learned many important lessons about the hospitality of the Indian Villages. Young and old alike waved at the vans bidding adieu to the couriers of their Lord to welcome them again next year.

In the evening the proceedings began at 1630hrs with Veda recitation by Institute students. Sri Shashank Shah speaking on the glory of the mother and the eternal true mother, Sathya Mata, introduced the speakers of the day.
Kumari Lalitha Sarma, an M.Phil student in English from the Anantapur Campus of the University spoke on the theme, "Learning at the Lotus Feet of Bhagawan". Beginning the talk with the starting verse of Soundarya Lahari, she spoke of Yajna and the detachment developed by that with the verse, "This is not Mine". She warned us against the delusion that we have any contribution to the Sai Mission. She said, the Sai Mission contributes to our Chitta Shudhi or purification of the intellect. Quoting from the Upanishads and Tagore's Geetanajali, she said that Bhagawan not only satisfies our physical hunger but also our spiritual hunger. She ended the talk on a personal note with her experiences with Bhagawan as a Nadaswaram player.

Sri Sai Giridhar SaiRam, a doctoral research scholar in Chemistry has had the unique privilege of speaking in front of Bhagawan on many occasions. On a previous occasion when Bhagawan spoke through him, the student said that The Lord blessed him with a ring that had 4S's which Bhagawan expanded to theme, "Salokyam Sarupyam Samipyam Sayujyam". Salokyam or residing in the Divine Abode of Prasanthi Nilayam he said is a rare chance that we are blessed with experiencing. Sarupyam or having the same form of the Lord is gained by following His footsteps and doing what He would do. Samipyam or nearness and dearness to Him is gained by surrender and accepting everything as His will. Finally Sayujyam or merger with the Lord was explained by Bhagawan Himself to the student. "I am not this body. I am not this Mind. Then where is the place for I?" The student further expounded when "I" is added to "Sa" or divinity, we get Sai and therefore Sai is our very own identity.
The talks of the students was followed by excerpts from the Divine Discourse where Bhagawan expounds, " Follow the heart as it is the voice of the conscience. Bhagawan further explained how to pay tax to the Lord to whom everything belongs. Asking everyone to bring the hands together in tune with the beat, Bhagawan sang, "Madhura Madhura Murali..."

Music by students from the Anantapur Campus of the University was the next programme in the agenda. The songs were composed and rendered by the students themselves. Before the beginning of the programme, the students presented a miniature Golu to Bhagawan and took his blessings for Navarathri.

With concise introductions in chaste English, the students started the programme with the song, "Sri Saieshwaraya..." in Sanskrit to be followed by a Telugu and Hindi song to be followed by a multilingual song. Showing their Carnatic expertise, they then sang a thillana before concluding with a western piece. The programme was followed by Bhajans and Arati. Prasadam was distributed to all.

Updated Saturday, October 01, 2011 - 2203 Hrs. IST
The second day of the Veda Purusha Sapthaha continued with all auspiciousness in the Poornachandra Hall from 0700hrs to 1200hrs. The students on a Prema Yajna of their own, continued the Grama Seva today covering 20 villages in Bukkapatnam Mandal.

The two speakers of the day were Sri Saurabh Kumar, a student of B. Com from the Brindavan Campus of the University and Dr. P.L. Rani, Asst. Prof of English in Anantapur Campus. Sri Saurab spoke on the 9 paths of Devotion and how Bhagawan has weaved all of them into the schedule of the students of His University so that the individual student me choose the one which takes him/her closest to The Lord.

Dr. Rani who started with an expression of her immense gratitude to the Lord, stated with the emphasis of personal experience, that Bhagawan is a living presence and not merely a memory. She spoke on the topic, the three S. The three S she said stands for Sri Sathya Sai, his response of Yes, Yes, Yes as reflection, reaction and resound and his life story Sathyam, Sivam, Sundaram. When applied to the life of a student during Navarathri , it transforms into Service (Grama Seva), Sacrifice( Veda Purusha Yajna) and Satsang (Prasanthi Vidwan Mahasabha).

At the end of the above talks, excerpts from Bhagawan's discourse on 21st Oct 2001 was played where in the Lord emphasised the need for children to learn the stories from India's rich culture and history. He provided the chasm of difference between the ancient learning and current education by comparing the first learning of the children. In ancient India it started with 'Aum Namah Sivaya' and 'Aum Namo Narayanaya' where as in modern times it starts with 'Ding Dong Bell, Pussy is in the Well'. Bhagawan said that He had high expectations from His students to revive the Ancient Indian Culture. Bhagawan went on the explain the meaning of culture and summarised it as Leading a Life of Character is Culture. Bhagawan ended the discourse with the Bhajan, "Prema Mudhitha Man Se Kaho..."

The discourse was followed by a music programme by the students of the Brindavan Campus of the University titled, "Prema Amrutham". Interspersed with prayers the students started the programme with a rendition on Lord Ganesha, followed by a song on their Beloved Bhagawan, "Parthipuri Vihari". A soft melody "Giridhara Naagara" followed next. The high point of the programme was the song "Durge Maa..." song with a perfect inter blending of swaras. The concert concluded with a Qawwali, "Tere Darbar Mein Hum Aaye Hain Aaj". The students continued with Bhajans while Prasadam was distributed to all. Arati was offered at 1830hrs.
