Nestled in the heart of a cluster of bald hills with a
scant population of less than a hundred, this unknown, unnoticed,
unrecognised and undeveloped village awaited the Advent
of an Avatar for centuries. The result? Fulfilment! The
bald hills put on green caps; the dry tree tops put up green
leaves; the plants prepared colourful bouquets; the bees
hummed to collect honey for the Lord; and sands collected
and spread themselves to soften the path and River Chitravati
began the muse on a tune-all to greet the Divine on holy
23rd of November 1926. The one time sleeping village is
now agog with multitudes from every nook and corner of the
world drawn by the fragrance of His Glory, Word and Deed.
Located in Anantapur District of Andhra Pradesh, this tiny
village has now grown into a full-fledged township with
all modern amenities that would suit a fast growing population
of multinational texture. It has now the distinction of
being the seat of a world class Super Speciality Hospital
- Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, where
possibly for the first time in the world, the most modern
state-of-art facilities in surgery and medicine provided
totally free of cost, a Deemed university - Sri Sathya Sai
Institute of Higher Learning, comprising three campuses,
providing free education in arts, science, and management
including M.B.A, M.Tech in computer science and PhD, a music
college, a couple of Higher Secondary Schools and several
primary and middle schools. This tiny, but most privileged
village turned township also houses a planetarium of international
standard two Museums - Sri Sathya Sai Sanathana Samskruti
(Eternal Heritage) Museum, a spiritual museum, where one
can see a depiction of timeless panorama of seers and sages
of all faiths and religions, Chaitanya Jyoti Museum, dedicated
to the depiction of Life, Mission and Message of the Avatar
of the Age, not to speak of an Air Port and modern Railway
Station. Until recently the nearest rail head was Dharmavaram
on the Guntakkal - Bangalore line situated 45 km. from Puttaparthi
which distance had to be motored down by the visitors. Now
a new Railway Station "Sathya Sai Prasanthi Nilayam"
at a distance of 9 km is on the railway map of India much
to the comfort and convenience of the visiting devotees.
The Station has all the facilities that a major railway
station can offer.
The original name of this village was Gollapalli - a village
of the cowherds, as many of them lived here eking their
livelihood by tending the cows. The hasty and revengeful
action of one of these cowherds drew a curse from a dying
serpent whom he had stoned to death as it was seen sucking
milk from the udder of his favourite cow. The curse began
to operate in due course virtually eliminating the cowherds
and the cows. The entire area was covered with anthills
with snake pits housing serpents. Gollapalli thus became
Puttapalli (village of ant hills) and in due course Puttaparthi.
Concurrently the cowherds were replaced by tribals, who,
in turn, by some Brahmin families and, later, by Kshatriyas
including the Ratnakaram family of Bhagawan Baba. With regular
worship of deities, especially the stone that was flung
on the serpent, in the nearby Venugopala Swami Temple, the
village again began to flourish.
Puttaparthi is now adored all the world over as the birthplace
of the Avatar of the Age, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
It has assumed the position of the foremost pilgrimage centre
of the country as the Abode of the Living God is located