
Archival: ...Mar 2010.... Apr 2010... May 2010...June 2010...July 2010
Published on Tuesday, Aug 31, 2010 at 2115 Hrs. IST
Tue, Aug 31, 2010: Today, this evening, emerging at 1743 hrs., Bhagawan went for a full round before coming to pause for a while at the primary block watching the children chanting Vedam. Moving further into the ladies' side, Bhagawan turned about to ascend the portico. Gliding past, interacting with some, Bhagawan moved onto the stage at 1800 hrs., from the right of Ganesha, marked by a crescendo in chanting. Reciprocating to the special attention being given by Bhagawan, 'blossoming buds' from the Primary School often join the chanting, explicitly showing the progress achieved during their moulding days.

Heralding the 85th year of Advent, the state of West Bengal, taking its turn came up with a 'twin presentation', a dance programme by Balvikas children followed by a drama by the youth, this evening in the immediate Divine presence.
As Bhagawan assumed His seat on the dais, the chanting went on for another ten minutes, before Bhagawan indicating for bhajans to commence. Twenty minutes of bhajans followed before West Bengal took over the rest of the proceedings.
An announcement on the programme followed after which tiny tots from the West Bengal Balvikas forayed dancing to patriotic tunes from the collection of India's first Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore. The programme lasted for half-an-hour, after which, the youth took over to present a drama in " english on the life of Vivekananda. "Sambhavami Yuge Yuge" was an illustration of the illustrious spiritual journey of Vivekanandam, who was moulded by his master, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, to becoming India's 'roaring lion', inspiring millions upon millions, instilling great national and devotional fervour. Various scenes from the lives of the 'master and disciple' were depicted, essentially highlighting the moulding of the great indian spiritual giant.

Upon the end of the forty minute presentation, Bhagawan moved down the dais to pose for photographs with both the group, youth and the balvikas. Returning onstage, Bhagawan accepted Mangala Arathi at 1940 hrs. Blessing the concourse with abhayahastha, Bhagawan moved off retiring for the day at 1945 hrs.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Mon, Aug 30, 2010: Today, in the evening, it rained heavily much before Bhagawan made grand His entry into the Sai Kulwant Hall. As if warming the chilly backdrop, Bhagawan emerged with a yellow cover on top just after 1750 hrs., coming for a complete round. Finishing the round, Bhagawan moved a bit further into the ladies' side before turning about to come onto the portico. Blessing a group of students working with the Media and Publications Division, blessed to engage in media coverage, Bhagawan moved further, blessing the African veteran Victor Krishna Kanu before coming onstage just before 1815 hrs., marked by a crescendo in the bhajans.
Rains and overcast sky hastened the arrival of twilight that shone with briliiance under the gleam in Sai Kulwant Hall. Bhagawan sat through for the next half-an-hour, often seen glancing through the letters from devotees.
At 1845 hrs. Bhagawan turned to the priest indicating Mangala Arathi. Before moving off the dais, Bhagawan raised His benedictory palm in abhayahastha, for both ladies and gents.
Gone are those golden days when He would often pause, during His darshan rounds, for a while upon crossing the ladies' side, moving His right palm in the air followed by a writing gesture with His Divine index finger, then, fix His gaze downward, while lifting His flowing red robe help walking Himself! Though this inimitable Divine action is not repeated anymore, front benchers could still see Him moving His palm in typical Sai style, while His glance remain fixed to "eternity". This evening, just before leaving the dais, He did it once giving the concourse a glimpse of those reminiscing moments of yester years, a 'languag'e that is known only to 'the Gods'. Moving off, Bhagawan glided into the ladies' side at 1850 hrs. retiring for the day.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Sun, Aug 29, 2010: Today, on this weekend, fifth and final sunday for August 2010, Bhagawan emerged at 1715 hrs. to the holy chants of Vedam, joined en masse by the tiny tots from Primary School. Finishing a full round, Bhagawan paused at the tiny tots, watching and listening them chanting the Vedam 'face to Face' unto Him! After pausing for almost two minutes, listening to the final strains of the holy chanting, when bhajans began at the scheduled hour, Bhagawan moved off, gliding further into the ladies' end. Turning about shortly, Bhagawan came onto the portico, proceeding for a complete round of the portico, moving through the lower verandah to the upper one, gliding past to move into the bhajan hall through the main entrance. Emerging shortly, Bhagawan moved onstage at 1743 hrs.
As bhajans went on, at 1808 hrs., Bhagawan moved off the dais, moving into the interview room. ...As Bhagawan remained inside, the weekend evening was gradually sliding into her pale dark complexion. ...And He emerged...
Emerging at 1825 hrs. Bhagawan moved through the upper portico, blessing many, before turning about from halfway Sliding into the lower portico Bhagawan moved further, soon to pick up a senior devotee to return to the interview room for a brief session.
Returning shortly, Bhagawan came onstage to the "final bhajan" 'subramanyam..subramanyam...' and soon He called for Mangala Arathi. Upon accepting Arathi at 1840 hrs., Bhagawan moved off, gliding into the ladies's side at 1845 hrs. retiring for the day.
Over five hundred devotees from neighbouring Himalayam Kingdom, Nepal, have arrived as a part of Nepal's Prasanthi Pilgrimage 2010. A total of 1800 are expected to join this ten day's pilgrimage starting from tomorrow.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Sat, Aug 28, 2010: Morning darshan tidings comes yet again with tides of greater benediction! Granting yet another morning darshan, this morning, first in 20 days, Bhagawan emerged at 1035 hrs. to come for a full round. Interacting with some students on His way, Bhagawan came onto the portico for a brief interaction with a senior devotee from overseas before moving in, granting him an interview. Emerging yet again after forty-five minutes, at 1125 hrs., Bhagawan moved onstage to call for Arathi, before retiring to Yajur Mandiram at 1135 hrs.
On this otherwise sunny day, it drizzled in the nick of time just before 1645 hrs. when Bhagawan was ready to emerge coming in for Divine Darshan! Emerging at 1645 hrs. with a yellow umbrella cover on top, Bhagawan went for a full round before moving into the interview room in fifteen minutes, calling a senior devotee from overseas along with a small group in.
Emerging in half-an-hour, at 1730 hrs., Bhagawan glided past the lower portico, blessing many, to come onstage at 1737 hrs. Bhajans continued, with The Purusha, Bhagawan sitting onstage, and The Prakrithi, the nature wearing an overcast costume on top, ever ready to score a 'natural' background piece. With the beautiful twilight creeping in, thanks to the overcast sky, soon Bhagawan indicated for an "aalaap" bhajan. Singing Radha Rani's unsulliled love for her Beloved Krishna, "Radhika Jeevana..." rendered the air, and with that, came a downpouring as the 'gates to the heavens turned open'.
With the 'natural music' turned quite obvious, beating up the roof on top powerfully, at 1800 hrs., Bhagawan blessed Mr. Ajit Poppat from London to take over the rest of the day's proceedings, with yet another "Puppet Show".
Delivering an inspirational rhetoric centred around the famous 15th Chapter verse from The Bhagavad Gita, Mamaivamso jeevaloke jeevabhuta Sanathanah...., meaning, the eternal Atma in all beings is a part of My Being, the inspirational speaker dwelled upon the greater glory of the Lord of present times, who is the inner spark of Divinity in all. Adding a humorous touch to the plight of present day man, Mr. Poppat narrated a small story that he learned as a boy, that is, Born on Monday, Schooling on Tuesday, College on Wednesday, Marriage on Thursday, Father on Friday, Grandfather on Saturday and Died on Sunday, depicting the sad plilght of man's mechanised life style often described by Bhagawan in hindi, Kaana Peena Sona Marna...meaning eating, drinking, sleeping and dieing. Speaking on the theme, the speaker had interesting anecodotes from the lives of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Mullah Nazeeruddin, the satirical sufi preacher of fame, while blurting some of his own own experiences at Sai Kutir in London. Quoting a Mullah Naseeruddin experience, drawing a parallel to his own, who often gets to speak in His Divine presence, the speaker said, it is for his own benefit that he is speaking as Bhagawan is serving a reminder to him to reach his own self. 'Picking the threads' from the Mullah Story, wherein the Mullah, who started giving inspirational sermons at enthusiastic public request, after a gradual decline in public response, finally got to address an almost empty audience, the speker reminded the audience that, through His own life Bhagawan is teaching us that this is not the time to preach and teach, rather, this is the time to reach, to reach out, as exemplified by Him in many of His project activities.
Being the holy month of Ramadan for the Muslims around the world, Mr. Poppat ended reciting some verses in Urdu as a prayer to Allah, essentially declaring that "Sab Ka Maalik Ek!"
At 1825 hrs. Bhagawan nodded for Mangala Arathi. Rains that subsided in between, picked up yet again heralding His "return". Moving off the dais at 1830 hrs., Bhagawan got into His "Sai Vaahan" retiring for the day that presented twin darshans.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Fri, Aug 27, 2010: This evening, emerging at 1818 hrs., Bhagawan went for a full round of darshan before getting into the bhajan hall for a Divine round of inspection. With Bhagawan still inside, the evening slowly turned pale, bringing in a twilight made to shine as bright as she could, with glittering lighting in the Sai Kulwant Hall shone with brilliance, invoking The Lord on to the dais.
After spending more then ten minutes in, emerging through the rear entrance, Bhagawan came onstage at 1840 hrs. as bhajans continued with added fervour.
Bhagawan sat through for the next twenty minutes, presiding over the bhajans. Accepting Mangala Arathi at 1900 hrs., Bhagawan continued to sit watching over prasadam distribution. Moving off the dais at 1910 hrs., Bhagawan spent next twenty minutes, ten minutes apiece in interview room and bhajan hall, before emerging at 1930 hrs. retiring to Yajur Mandiram.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Thu, Aug 26, 2010:Today, in the evening, Bhagawan emerged at 1745 hrs. to come for a full round of darshan. It was a slow detailed round, wherein, Bhagawan was seen interacting with many, enroute. Youth from Odisha (formerly Orissa), who were in costumes also got to interact with Him. At the primary block, Bhagawan spent a while before completing the round. Moving into the ladies' end for an 'extra length', Bhagawan turned about to come onstage at 1810 hrs., from the right of Ganesha, intereracting and blessing many.
Bhajans began soon as commanded by Bhagawan, much to the surprise of all. The state of Odisha was ready to stage two presentations, a short Odissi Dance presentation entitled "Dasavathar" followed by an offering of gratitude for the "flood of love" of Bhagawan towards the flood ravaged districts of Odisha in rehabilitating 699 families, building as many "happy homes" along the River Mahanadi, that ran inspate causing havoc in the year 2008.

Bhajans continued for the next 45 minutes till when Bhagawan nodded for the programme to commence at 1855 hrs.. An announcement by the state president followed before internationally acclaimed dance form in "Odissi" took the centre stage, staging 'Dashavathar'. The presentation was based on Poet Saint Jayadeva's "Geeta Govindam", illustrating the incarnation of Lord Vishnu as Dasavathar, ending with the final one "Kalki" representing the present day incarnation of Bhagawan.
Beginning the next presentation, "A Flood Of Love" with a background story hatched in the Divine Abode in Kailasha, wherein Lord Shiva bestows upon a special boon to Mother Parvathi that when He comes down as Sai Avatar, He will be building houses for the destitutes. Thus reveals the rivetting episode of Odisha's telling tale of Divine Love of Lord Sri Sathya Sai.

The forty minute presentation was an enactment of the "Divine Script" written by Bhagawan in the lives of many hapless in the state bringing relief in the form of "Sai Premalayam". Presentation was laced with beautiful songs in Odissa depicting the bond of Love the state enjoys with Bhagawan.
Upon the end of the presentation, dress materials, safari pieces and sarees, for men and women, were distributed among the participants. Moving down the dais, Bhagawan blessed the contingent posing for group photo sessions. Returning onstage, Bhagawan interacted with some of the Youth enquiring as to whether they have received clothes.

At 2015 hrs. Bhagawan accepted Mangala Arathi and in next five minutes He moved off, blessing the concourse with abhayahastha. Bhagawan spent quite awhile interacting with Santoor Maestro Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma and his son Rahul Sharma before getting into the interview room at 1830 hrs. Spending next ten minutes in, Bhagawan emerged at 2040 hrs. to retire to Yajur Mandiram. Prasadam was distributed to the entire assemblage.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Wed, Aug 25, 2010: Today, in the evening, emerging at 1805 hrs., Bhagawan went for a full round of darshan before moving into the ladies' side, for an extra length, blessing many. Turning about, Bhagawan moved onto the portico, to glide through the lower portico, to come onstage at 1825 hrs., from the right of Ganesha. Once again, the little kids from Easwaramma English Medium School, who were into enthusiastic Vedam chanting, won His attention as Bhagawan blessed many of them who were arrayed to "Greet The Lord"!

Youth from Canada were ready, arrayed in the front block, 'armed with' musical instruments to sing a session-full of Love Songs for The Lord in a programme entitled Canadian Youth Music Programme 2010. The thirty-five minute programme had six songs, each song comprising of many verses. Beginning with "Om Gam Ganapathaye..." in dedication to Lord Ganesha, they continued to sing with "Open the eyes of my heart", a prayer unto Him hailing Him to

be The Light, expressing desire to Serve Him, The Lord, followed by "My Soul, My Sai", a song in praise of Bhagawan's all conquering love that is unfailing. The fourth piece was "We Believe", a proclamation of the descending awareness of "Unity" with established faith in Sai, that was followed by the penultimate piece, "Lord of Peace", a piece ascribing various names unto Him as He is many in One form, to conclude with the final piece in hindi, a Qawwali, reiterating our established bond with Sai. The "Choir" was conducted by Arun Yusuf.

Hearts cried out to high musical tones that lent the air on this beautiful evening as Youth from Canada sang through a session that lasted for more than half-an-hour, spelling out their Love For Sai. Bhajans by the Canadian troupe continued for the next half-an-hour until Bhagawan nodded for Mangala Arathi at 1935 hrs. In the meantime, sarees and safari pieces were distributed to the entire contingent. Upon accepting Arathi, Bhagawan moved off the dais at 1940 hrs. retiring for the day. Prasadam was distributed to the entire assemblage.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Tue, Aug 24, 2010: Today, in the evening, Bhagawan emerged at 1730 hrs. to come for a slow, complete round of darshan. Moving a bit further into the ladies' side, after His complete round, Bhagawan turned above to come on to the verandah in twenty minutes before moving into the bhajan hall for a Divine round of inspection. Emerging at 1800 hrs. through the front entrance, Bhagawan glided past the upper verandah to come onstage at 1805 hrs., from the right of Ganesha. Heavens opened up marking His grand entry and Veda chanting got into higher tonal vibrations, enthusiastically joined by the Primary School children, that continued upto 1815 hrs. when Bhagawan nodded for the scheduled Canadian programme to commence.

Initial invocations by seniors from the Organisation was followed by SSE children that went on for some time before the programme commenced at 1820 hrs.
With a collaborative and unified effort linking up all regions in the country, SSE children from far-flung Canada presented a unique programme entitled "A Life of Sai Ideals".
A young school boy who gets excited seeing the school olympics expresses his desire to participate in the winter olympics, but raised his own doubts about accomplishing the same, being physically challenged. Encouring the boy to pursue his lofty ambitions, his parents narrate six true stories instilling fresh hopes in the boy.
Presenting six inspirational true stories, exhibiting six Sai Ideals, the presentation brought to light the Truth about Sathya Sai and His Life Teaching, that, essentially all are living embodiments of Love, possessing highest innate potential.
Six inspirational stories include the story of legendary Terry Fox, who in 1980, with one leg having been amputated embarked on a cross-Canada run to raise money and awareness for cancer research and the epochal Walk For Values movement in many western countries.

The forty minutes' presentation came to a close at 1900 hrs. with a group song. A pause ensued upon which Bhagawan moved down the dais to pose with the participating children who exhibited remarkable discipline. Upon returning onstage, all the 235 participating children were given away safari pieces and sarees, boys and girls respectively, as a Divine gift. Bhagawan asked the group to sing Bhajans that continued for fifteen minutes before Bhagawan called for Mangala Arathi. Upon accepting Arathi Bhagawan amused the children gesticulating them to "go, eat and sleep"...and the children burst into laughter enjoying every bit of His Divine attention! As He was moving off the dais, He repeated the same yet again, and these lovely children went bursting yet again, making merry of His Divine gesture!

"Sai Vaahan" was ready for The Lord as the overcast sky offered enough of rains during the session; Bhagawan opted to move past gliding towards the ladies' end and the entire ladies' side rejoiced His greater benevolence with rounds of applause. It was 1940 hrs. when Bhagawan moved down the western aisle gliding into the ladies' end retiring for the day. Blessed prasadam was distributed to the entire assemblage.
Earlier, while making His round of darshan, Bhagawan interacted with quite a few from the group and blessed the the entire group with His Divine benedictory glance. A special mention has to be made about the participating children who arrayed in disciplined order posing for a snap with The Divine!
Over thousand Canadians are participating in this Parthi Pilgrimage 2010 that ends on 26th August. Tomorrow the Canadians are expected to present a Choir in the Divine presence.

God is Love and indeed every human being has the spark of that love towards this God in human frame!...and thus every one of them enjoys every bit of His actions during these Prasanthi Sessions!
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Mon, Aug 23, 2010: Onam marks the "Home Coming" of erstwhile ruler Mahabali, visiting Kerala once in a year, reminiscing his good olden days in the land known as "God's Own Country".... When thousands from the state have flocked to the "God Owned Country" celebrating Onam in the Divine Presence, this day, 23 Aug became yet another festive Kerala day in Prasanthi Nilayam in His immediate Divine presence.
...And on this expectant auspicious evening, The Lord made His grand entry at 1710 hrs., escorted by auspicious tunes of Panchavadyam, a temple associated art form of music with an orchestra of five instruments, that was preceded by a group of band girls from Sri Sathya Sai Vidyapeeth, Sri Sailam, Vedam and nadaswaram boys apart from girls with Thalappoli, who stood on either side at the ladies' end, welcoming The Lord!
Completing a full round Bhagawan moved further into the ladies' side before turning about to come onstage at 1725 hrs. Proceedings began in the next five minutes with the State President making an announcement on the Inter Collegiate and School Level Essay Writing Competition held in the state by the Organisation attended by over 15000 participants. Gold Medalists, Kum. Anjani Hariharan and Kum. Sukanya, from each of the category, were introduced to the audience who came onstage to receive the medals from the Divine hands.

Bringing in the essence of Kerala's cultural and spiritual heritage, combining art forms from the length and breadth of the state, a group of 99 Balvikas children presented a unique programme entitled "Keraleeyam" that ran for twenty minutes. To the background scores of medley of songs in vernacular malayalam, these coloufully attired children danced forth depicting stories of the glory of Adi Shankara to Parashurama, to the story of Prahlada and Narasimha Avatar finally talking about the 'home coming' of Emperor Mahabali. Singing folklore Onam songs they danced heralding the arrival of harvest and the festival of onam depicting the golden olden days of the Emperor. Depicting scenes from the minority Chrstian and Muslim population, the presentatiion culminated with a song hailing the glory of the Avatar of the Age, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Popular art forms, namely, Kathakali, Ottanthullal, Oppana, Kavadiattam, Vanchippattu etc. were depicted illustrating the illustriuos cultural state.
"Margadhara", a dance drama presentation by the Balvikas children from the state followed, that depicted the illustrious story of 'Balatapaswi', child ascetic Dhruva and his pious, virtuous mother, both of whom were rewarded by the greater heaven to become eternal stars for their surrender and highest devotion to God.

Beginning with a Kailasha scene wherein Nandeeshwara informs of the entry of a "new star" into the gates of Kailasha, The Lord reveals the illustrious story of Mother Suneeti to a growingly anxious Mother Parvathi, explaining the virtue and devotion of Suniti and her son Dhruva.
The epical story of Suruchi vs. Suniti, the jealous and wicked vs. the virtuous and godly was well depicted through flashback scenes beginning at King Uttanapada's royal court. Great affection and understanding between the two little brothers, Suruchi's demeaning attempt at Suniti aided well by a slandering woman, Suniti's righteous approach bearing all sufferings at the hands of Suruchi with composure were depicted before the climax scene wherein the Little Dhruva was insulted by Suruchi, who dragged the little prince out of the King's lap calling him unworthy. A desolated little Dhruva was comforted by his mother, who advised him to meditate on Lord Maha Vishnu, who would accomodate him on His Divine Lap, the Highest Abode! ...and thus began the highest penance that shook the three worlds finally bringing the great good to him and his mother, ascencion to the Highest Kingdom of Godhood!

The scene comes back to Kailasa where a wonderstruck Mother Parvathi pays 'salutatiions' to the newly ascending star, Suniti, who was conferred upon to be an eternal star, guiding mothers till eternity, while Dhruva was ascended to the heavens to be shone forth as Eternal Pole Star. The drama was unique with its humorous touch in dialogue delivery and enacting. Participating children have undergone hectic preparations before the final show and the make up for the presentation started as early as at 0800 hrs. this morning.
Bhagawan had moved off the stage for a short while and was back in time for the final scene wherein Lord Vishnu was conferring the boon on to the little lad. Upon the end of the one hour presentation, as per His command, safari pieces and sarees were given away to the participants. Soon it was Mangala Arathi time and as the Arathi song was being sung, Bhagawan moved down the dais to pose with the tiny tots for the day's evening session. A couple of boys were blessed with materialised Vibhuti prasadam.
Returning onstage, Bhagawan asked for an encore of "Samastha Lokaaha...." before blessing the concourse with abhayahastha...Moving off the dais, Bhagawan retired for the day at 1925 hrs. bringing curtains down on this year's episode of auspicious Onam! Special prasadam brought from Kerala was distributed to the capacity audience.
Malayalee contingent of students from both Brindavan and Anantapur Campus have also joined Prasanthi Nilayam celebrating their chosen festivity along with thousands of devotees from Kerala and other parts of the world.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Sun, Aug 22, 2010: Festive Kerala's festival of great significance, Onam, has come once again to the precincts of Prasanthi Nilayam. When the state of Kerala has come in a joyful mood to celebrate Onam in His Divine presence, today, in the evening, Bhagawan emerged at 1735 hrs. to the tunes of Nadaswaram and Vedic incantations. Coming for a slow, complete round, Bhagawan moved through the primary school block, pausing for a while before moving further into the ladies' side. Turning aboout shortly, Bhagawan came onto the portico, moving on to the stage at 1755 hrs. from the right of Ganesha.
Preceding the Thiruvonam Day, that is 23 Aug, this evening the Youth from the state presented a dance drama entitled "Bharata, The Embodiment of Supreme Love", a depiction of Bharata's selfless and unsullied love for Sri Ramachandra. Showcasing Ramayana scenes leading upto Lord Rama's exile, Dasaratha's demise, Bharata's sorrow and anguish followed by his meeting up with Lord Rama in the Dandakaryana Forest, the drama comes to the climax scene when Lord Hanuman brings the great good news of Lord Rama's return to His Kingdom after vanquishing the Ravana clan.

Presented with great emotional touch aided by superb dialogue delivery, the one hour presentation had an array of melodious songs, thematically entwined, helping the flow of the illustrious epical story.
At an age when sibling rivalry gets even to the supreme court for settlement, aeons ago, a great Divine brother had set the finest example of selfless love and sacrifice for His Beloved Brother and Lord Sri Ramachandra...Kerala brought one of the most chosen theme that the Lord of Puttaparthi ever cherishes, presenting it celebrating the advent of Onam 2010.
After the one hour presentation, a ten minutes pause ensued upon which Bhagawan moved down the dais to spend long fifteen minutes among the crew of boys. It was a session between Lord and His children; every individual member got his dues with Padanamaskar followed Laddu Prasadam from the Divine Hands. Returning onstage Bhagawan accepted Mangala Arathi after which He spoke to the State President, Prof. Mukundan, for a while before sending Safari suits for the participants. ...And before leaving the dais His benedictory palm went up not once, not twice, more times blessing the vast concourse, both ladies and gents and finally to the blessed drama crew seated right in front of the Lord!

At 1935 hrs. Bhagawan moved off the stage and as He was gliding past auspicious sounds of Panchavadyam rendered the air, singing "farewell" to The Lord after a most beautiful evening of celebration. Prasadam was distributed to the entire assemblage.
Mandir was decorated with typical Kerala themes parading all over. Colourful parasols and flower buntings were seen all over while the stage had a beautiful backdrop of the sanctorum sanctorum of a typical Kerala temple with two hanging lamps, already lit, hanging from either side. Bhagawan had a detailed look at the backdrop before assuming The Seat of The Lord!
Tomorrow, August 23, is Thiruvonam in Prasanthi Nilayam and all over Kerala! ...the day when the subjects in the state believed to be welcoming their erstwhile ruler, Emperor Mahabali.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Sat, Aug 21, 2010:Today, another day with overcast sky and slight drizzle at the 'appointed hour', Bhagawan emerged at 1710 hrs. with a yellow umbrella cover on top coming in granting yet another glorious Divine Darshan! A slow, full round ensued with Bhagawan spending awhile at the front block interacting witha group of students before casting His special glance upon the Easwaramma English Medium children who were into enthusiastic Vedam chanting. After blessing flocks of children with 'cards', Bhagawan moved onto the portico to get into the interview room at 1725 hrs. Bhajans commenced at the appointed hour.
Emerging just after 1740 hrs., Bhagawan came onstage at 1743 hrs. from the left of Ganesha. Soon, a team of MBA faculties led by Prof. US Rao, Principal, SSSIHL, Prasanthi Nilayam Campus moved unto Bhagawan seeking blessings on the occasion of 24th Anniversary of School of Business Management Accounting and Finance (SBMAF) in Prasanthi Nilayam. Conferring blessings upon them, Bhagawan also blessed some of their publishing endevours. A new release entitled Value Based Business & Management, a compilation of 45 articles on the subject published in various national and international magazines was blessed and released apart from blessing a doctoral thesis on Corporate Statekeholder Management.

Even as bhajans continued, nature was playing her best as if engaged in a rejoicing mood. With dark clouds scudding across the sky sending off occasional thunderous roarings accompanied by intermittent flash lightnings, the evening was falling off fast bringing in an early twilight.
Bhajans picked up to greater momentum and soon the heavens opened up, beating up the roof heavily, storming with thunderous roarings...Bhagawan, the ever non-chalant sweet Lord He is, sat through, intermittently glancing through the letters and the assembly, while blessing some boys in between with Vibhuti packets, thrown unto them in His most inimitable style.
At 1822 hrs. Bhagawan looked at the priest indicating for Mangala Arathi. Upon accepting Arathi, there was a huge silence and nature, with her ever exuberant musical shower filling the gap, was readying herself to escort The Lord back unto His 'Abode'. After blessing the concourse with abhayahastha, Bhagawan moved off the stage to get into His "Sai Vaahan", moving past the hall at 1835 hrs. bringing curtains down on a beautiful saturday evening. Prasadam was distributed to the entire assemblage.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Fri, Aug 20, 2010:The sky was overcast and it rained during the day and in the evening. Auspicious it is, this friday being Varalakshmi Vratam Day, the main seat of the Lord had a decorated idol of Goddess Varalakshmi adorning the centre stage. Adding to the festive flavour, floral buntings were in place with the mainstage shining in grandeur and elegance.
Varalakshmi Vratam is performed by married Hindu women on the friday before the full moon day during the month of Sravana (August), popular in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu and in some parts of Orissa and Maharashtra.

In the evening, Bhagawan emerged at 1715 hrs. to the holy chants of Vedam. Escorted by classical nadaswaram rendering, Bhagawan moved through the concourse before completing a full round to come onto the portico. Gliding past the lower portico, listening to many, Bhagawan came onstage at 1730 hrs., from the right of Ganesha.
Upon coming onstage Bhagawan lit the lamp sanctifying and blessing the occasion. Further proceedings began in next five minutes with a specially designated priest taking over, as Bhagawan sat onstage as 'Sai Varalakshmi'. Speaking on the significance of the ritual conducted in the immediate Divine presence, the priest went on extolling The Lord, calling HIm to be Lord Dakshinamurthy in physical form. With His presence, Prasanthi is verily the Kailasha and Vaikunta, announced the priest talking on the significance of the ritual in Prasanthi NIlayam. Rituals began with Lakshmi Puja and Shodashopachara Puja followed by related rituals including Sai Ashotathara Shata Namaavali.

Twenty-five minutes of rituals ended with three jaikars by the priest that was well received and reciprocated by the capacity audience with devotional vigour. There were a thousand hand raised hailing "victory" to The Lord of Puttaparthi!
A carnatic musical offering by Ms. Bhagyalakshmi of Chennai followed that lasted for fifty minutes. Beginning with Ganesha Vandanam, the artiste went on singing for the next fifty minutes before Bhagawan nodded for Mangala Arathi, at 1850 hrs. Moving off the dais, Bhagawan glided into the ladies' end, at 1855 hrs. retiring for the day. Prasadam was distributed to the entire assemblage.
Kerala's Onam contingent with two drama presentations along with a musical offering is gearing up for their turn on Aug 22 and 23. The visiting Canadian group is equally engaged in hectic rehearsal sessions awaiting their turn to perform in the immediate Divine presence. The Canadians are expected to stay until the 26th August.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Thu, Aug 19, 2010: Even as the last strains of epochal Vedam chanting filled the air, Prasanthi was gearing up for the Holy Thursday's Holy Darshan!...and there He emerged to the final strains of the incantations, at 1726 hrs. Gliding past the vast concourse of devotees, casting His benedictory glance upon many, accepting a few letters in between,, Bhagawan moved towards the Primary block granting them special attention before ascending the portico, moving into the bhajan hall. Emerging through the rear entrance in a couple of minutes, Bhagawan came onstage at 1745 hrs. marked by a crescendo in bhajans.
Presiding over for the next forty-five minutes, Bhagawan accepted Mangala Arathi just after 1830 hrs. Moving off the dais after a brief pause, Bhagawan blessed some devotees enroute, before gliding into the ladies' side at 1840 hrs., retiring for the day.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Wed, Aug 18, 2010: Emerging at the stroke of 1800 hrs. "The Lord in Orange Robe" wafted through the vast concourse with His benedictory physical glance falling on many a blessed one who dotted the spacious Sai Kulwant Hall on this blessed evening. Completing a full round of darshan, Bhagawan moved through the lower portico, blessing the visiting Canadian group in-charge enquiring on their schedule, before coming onstage at 1820 hrs.
As bhajans prolonged beyond the daylight, crossing the twilight, with Bhagawan glittering as the crest jewel adornig the centre-stage, what ensued was a sumptuous feast of Divine Darshan enjoyed every bit by the blessed assembly.
At 1910 hrs. Bhagawan turned to the priest indicating for Mangala Arathi, after exactly 100 minutes of bhajans. Upon accepting Arathi, blessing the concourse with abhayahastha, Bhagawan moved off, interacting with many enroute, before gliding into the ladies' side at 1922 hrs. retiring for the day. Prasadam was distributed to the entire assemblage.

The group from Kerala, belonging to "Sai Rehabilitation Programme" for cardio patients blessed with the Healing Touch of Bhagawan through Bhagawan's Medicare Mission was also present as a seperate group, with many of them feasting their first darshan of the Saviour. The group of 700, that comprises of 150 muslims, is in Parthi at the exclusive expressive desire of many of these muslim beneficiaries who wanted to meet the "Baba". Being Ramadan season, the group is expected to Ramadan Namaz offering in a seperate place in the ashram and the group had come with meticulously planning, bringing paraphernalia related to this offering.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Tue, Aug 17, 2010: Today, in the evening, upon emerging at 1705 hrs. to the holy chants of Vedam, Bhagawan glided through the concourse of devotees, completing a full round, before coming onto the portico to move into the bhajan hall. Exiting soon, Bhagawan came onstage at 1720 hrs. as Vedic incantations continued for the next five minutes before bhajans commenced five minutes ahead of the scheduled hour.
The Lord was in His gracious benevolent mood and He had "His Picks" during the session that ensued. Picking up two of the boys working in the ashram, Bhagawan interacted with them for a while before blessing the boys with Vibhuti Prasadam. ...After a pause another boy followed, blessed by Vibhuti prasadam. Calling and conversing with one of the faculty members from the Institute, Bhagawan adorned him with a materialised golden chain blessing him profusely.
With Bhagawan sitting onstage, the session continued until Bhagawan accepted Mangala Arathi at 1818 hrs. Leaving the dais after blessing the packed audience with His abhayahastha, Bhagawan spent sometime conversing and blessings some devotees including some students before retiring for the day at 1830 hrs., bringing curtains down on this blessed tuesday. Prasadam was distributed to the entire assemblage.
Canada has come with a full strength of around 1200 and would be in Prasanthi for ten days. Kerala contingent of devotees started arriving ahead of Onam festivity; a group of 240 belonging to "Sai Neethi", a Forum of Lawyers has also joined the Onam contingent. Seven hundred 'pilgrims' including 300 patients who have been benefitted by the Medicare Mission of Bhagawan and subsequently rehabilitated under the "Sai Rehabilitation Programme" are expected for a "Hrudaya Sangamam" in the Divine presence on 18 Aug. This seven hundred includes 150 Muslims whose lives have been touched by the Divine Benevolence of Bhagawan!!! "Hrudaya Sangamam", conselling and reunion programme, normally organised at various district centres in Kerala is scheduled in Prasanthi Nilayam this time at the special insistence of a group of Muslim beneficiaries from Malappuram and Kozhikode districts of Kerala, who were eager to meet the "source of inspiration" behind the free medicare at the twin super speciality hospitals run by Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Mon, Aug 16, 2010: After a "week full" of cultural programmes, today, on this cloudy evening without any special schedule, Bhagawan emerged at 1735 hrs. delivering week's first darshan. A full round ensued upon which coming onto the portico, Bhagawan glided past the lower portico, blessing many, before coming onstage at 1750 hrs., from the right of Ganesha.
Bhajans that commenced at the scheduled hour continued till 1835 hrs. when Bhagawan accepted Mangala Arathi.
After the bhajans and Arathi, as the Universal Prayer, "Samastha Lokaaha..." was on, Bhagawan, The Lord of Supreme Benevolence, was in a playful mood with His students and started throwing Vibhuti packets unto the the front block of students, mainly Bhajan and Vedam boys. Four of them got a packet each and the 'foursome' was blessed with Padanamaskar... Soon HE asked for an encore of "Samastha Lokaaha...". A brief conversation with one of the leading bhajan singers followed before Bhagawan moving off the dais at 1840 hrs.
Interacting with some seniors followed by a couple of students Bhagawan glided into the ladies' side at 1845 hrs. retiring to Yajur Mandiram. Prasadam was distributed to the entire assemblage.
With "Region 94" devotees from Arabian Gulf and the Middle East are set to retreat in a couple of days, another huge group, from Canada, is expected and the inflow has already begun with the arrival of small contingents. ...And adding to Prasanthi's festive glory comes the Kerala festival Onam, scheduled for 23rd August. Groups of devotees from "God's Own Country" are expected to arrive in the coming days. This evening, Sai Kulwant Hall had a packed audience enjoying the bliss of the "darshan cum bhajan" session.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Sun, Aug 15, 2010: The strings that pulled on the previous evening emitting strains of Divine Romance continued to emanate soulful tunes and in response came a 'Divine Call' for yet another 'bonding' between The Lord and HIs children resulting an indoor session in favour of "Prema Bandhan" that lasted for ninety long minutes.
Today, in the evening, emerging at 1635 hrs. to the chants of Vedam, Bhagawan drifted through the multitudes, pausing in between, blessing many including primary children, before completing the round to go for another half round encircling the ladies' end. Taking a detour and reaching the portico, Bhagawan glided past the lower portico to get into the bhajan hall at 1505 hrs. through the rear entrance.
As if continuing from where they had left on the previous evening, a closed door session ensued, wherein Bhagawan spent next ninety minutes with the 1996 batch of students and their immediate family members. Prof. G Venkataraman who addressed the group in the Divine presence spoke about the evolution of Parthi, between then and now, elaborating on the various service activities taken up by Bhagawan as a part of His Divine Mission. Professor's speech was followed by an Inspirational Divine Discourse wherein Bhagawan stressed highly on the importance of harmonious living in families. Citing various illustrious characters, namely the couple in the lores, Nala and Damayanthi, Bhagawan highlighted on the greater importance of living with understanding in families, especially between husband and wife. "Vote of Thanks", more appropriately, 'expression of Gratitude to Bhagawan' followed before winding up the long, 'illustrious' session between The Lord and His 'properties'.

...And outside, in the Sai Kulwant Hall, as "the wait' continued with a jampacked assembly awaiting The Lord, the nature was wielding her magical spell with the rare combo of overcast sky with an advancing twilight with her dark tinge setting a perfect backdrop for The Lord to emerge as His students were to celebrate the glory of Mother India, celebrating 64th National Independence Day in in His immediate Divine presence. The backdrop has to be dark for Mother India to be shone forth...and, adding to the celebrating mood, heavens opened up, pouring her share of joy.
...And came the Lord!...emerging at 1845 hrs., Bhagawan glided through the lower portico to come onstage at 1850 hrs. and the stage was ready for the drama "Swarajya Gatha" by the senior post graduate students of SSSIHL.
Invoking blessings ensued before Bhagawan's Voice "Khanda Kandanthara..." rendered the air marking the beginning of the presentation. "Swarajya Gatha" was centred around the freedom struggle involving Bharat's first mass leader, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, lived during the period 1856-1920. Tilak's ideals to spread national unity and religious harmony through various religious festivals promoting "Swarajya", standing united against the British, set the backdrop for the presentation before the story advanced into Tilak's undying passion for Mother India and winning her freedom from the British. The man who proclaimed "Swarajya is my birthright and I shall have it" finally got arrested by the British who sent him to jail for a long six year imprisonment. His evolution in the jail, where he turned contemplative, getting deep into the 'Geeta Rahasya' and Karma Yoga, still madly possessed with his undying passion for his Mother India was illustrated with the help of Mahabharat scenes depicting Abhimanyu, who embraces the risk of getting into the Padmavyooha in the name of moral duty to win the battle.

Subsequent scenes depicted Tilak's state of depression, at not finding a sustained way forward to win his dream Swarajya, after he was freed form the jail, his meeting up with Sai Baba of Shirdi and Baba's precious words of advice to him. Mother India is in the safe hands of God assured the Lord of Shirdi advising Tilak to find his own swarajya first.
The presentation was packed with powerful dialogue delivery. At the time of his arrest by the British, he said: "Swarajya is the foundation and not anything raised to have a prosperous future; a foundation never comes down; may be an edifice that is raised on the foundation will come down, but another one will soon rise in its place and it is just a matter of time", retorted Tilak countering the British.

The one hour presentation ended with a melodious group song on the glory of Bharat, Mother India, to the tune of "Sundaram Bharatham Sumadhuram..." The presentation was interwoven with melodious and colorful dance and song sequences. An innovative idea, a revolving automated stage, done indigenously by the students from the hostel won special attention from Bhagawan.

Moving down the dais, Bhagawan posed for group photo session involving entire crew. Bhagawan chose to spend some time in the middle interacting with the group. The Abhimanyu cast won His special blessings as Bhagawan materialised a golden chain with a Ganesha pendant for the cast. Returning onto the stage, Bhagawan spent quite sometime interacting with various casts. Bhagawan was seemed to be amused with the two boys acted as Draupadi and Subhadra. Interacting with them, Bhagawan, upon presenting them safari pieces gave away an additional presentation, a saree each, to the delight and amusement of all. Entire drama crew got safari pieces as a token of His love and blessing. This Divine Interactive Session continued till 2020 hrs. until Bhagawan nodded for Mangala Arathi. Upon accepting Arathi, Bhagawan moved off the dais. Interacting with many enroute, Bahgawan glided into the ladies' side at 2025 hrs. retiring to Yajur Mandiram briging curtains down on this glorious evening of 64th National Independence Day!
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Sat, Aug 14, 2010: God is bound by nothing but love...The Bond of Love that 'pulls the strings' singing pure selfless love unto Him is what God seeks from every human.
Bonding in the name of love for "Swami", a group of over seventy-five students from the SSSIHL batch of 1996 assembled along with their immediate family in Prasanthi Nilayam, in a programme entitled "Prema Bandhan".
Emerging quite early at 1630 hrs. to the chants of Vedam, Bhagawan, upon completing a full round of darshan moved into the bhajan hall for a fifty minute closed door session with the old students and families. Before completing the round, Bhagawan spent ample time blessing flocks of Easwaramma English Medium children who were craning to have His attention with variuos greeting cards.

Inside the bhajan hall, cutting a special cake on the occasion, Bhagawan moved through the rows, blessing many. Half-an-hour into the session the group burst into a string of love-filled songs, evoking nostalgic memoirs of their student days in the hallowed portals. Bhagawan materialised a golden chain for one of the students interacting and blessing his immediate family members.

Winding up the fifty minute session Bhagawan emerged to come onstage at 1735 hrs. As per His Divine Command, the batch of 1996 along with 'their' relatives also moved out, moving into the front block to feast another round of close darshan. Earlier, in the morning, the group had the special privilege of leading the morning bhajans along with the Prasanthi bhajan group.
Bhajans that commenced at the scheduled hour continued till 1805 hrs. when Bhagawan indicated for Mangala Arathi. Upon accepting Arathi, moving off the dais, Bhagawan interacted with many on His way, before gliding into the ladies' side to retire to Yajur Mandiram, at 1815 hrs. RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat was seen seeking Divine Blessings as Bhagawan passed by.

Earlier, in the morning, Bhagawan had emerged at 1030 hrs. to go for a "Divine Safari" outside the Prasanthi gates, before returning to the Mandir to accept Mangala Arathi, retiring to Yajur Mandiram.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Fri, Aug 13, 2010: Today, in the evening, emerging at 1740 hrs. to the chants of Vedam, Bhagawan went for a full round of darshan. Towards the end of the round, Bhagawan paused for a while at the ladies' side, interacting with some before coming onto the portico. Gliding through the lower portico, Bhagawan blessed some 'organisational' officials before coming onstage at 1805 hrs.; as He was gliding past, Bhagawan was seen 'repeating' the Vedic incantations in tandem with the chanting by the students.
Coming onstage, as the Vedic incantations went on, Bhagawan blessed the organisers and some of the participants from Region 94, who were set to stage a cultural presentation.

The programme titled, "Prema Tarangini", meaning Ocean of Love, was a loving offering by the Balvikas children from Arabian Gulf and the Middle East Region, comprising of eight centres, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
As Veda chanting ended at 1810 hrs. an official introduction on the programme followed afterwhich the children from the region took over the proceedings.
Starting with Sainatha Ashatakam, they went on singing another five hymns for the next 25 minutes before the seniors took over for the next half-an-hour singing melodious bhajans. At the end of the children programme Bhagawan blessed one little blossoming bud with Vibhuti Prasadam followed by another one with a materialised golden chain. Subsequently, Bhagawan called the boy once again onstage presenting him an 'instant' photo print of the same.
At 1910 hrs. Bhagawan indicated for Mangala Arathi. Upon accepting Arathi, Bhagawan moved down the dais to pose for a group photo session with both the groups, children and the bhajan troupe. 107 seven children from eight centres participated in the evening's presentation.

Moving off the dais at 1920 hrs. Bhagawan went into the interview room to spend next fifteen minutes in before emerging to retire at 1935 hrs.
This blessed evening in Prasanthi was made more beautiful by the surge of wave of love from the other end of Arabic Ocean. These tiny tots had a unique prayer unto Bhagawan, praying for the welfare of children all over the globe. This wave of prayers was sure to have reached The Lord!
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Thu, Aug 12, 2010: On this holy Thursday, that as well marks the second day of the Holy Month of Ramadan for the Muslims around the world, the visiting "Region 94" devotees from The United Arab Emirates got befitting benediction from Bhagawan to stage the first of their programmes in the immediate Divine presence.
Responding to Bhagawan's call to serve the humanity, "Region 94" organised a programme of distribution of "implements that could earn a living" for selected beneficiaries from villages around Puttaparthi.
Earlier, in the evening, emerging at 1730 hrs. to the chants of Vedam, Bhagawan went for a full round of darshan, pausing in between, before completing the round in fifteen minutes. Glancing at the Primary Children, Bhagawan moved further into the ladies' side for a full length before turning about to come onto the portico. Blessing some faculties from SSSIHL, Bhagawan moved on to come onstage at 1750 hrs. Before assuming His original seat onstage, Bhagawan chose to interact with some of the representatives from the UAE who were seated at the university block.

Proceedings for the evening began with the officials seeking Divine blessings for the commencement of the distribution programme. An emotional introductory speech by one of the regional representatives followed before Prof. Anil Kumar took over the proceedings. Speaking on the uniqueness of the service endeavours of Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Prof. Anil Kumar explained the 'guidelines' for the beneficiaries. Implements, namely, solar lamps, sewing machines, tricycles, water filters and mixers were distributed to over 85 beneficiaries with Bhagawan watching over the proceedings.
As the beneficiaries retreated with grateful thanks to the 'presiding deity' in physical, the stage was being set for a songs presentation by devotees from Turkey. The programme was entitled "Divine Songs From Turkey" . Starting with three Omkars followed by a Ganesha Bhajan, the troupe sang almost a dozen songs for the next fifty minutes before winding up with a melodious number with an infectious refrain "Sai Ram Baba... Om Sai Ram".
It was time for Mangala Arathi. Upon accepting Arathi, Bhagawan asked for an encore of "Samastha Lokaaha...". A pause ensued and Bhagawan asked for clothes to be brought for distribution.The troupe of more than forty members was blessed with sarees and safari pieces, ladies and gents respectively. At 1920 hrs. after completing the distribution, Bhagawan asked for one more Mangala Arathi that was followed by the third "Samastha Lokaaha...." for the evening. Soon Bhagawan moved off, blessing some devotees enroute, retiring for the day at 1925 hrs. Prasadam was distributed to the entire assemblage.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Wed, Aug 11, 2010: During most of the day the sky was overcast and setting the stage for "His entry" came cooling showers just before the scheduled end of the Veda chanting.
Bhagawan emerged at 1741 hrs. with an yellow umbrella cover on top, well received by the multitudes that went into spontaneous applause, an act of rejoicing watching His special 'colourful' entry.
Veda chanting got a fillip with ' Little Hearts' from Primary School and Easwaramma English Medium School joining en masse with verve and enthusiasm. ...And as Bhagawan was moving past, the drizzle turned into lashing rains banging the roof atop with thud lending a natural background score to His Divine Darshan. Completing a full round of darshan Bhagawan came onstage at 1758 hrs. and soon blessings followed signalling further proceedings for the session.
As announced during the previous evening, the Youth from Delhi & NCR (National Capital Region) were to stage a dance drama titled 'Guru Kripa'. The presentation was based on the life of illustrious Sufi Saint, Bulleh Shah, lived during 17th-18th century, highlighting Guru's importance in one's life.
Bringing a modern day scene wherein a youth of the day with overpowering ego forgets social ethics and behavioural norms, the presentation takes the help of the illustrious life of the Sufi saint to enlighten the youth of the greater importance of Guru Bhakthi. His remorseful father narrates the story of the Saint in an attempt to bring his son back into the right track. Bulleh Shah, against much opposition from his family and society in general, stood by his devotion to his guru, Inayat Shah Quadri, a lower cast, declaring firmly that he would forgo his family and worldly life, but not his "Sai", who was his revered guru.

Still not convinced, the egotist finally learns his lesson when his discarded teacher pardoned him, despite all the insults meted out to him, saving his former student from the embarassment of going behind the bars.
The fifty minute presentation was intertwined with melodious and meaningful songs in folk punjabi language, the language used during the times of Bulleh Shah. The presentation ended with a group song, in typical sufi tongue, in praise of "Sai".
Upon the end of the presentation, Bhagawan called the fakir cast onstageand blessed him with a materialised golden chain. Subsequently Bhagawan moved down the stage for a group photo session. It was 1855 hrs. and as indicated by Bhagawan lead bhajan pair burst open with "Allaho Akbar.." A pause ensued as Bhagawan sat through and soon ."Sri Raghavam..." followed and the session continued from there...with an array of bhajans.... In the meantime an 'instant photo print' of the materialisation came. The cast was called onstage once again and Bhagawan made over the same to the youth, a bonus blessing for the blessed youth.
After the drama presentation, 'His drama' was unfolding. Bhagawan asked for the backroom assistants also to come forward to join the drama cast in the front block...Soon He moved down the dais once again!...for yet another photo session!!
Returning onstage in five minutes Bhagawan sat through... still more to come?!?
Lord's compassion was filling and fulfilling...Bhagawan was seen giving instructions to the State President, Delhi & NCR...and soon the drama cast in small groups marched onto the stage for yet another "Momentous Moment" with The Divine!!!

These post programme sessions often turn out to be 'open class rooms'. Tales that tags the tails of such sessions are great eye openers for man to learn and imbibe.
It was 1930 hrs. and Bhagawan asked for Mangala Arathi. Upon accepting Arathi, Bhagawan sat for a while and before leaving the dais He blessed the concourse with abhyahastha. Leaving off, enroute, Bhagawan profusely blessed Lakhwinder Wadali, the Sufi singer who mesmerised the audience with his scintillating sufi rendering on the previous evening. Interacting with the singer, Bhagawan gave him 'fistfuls' of Vibhuti prasadam, a sign of His all conquering Love!!! As He was gliding into the ladies' side, there came an 'instant' print of the group photo session...Presenting the same to the State President, Bhagawan moved off, retiring for the day, bringing curtains down on another eventful evening.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Tue, Aug 10, 2010: Today, in the evening, emerging at 1700 hrs. to the chants of Vedam, Bhagawan went for a lengthy round of darshan before showing up onstage at 1720 hrs., marked by 'heightened' chanting.
The evening was earmarked for Delhi & NCR to stage a cultural offering, a Sufi & Folk Song presentation by popular North Indian Sufi Singer Lakhwinder Wadali and troupe. Sufi rendering is an off shoot of Sufism, which in turn promotes religious harmony was infact the best offering to the Great Master who is the greatest proponent of religious harmony. Sufi songs reflect the pure state of one's mind and are focussed on one's love towards God.

As Vedic chants continued, Mr. Jatinder Cheema, State President, Delhi & NCR, as per the command of Bhagawan presented a prelude to the programme introducing the singer to the august assembly. Profusely thanking Bhagawan for His nine days' North Indian sojourn in April, Mr. Cheema called the evening's presentation as an offering of gratitude for Bhagawan's greater benevolence that took Him to Delhi and Shimla. Introducing the singer, he made a mention of the singer's father, Padmashree Ustad Puran Chand Wadali, who had the blessed opportunity to sing in Bhagawan's Divine presence 37 years ago, in Moga, Punjab.
Commencing the programme, the blessed singer, singing from the depth of his heart to the heights of exalted heavens, rendering high pitched numbers reverberating the packed 'amphitheatre' in Prasanthi, took the entire audience with his special 'twists and turns', typical of sufi style, complete with meaning, to the accompaniment of high beat music, resulting an electrifying musical evening. The singing was so alluring that the verve in the air was catching up with the packed assembly tuning rapt attention onto the stage. Among the numbers included Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan's popular Sufi Qawwali, Dama Dam Mast Kalandhar...enjoyed by one and all.

An hour passed by when the singer was into his fifth number and at the end of the same Bhagawan moved off, asking the singer to continue. As he continued to make merry of the life opportunity bestowed upon, the twilight's shadow was soon catching up engulfing Prasanthi, and adding to this splendour arrived The Lord, in fifteen minutes, onstage at 1855 hrs. ...and the hall literally turned lit with His re-entry as the tempo was soon building up before the final whistle. The singer, who was by now into his seventh number and was repeatedly singing "Aaja Mahi...Aaja Mahi.."; bringing a sudden twist pausing the song He addressed The Lord: "Sai jab chale gayethe tho hamara man nahi lag raha tha...tho hum aapke jaane ke baad ye sab kahne lagi..." Loye Loye Aaja Mahi, meaning, when Bhagawan moved off, he was feeling odd (in the absence) and was repeatedly invoking HIm, calling out Aaja Mahi..Aaja Mahi)...The tune was melodious and mesmerising and the love of the devotee was expressive in these lines, in a most catching tune, enticing the audience...and the singer continued ending the electrifying musical extravaganza to a grand finale. It lasted for ninety long minutes.

Bhagawan called the singer unto Him to felicitate him by draping a shawl over him before blessing the whole troupe with safari pieces. It was 1910 hrs. and Bhagawan indicated for Mangala Arathi. Upon accepting Arathi, Bhagawan sat on and the session continued. The artiste on the Tabla who was vibrant with his 'hand-finger-tabla' combo won special acclaim as Bhagawan made a typical gesture indicating rhythmic beat of Tabla on his fingertips and as the artiste moved towards Bhagawan to receive his share of blessings, 'crowd' went into raptures in special appreciation.
Next to come was an emerald ring for the singer and subsequently Bhagawan asked the State President to announce about the next evening's programme. Delhi Youth would be staging a drama entitiled "Guru Krupa" as per the announcement made. Time clock ticked to 1922 hrs. and Bhagawan indicated for another Mangala Arathi. Upon accepting Arathi, after blessing the concourse with abhayahastha, Bhagawan sat for a while gesticulating the students and the youth to go and have food. They burst into 'silent' laughters enjoying every bit of His Love and concern! A short interaction with a bhajan singer ensued before Bhagawan went for the the 'final move' to retire to Yajur Mandiram at 1930 hrs.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Mon, Aug 9, 2010: Today, in the evening that had no 'special' schedule, Bhagawan emerged at 1725 hrs. to come for a slow, 'detailed' round of darshan. Coming onto the portico, Bhagawan blessed 'Team Vidya Vahini' before proceeding to come onstage, past 1745 hrs., from the right of Ganesha. Before assuming His original seat, Bhagawan paused for a while facing the university block, casting His Divine benedictory glance.
With no special programme scheduled for the evening it was 'soulful' bhajans that ensued after four days passed with noughts, and the capacity audience enjoyed every bit of the session with Bhagawan sitting through for seventy five minutes.
As bhajans went on, forty minutes into the session, there was a pause as Bhagawan called one of the lead bhajan singing duo unto the dais, conversing and blessing the pair with Vibhuti prasadam. Session continued with bhajans taking the lead. Another singer got to get His attention, and this time Bhagawan blessed the boy with a golden chain. It was 1833 hrs. and Bhagawan nodded for Mangala Arathi. As Arathi was on simultaneously blessed prasadam distribution also went on. A minute's pause ensued after the Arathi and Bhagawan asked for an encore of "Samastha Lokaaha...".
When human minds 'declared' the session over, Bhagawan had other plans and He sat through, glancing upon the boys and it was obvious that The Lord was in a mood to continue. As He was browsing through the group of boys in the front block it was apparent that Bhagawan was ready for 'His Pick' and the boys in the block got alerted and sat glued to the beauteous form. ...And the vast concourse was enjoying this Divine play involving The Lord and His 'properties'. One of the boys working with the Prasanthi Digital Studio got His attention followed by a faculty from Brindavan....and He called the senior lead singer followed by the singing pair once again...another pair followed and time clock was inching forward...it was about to be 1900 hrs. and Bhagawan indicated that it was time to move.
...And He moved off, taking a right turn, coming onto the lower verandah from the right of Ganesha, to move on retiring to Yajur Mandiram.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Sun, Aug 8, 2010: Today, in the evening, emerging quite early at 1555 hrs., Bhagawan went for a half-round before taking a detour through the middle path to come onto the portico, not before pausing for a while at the primary block amusing the tiny tots, who enhanced the Veda chanting, joining en masse.
State Chief Minister Mr. K.Rosaiah along with another two ministers were awaiting Bhagawan in the Mandir. Blessing the Chief Minister with a twenty minute interview, Bhagawan spent next fifty minutes in before emerging at 1655 hrs., to move into the bhajan hall. Exiting from the bhajan hall Bhagawan came onstage at 1700 hrs., from the left of Ganesha commencing the proceedings for the day.
Birthday benedictions to students followed before the West Indian troupe moved onto the dais seeking invocatory blessings for its scheduled cultural presentation.
Continuing with the ongoing series of cultural presentations by visiting overseas groups, a group of nations from the Caribbean Islands presented a musical offering of West Indies Love, entitled Unity in Diversity. The island nations participated included Aruba, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Guyana etc. Over 240 devotees from the above island nations have joined in this pilgrimage to Prasanthi Nilayam.

Veda chanting ceased at 1710 hrs. before the the Island Nations' offering of Love blossomed in the form of a small stint of Vedam. Continuing from there they presented an array of seven songs, fast numbers, accompanied by scintillating music. The first song was the famous Harry Belafonte composition, "Island in the Sun", an illustration of daily life and living in the island nation. Next number to follow was "One Love, One Heart" of Bob Marley, on the Brotherhood of Man and Fatherhood of God. Third one "Oh Children of Noble and Ancient Culture" 'spoke about' the story of ancestral indian migration of 'great labour' into the island lantion, buiding the 'new home' adhering to Dharma, that was carried from India. Four more songs followed, all sounding Love for the Lord before the Balvikas children and the Young Adults took over with a unique music extravaganza, an instrumental on Steelpan.
Tassa drums or Steelpans are claimed to have originated in the Carribean islands, known as the traditional or Indigenous musical instrument of the island nation made purely out of used oil barrels.

Playing on the tassa drums, this group of children, tuned to the finger baton of the conductor, created a west indian canvas on the waning hour of the day, showcasing the rarest of the culture of the island nation, as a loving offering at the Lotus Feet of Bhagawan. Both the offerings were conducted by Rana Mohip from Trinidad and Tobago.
Earlier, introducing the programme, a menion was made of the humanitarian services rendered by the island nations during the devastating earthquake that rocked Haiti early this year.
This fifteen minute offering was followed by a couple of bhajans by the troupe before Bhagawan called for Mangala Arathi at 1755 hrs. Upon accepting Arathi, blessing prasadam for distribution, Bhagawan moved off the dais into the interview room. A minute later He emerged to glide into the ladies side, and as He was on the move, it started raining outside. His Divine Chariot came rushing awating the Lord, parked just inside the entrance point from the Yajur Mandiram. Bhagawan glided past, once again, opting out the car, retiring to Yajur Mandiram.
The weekend session that began quite early, just before 1600 hrs., ended in two hours. at 1800 hrs.
A big contingent of 'green scarved' men and women devotees numbering over 1200 from Region 94 of Sri Sathya Sai Organisations, from the United Arab Emirates, have arrived Prasanthi commencing its ten days' pilgirmage.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Sat, Aug 7, 2010: This morning, making an early entry at 0733 hrs. to the chants of Vedam, Bhagawan went for a quick round of darshan before getting into the interview room at 0740 hrs. With Vedic chants continuing, Bhagawan spent next more than half-an-hour inside granting interview to some Italian devotees. In the meanwhile bhajans commenced at the scheduled hour, at 0900.
Emerging at 0915 hrs. Bhagawan glided through the upper portico, conversing and blessing some, before 'turning about' from half way stage, to come onstage, via doctors' block, past 0920 hrs. A crescendo in bhajans marked His grand entry and the happiness of the multude was evident from the extra smile lit on many a face present. Soon it was time for Mangala Arathi. Upon accepting Arathi, Bhagawan moved off the dais to glide into the ladies'end, at 0925 hrs., moving slowly, blessing many, towards Yajur Mandiram.
Bhagawan was onstage just for five minutes, but that was enough for this multitude to get charged awaiting their next blessed opportunity.
This evening, emerging at 1654 hrs. to the holy Vedic incantations, Bhagawan wafted among the multitude, slowly, glancing upon many and blessing before completing a full round. Men and women seated from Northern European countries and the tiny tots from Easwaramma English Medium School earned special attention as Bhagawan spent quite sometime attending to these groups.
Coming onstage in sixteen minutes, at 1710 hrs., Bhagawan sat on, watching over, listening to the Vedic incantations enhanced by the tiny tots from Easwaramma English Medium School.

Taking their turn, Northern European Choir comprising of 12 countries from European Zone 7 of Sri Sathya Sai Organisations, Overseas was blessed by Bhagawan to stage a Choir programme entitled ALL ARE ONE. Participating countries were Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Poland and Sweden. Over three hundred men and women from these countries have joined this pilgrimage to Prasanthi Nilayam lasting for ten days.
While the Veda chanting continued some of the men from the group got special attention from Bhagawan as He chose to interact with them. Familiar figure during Christmas Choir and singer of repute, Gisela Sebastian from Germany won special Divine attention as Bhagawan materialised a golden chain for the blessed artiste, well received with roar of applause.

Veda chanting ceased at 1735 hrs. and following initial invocation and an announcement on the scheduled programme by the programme co-ordinator, the choristers began their 'journey' with a piece of Indian incantation, Ganesha Prarthana, invoking Lord Ganesha.
Continuing with the Indian tongue, this all 'European Choir' sang two more pieces, one from The Bhagavad Gita followed by " Bhumi Mangalam" before switching over to its comfort zone, English and some regional languages, namely, German, Lithuanian and French.
Accompanied by fine piece of music, generating harmonious rhythm, at times fitting synchronised clappings, more of Indian style, the choristers produced a musical evening of dedication and devotion to the delight of the evening's capacity audience. The Choir was ably conducted by Ms. Alma Badings from The Netherlands, a familiar face in Prasanthi during X-Mas Children Choir, with Ms. Gisela Sebastian leading 'the singing' from the front, laying extra hands on the keys of harmonium.
Musical pieces for the evening included Hallelujah from Handel's Messiah, Ode to Joy, a customised Beethoven classic etc. Many hymns had interesting refrains, direct prayers unto Him, and some of them were quite noteworthy for the manner in which they were produced, quite typical, loud, fast and bringing abrupt end, resuliting in eruping greater enthusiasm and joy. Final pieces were one on "Unity" followed by a "Wishing Happy Days" to The Dearest Lord.

Fifty minutes' programme was followed by twenty minutes' bhajans by the choristers. As they began to sing, Bhagawan blessed singer Gisela Sebastian with a print of her blessed snap with Bhagawan, materialising the chain. Prasadam got sanctified by His touch and as the distribution went on, after 5-6 bhajans, sung with elan suffused with devotion, Bhagawan called for Mangala Arathi. Upon accepting Arathi, Bhagawan spent another five minutes onstage, glancing at the choristers, blessing two of the men, including the youngster who was on the harmonium, before leaving the dais at 1855 hrs.
Moving off the dais, Bhagawan interacted with many before drifting into the bhajan hall for a round of inspection. Spending ten minutes inside, Bhagawan emerged yet again and The Divine Chariot, His car was ready. Opting out the car, as Bhagawan glided towards the ladies'' side, a loud cheer emanated from the section, a natural expression of greater joy at getting one more close darshan. Time clock showed 1910 hrs. when Bhagawan left the portico gliding towards Yajur Mandiram, bringing curtains down on this blessed saturday.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Fri, Aug 6, 2010: Today, this evening, with the holy chants of Vedam reverberating in the air, Bhagawan emerged at 1645 hrs. to come for a slow, full round of darshan that took nearly fifteen minutes. Coming onstage at 1700 hrs., from the right of Ganesha, as Bhagawan settled, Veda chanting ceased in next five minutes giving way to the evening's culltural presentation by Team UK.
After initial invocation by the officials seeking blessings before the presentation, Dana Gillespie, well known western vocalist of the popular London Blues Band presented the programme to the audience in her booming voice.

The UK had two programmes of twenty minutes duration in store. The first programme was a Children Choir participated by around 200 SSE children, both boys and girls, from different parts of the Kingdom. Producing six songs, sung in Voice of Unity, ably conducted by Zita Starkie with Richard Braithwaite strumming the guitar, the choir had many little hands strumming various instruments that were in proportion to their 'size'. The six hymns included, All You Need is Love...from the Beatles by George Harrison, My Sweet Lord..., Lord's Command, a scottish number, Day by Day...to end up with Lord of the Dance...

The Children presentation was followed by the National Youth Choir of the United Kingdom. The presentation entitled "All is One" was unique, conducted by Dana Gillespie on the ladies' side with Tim Cross for the gents. Starting with "The Seed is Sown...", they continued with some interesting numbers including one from the Upanishads, another one of more than hundred years old, still relevant in the present time, ...singing "Amazing Grace..." symbolic of Bhagawan's grace that brought them unto Prasanthi Nilayam, to end up with a medley of hindi songs from the 1940's joined by the entire UK contingent, en masse.

A couple of bhajans by the UK troupe followed as directed by Bhagawan. Time clock ticked to 1900 hrs. and Bhagawan called for Mangala Arathi. Upon accepting Arathi, a lengthy pause ensued and prasadam distribution was on. Calling the three conductors, Bhagawan materialised Vibhuti prasadam for the trio while blessing them with interaction. After a ten minute pause, Bhagawan indicated for bhajans by the UK contingent. Two bhajans followed after which second Arathi was offered. Upon accepting the same Bhagawan moved off the dais at 1925 hrs., to retire to Yajur Mandiram in His car.
Earlier while gliding past during His darshan round, Bhagawan was quite 'attentive' at the UK block, glancing over, blessing the contingent including the tiny tots who were seated in the front block.
An approximate number of over 1500 from the United Kingdom have joined this pilgrimage that would last tomorrow....And a strong contingent of over 1200 from the United Arab Emirates would be reaching the day after.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Thu, Aug 5, 2010: With Bhagawan amidst us, every day, every moment is auspicious; still, Holy Thursday assumes a special significance in Prasanthi and thus the title ‘The Auspicious Day’.
Today, on this auspicious Thursday evening, emerging at 1705 hrs. to the chants of Vedam, Bhagawan went for a slow round of darshan before ascending the portico in fifteen minutes.
The Lord who had long ago declared ‘Fostering the Vedas’ as one of His prime mission goals seemed to be explicitly doing the same; Bhagawan spent awhile at the primary block watching ‘little buds’ blossoming breathing Vedic air. As He made His presence, the children got into a crescendo, ‘chanting to the heavens’ fully immersed in His presence.
Gliding through the lower portico, blessing the mandolin duo, U Srinivas and U Rajesh, Bhagawan came onstage at 1725 hrs. Vedam chanting ceased in next five minutes and something special was in the offing.

This time it was to be a Mandolin Serenade! Carnatic music was to flow from the mouth of the tiny brittle instrument called Mandolin! The little lad whose musical genius made him a child prodigy, who weaved carnatic musical magic on his chosen instrument, who went on to become a maestro in the art, Mandolin U Srinivas, alongwith his sibling Mandolin U Rajesh, was to perform onstage in the Divine presence.
As the duo took Bhagawan's blessings, music flowed asserting her oneness with Him, as if emphatically reiterating the saying, "Music is Divine". Playing selected Carnatic collections, ably assisted by 'in-house' men on Tabla and Mridangam, the duo presented a fitting tribute to some of the past Masters of Carnatic Music, dedicating the presentation to the Master Musician whose greater benevolence played host to the evening's musical serenade.
Starting with Vatapi Ganapatim of Muthuswami Dikshitar the duo went on playing Endaro Mahanubhavulu, Telisi Rama, Rama Nannu Brovara, all compositions of Saint Thyagaraja , Raghuvamsa Sudha of Patnam Subramaniam Iyer to end with Venkatachala Nilayam Vaikunta Puravasam of Saint Purandara Dasa.The duo has been awaiting ‘their’ turn during the past few days, praying fervently for His Divine approval.

The stage was perfect with the semblance of Music and the Divine, inviting attention riveted onstage. It is rightly said, Music is Divine! When music starts flowing time stands still. An hour passed by and it was music all over with its serene façade charming the enchanting Divine and the blessed assembly on this blessed ‘the auspicious Thursday’.
What followed was honouring of the artistes. The duo was felicitated and draped with Shawls by Bhagawan. Accompanists on table and mridangam were also blessed by Bhagawan. Bhagawn blessed the 'foursome' with clothes as well.
As is seen these days, Bhagawan often brings His 'special brand' concluding such sessions in style. A short bhajan session ensued, producing two scintillating aalaap bhajans on Lord Sri Rama, Sri Raghavam and Allaho Akbar before Bhagawan indicated for Mangala Arathi. Upon accepting Arathi, Bhagawan moved off the dais at 1900 hrs. to get into His car, retiring for the day at 1905 hrs., not before blessing the assembly with His abhayahastha.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Wed, Aug 4, 2010: Today, this evening, 'lighting and lifting' thousands assembled in the Sai Kulwant Hall that was almost filled to capacity Bhagawan emerged at 1720 hrs. to the holy chants of Vedam. Coming into the hall, Bhagawan glided through quite slow, blessing many before completing a fifteen minute round of darshan. In the meantime Bhajans had begun at the scheduled hour at 1730. Upon ascending the portico Bhagawan moved straight into the interview room. Emerging in five minutes, Bhagawan glided through the rows of men seated in the upper verandah to turn about from the half way point returning to the interview room.
A brief pause ensued after which Bhagawan came onstage at 1755 hrs. from the right of Ganesha. Many young entrepreneurs and business men from corporate conglomerate were seen vying for an opportunity to have His attention and Bhagawan was seen accepting letters from some of them.
A blissful bhajans session ensued as Bhagawan sat through the next more than half-an-hour. At 1830 hrs. Bhagawan indicated for Mangala Arathi, and upon leaving the dais, blessing some on His way, Bhagawan got into His car retiring to Yajur Mandiram at 1840 hrs.
The surge of devotees' continues in Prasanthi with many groups, big and small, joining the floating 'crowd' of devotees. Apart from a big contingent from the UK, scheduled to stay until 7 Aug, a mini group of over 300 from North Europe and another one from the West Indies are also camping awaiting their turn. Keeping the ball rolling, the UK contingent would be followed by another big group from The United Arab Emirates, reaching Prasanthi on 8 Aug.
The three day workshop of "Innovation and Leadership..." at Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning concluded this evening with concluding remarks and vote of thanks by students and faculties from the Institute. The final session on Innovation in the Social Sector was attended by Ms. Prerana Langa, VP - Strategy and Communication, ICICI Foundation for Inclusive Growth, PS Gunasekharan, Founder and CEO of YouSee and Ramanjith Singh, CEO, KAG.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Tue, Aug 3, 2010: Today, in the evening, coming out in His car at 1718 hrs., Bhagawan came onstage, via doctors' block, at 1725 hrs. after a full round of darshan.
The evening was earmarked for the state of Haryana and Chandigarh to echo its voice of gratitude to Bhagawan in His immediate Divine presence.
The state that is considered as the cradle of ancient civilisation is credited with playing host to the epic Mahabharata War, where blossomed Lord's eternal message, The Bhagavad Gita.

...And the evening presentation by the Sai Youth from the state had an interesting episode from the epic. The presentation entitled 'Satyam Vada Dharmam Chara' was a pointer towards the present day plight of the youth, living in utter confusion, being enticed by the influence of hollow western materialism. Bringing flashback from the epic Mahabharata, adapting the Yaksha - Yudhishtira conversation, the presentation in Hindi made an attempt to offer a viable solution to the perturbed youth of the day. Winning the heart of the disarrayed youth, the Sai Youth introduced their present day task, as assigned by Bhagawan, thus introducing the 'Lord Walking on Earth' to the confused lot. Convinced of the mighty mission set in motion by Bhagawan, the youth sung in unison a melodious song echoing that "life with Sai is meaningful", bringing curtains down on the half-an-hour presentation.
Earlier, this short play was preceded by a Bal Vikas presentation entitled "Hari Ka Haryana" . The presentation, a music dance ballet was a depiction of the vibrant Haryanvi culture. At the end of the half-an-hour colourful programme, after presenting various facets of the rich culture of the state, the children declared that they are beholden to Bhagawan, now and forever, claiming 'themselves' to be the "Voice of Grateful Haryana".

As Bhagawan had moved off the dais towards the end of the second presentation, a ten minutes pause ensued before Bhagawan came onstage at 1845 hrs. 'Presentation ceremony' continued with boys and girls receiving sarees and safari pieces. At 1850 hrs., at the end of the 'presentation ceremony', Bhagawan moved down the dais to pose with the group for a 'snap with the Divine', boys and girls seperately. Upon returning onstage Bhagawan indicated for Mangala Arathi.
A brief pause ensued after which, as ordained by Bhagawan, lead bhajan singer burst open in his melodious voice singing the famous Bhadrachala Ramdas composition, "O Raamaa Nee Naamam Entha Ruchi Raa, Emi Ruchi Raa Raamaa - O Raamaa", meaning O Sri Rama, how tasty is Your Name, O Rama, Your Name is so tasty!, sung with elan lighting up the final moments of the day's session.
Time ticked away to 1910 hrs. and Bhagawan indicated for another Arathi. Upon accepting Arathi, Bhagawan paused for a while, looking at the children seated in the front block, asking them to go and have food. Children greeted the Divine gesture with applause and Bhagawan moved off. Leaving the dais, Bhagawan boarded His car at 1916 hrs. retiring to Yajur Mandiram. Prasadam was distributed to the entire assemblage.
Earlier, before coming in for the day's darshan, Bhagawan moved out of Yajur Mandiram in the car, to Poornachandra side for a Divine round of inspection.

...And on Day - 2 of the "Innovation on Leadership" workshop at the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, discussions on three diverse topics, "Innovation - Some Additional Perspective", "Innovation for Growth - PSU/Manufacturing Sector", "Innovation - A Policy Perspective" etc., were held during the pre and post lunch sessions. During the first session held in the morning, one of the familiar names from telecommunication industry, Mr. Sam Pitroda, well known for his revolutionary ideas in the field, currently serving as Advisor to the Prime Minister of India on Public Information, Infrastructure and Innovations, also joined the deliberations on the subject 'Action plan for a decade of Innovation', via videoteleconference, connecting Prasanthi Nilayam to Chicago where he is camping now..
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Mon, Aug 2, 2010: Today, this evening, a brief pause ensued after the regular one hour Vedic chants before Bhagawan emerged at 1740 hrs. welcomed with a fresh round of chants. Coming for a complete round of darshan. Bhagawan moved through the pathway, quite slow, blessing many, including a strong 600 plus contingent from Southern Europe that was scheduled to sing in the evening. As Bhagawan came onto the portico He was greeted with Roses by some of the prominent names in Indian Business Industry, that included N.Chandrasekharan, CEO, Tata Consultancy Service and Jagdish Capoor, Chairman, HDFC Bank.
Gliding past the lower portico, coming onstage at 1805 hrs., from the right of Ganesha, Bhagawan blessed the officials from Southern Europe to commence the programme.

Yes, the spirit of celebration continues in Prasanthi. Celebrating the Divine proximity, men and women from Region 6 of Sathya Sai Seva Organisations - Overseas, comprising of ten countries, namely, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia and Switzerland joined together to present a "Unity in Diversity' concert, singing an array of songs in English, French, Italian, Swiss, Spanish and Greek ending with a refrain "Love All Serve All".

This en masse devotional rendering in varied tongues had the accompaniment of fine piece of music scored by different hands on different instruments. At the end of the forty minute session, special Italian prasadam was blessed by Bhagawan and, as the choristers continued with bhajans, this prasadam was distributed to the choir members. Bhajans in Indian tongue, emerged from over 600 vocal cords with Bhagawan presiding over the session crowning the dais, literally lit the waning twilight inducing great devotional fervour.
Accepting Mangala Arathi after three bhajans Bhagawan moved off the dais to get into His car at 1915 hrs. retiring for the day.
Now, from Prasanthi Mandir to the hallowed portals of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam.
A high-profile Management Development Programme on the theme “Innovation and Leadership in Business, Government and Community” is being held in the Multimedia Room of the Prasanthi Nilayam Campus under the auspices of School of Business Management of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam.

The programme got underway this morning with Dr. R. Chidambaram, Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India, lighting the lamp, officially inaugurating the programme in presence of scores of other distinguished dignitories and University officials.
Prominent names, apart from Dr. R.Chidambaram, participating in the three day programme are, Sharad C. Bhargava, Senior VP, L & T, N. Chandrasekharan, CEO, Tata Consultancy Services, Jagdish Capoor, Chairman, HDFC Bank, V. Raja, President & CEO, GE Healthcare, India, RC Bhargava, Chairman, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd., Robert Naylor, Former CIO, US Small Business Administration, Dr. JS Sarma, Chairman, TRAI, Sam Ganga, Senior VP, Digital Management, Ramnathan V Guha, Distinguished Scientist, Google and Krishna Mikkilineni, President, Honeywell Technology Solutions etc.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II
Sun, Aug 1, 2010: Today, in the weekend evening, Bhagawan emerged at 1805 hrs. to come for a full round of darshan. Completing the round, pausing for a while at the primary block, Bhagawan moved further into the ladies' side bringing an extra smile on many a face with His 'extra darshan'. After moving a full length, Bhgawan returned moving towards the portico.
Upon coming onto the portico, Bhagawan moved through to come onstage just before 1830 hrs., from the right of Ganesha, marked by a crescendo in bhajans.
As bhajans went on, birthday boys took their turn to receive special benedictions. Daylight's 'descending beauty', twilight, brings greater charm, adding splendour to Prasanthi's 'amphitheatre', projecting the Mighty Divine Persona on the centre stage, illuminating thousands of hearts and minds elevating the souls. ...And the capacity audience on this weekend session had it in full measure.
Time ticked away to 1855 hrs. and Bhagawan indicated for Mangala Arathi. Upon accepting Arathi, Bhagawan moved into the interview room. Coming out in five minutes, Bhagawan moved past the upper portico, casting His benedictory glance upon many, granting another round of 'extra darshan'. Moving down, Bhagawan glided through the lower portico, retiring for the day at 1915 hrs.

Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India, Dr. R. Chidambaram was in Prasanthi for the evening darshan. Dr. Chidambaram would be attending a two day workshop, commencing today, organised by the School of Business Management and Finance at Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam.
II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II |